
Whimp Whamp Whump

@luminouswhump / luminouswhump.tumblr.com

Call me Dune! ✨ 24 years old ✨ they/them ✨ whump blog ✨ minors please don't interact ✨ WARNING: OCCASIONALLY NSFW ✨

A deal with the devil: part one

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Dr. Es had found him. fuck. Phoenix had been out on a routine solo patrol, nothing more dangerous than a misguided teen trying to rob an old lady for cash was supposed to come in his path. He would swoop in, stop the mugging and try his best to help the kid to survive by somewhat less illegal means of existence, you know, the usual. But Phoenix hadn't been so lucky today. Currently he was on the floor, trapped in a net made out of material he was unfamiliar with, all he knew is that it somehow paralyzed his wings and made him crash land in the sketchy alley he'd been monitoring. Nobody had noticed him or the unheroic whimpers and colourful curses he'd made upon impact, apart from the no doubt extremely confused stray cat that had dashed out from under a nearby trash container. My bad buddy, didn't mean to get shot out of the sky so close to your napping spot. Phoenix' limbs were all tangled up and his wings were dead weight on his back, he managed to flap them uselessly which took immense focus to do so.

Panic was starting to creep up on him and he tried to find an opening in the net, there had to be one, nets had openings and he just needed to find it. His breathing and heartrate were starting to speed up when his search for the opening went on for another minute, and another. Where the fuck is the opening?! He heard footsteps approaching and the panic set in for real, Phoenix might be a superhero, but even superheroes get scared and if there was one thing he feared it was being trapped in small spaces, especially with his wings out of commission. shit shit shit shit SHIT.

Suddenly the net lit up with an electric current. His muscles seized and Phoenix let out a loud groan through gritted teeth, unable to unclench his jaws to scream properly.

"I suggest you stop struggling little birdie, you won't be getting out of there unless I let you"


One I LOVE but never see: Living Battery

  • Superhero Whumpee being used to power something for the Villain
  • Nonhuman Whumpee has magical blood that can be used to power machines and having their blood drained
  • Whumper having multiple magic Whumpees so that once one is fully drained or too tired to produce magic they just move on to the next one
  • Cyborg/Robot Whumper that leeches off of other cyborgs/robots to gain energy
  • Alien Whumpee being used to power a spaceship
  • A tiny Whumpee with electricity powers being put in the battery slot of an electronic appliance so they're a literal battery (this may be inaccurate but idc)

Just thinkin about living batteries

Feel free to add onto any of my prompts!


Whumpee being manhandled into restraints:

  • Shoved up against a wall and handcuffed.
  • Pinned to the floor and handcuffed.
  • Fighting for each limb as they’re forced down on a table, slowly secured by leather restraints.
  • Overwhelmed by multiple Whumpers, each one working to subdue them.
  • Yanked back by their hair so a collar or rope can easily be fitted around their throat.
  • Pinned while in combat (double points for being caged against a wall or trapped in a chokehold)
  • Improvised restraints like belts, sheets, or clothing when Whumpee won’t be still enough to retrieve proper ones.
  • Manhandled in a hospital bed, held down for the duration of a procedure.
  • Injected with a chemical restraint, a sedative or numbing agent that quickly bleeds the fight out of them.
  • Struggling as a muzzle is wrestled over their head and secured.
  • A blow to the head that knocks Whumpee out or makes them too dizzy to fight anyone off.

That moment when Whumpee overwhelmed with the pain of their injuries, screams and yells Caretaker’s name in desperation. And all Caretaker can do to stop their agony and writhing, is gently quiet them before getting started on treatment.

The “Shh, shh, shh. I know…I know” as they take a moment to brush a hand through Whumpee’s hair or cup their cheek. Softening their features to comfort them.


Whumper pressing a knee into Whumpee’s back, pinning them to the ground with their own weight. A gloved hand yanking at a fistful of hair. A knife angled against Whumpee’s throat, Whumper’s voice whispering a warning or a threat into their ear.


I like tied up Whumpees as much as the next person but you know what I love?

Mental Restraints

Whumpee being forced to hold still while they are beaten to a pulp while their s/o is held at gunpoint. Locking their arms behind their back, digging their own nails into their skin as to not make a move.

Whumpee who cannot scream or make any other sound because rough punishment awaits if they do.

Whumpee who is guaranteed to come back after tasks obediently because Whumper has something or someone they want.

Whumpee who cannot hurt someone else because their morals hinder them. Leading them into an even worse situation.

Whumpee having to do anything Whumper asks of them because blackmail material exists and got into the wrong hands. Or even better, has been faked but is good enough to ruin Whumpees whole life if they don't play nice.

The helplessness of being aware that they are physically capable to end all of this in a bloody mess. But the price is too high.


“I will do anything,” Caretaker pleaded from their knees. “Just – don’t hurt him. He’s not your enemy. I am.”

Whumper narrowed his eyes, considering, but did not let go of Whumpee, whom he had pinned against the wall, his hand wrapped around the throat of the defenseless boy, who didn’t have enough life in him to put up a fight anymore. “What do you have to offer?”

“What do you want?” Caretaker stared at Whumper. “My life? My freedom? Let him go and whatever it is you want from me, I will give you without a fight.”

“I want you to suffer,” Whumper spat, fingers tightening around half-conscious Whumpee’s neck. Whumpee’s breaths were becoming more shallow and raspy, and Whumper grinned toothily at the pure panic and desperation on Caretaker’s face. “And what would be a better way to make that happen than through him?”


There’s something about the moment when the up-till-then defiant protagonist—now bound, gagged, and defeated—accepts their fate.

The antagonist stands over them, crowing gleefully over their victory. Hissing lies or taunts into their ear. Reminding them of how woefully they’ve failed.

There’s something about the moment you see the shift in the protagonist’s eyes.

The moment their head dips, hangs low.



If you have a team, let only one suffer;

  • have the team captured and let the whumper or villain chosen only a single person to suffer for everyone
  • let the chosen whumpee have to beg for something as basic as water and food for the group
  • have them kneel and humiliate themselves in front of the team to slowly start breaking their pride and ego (especially if it's the team leader or a super strong whumpee who's very proud and confident in themselves)
  • have them lick the whumper/ villains boots, kiss their hand, act like an animal or let them get whipped or hurt for those basic things but which are necessary for the groups survival
  • bonus if when the desired goods arrive and are given, the chosen whimper gets nothing and has to starve and be thirsty for the groups survival and well being
  • ...
  • let only one be taken away for questioning or to be tortured
  • have the team watch how the chosen whumpee is whipped, beaten, hurt in unimaginable painful ways, have them watch them starve and be slowly broken
  • let the team be eaten alive by guilt as they watch the once so confident whumpee get broken down methodically
  • have the team beg and cry when after another session the limo body of the whumpee get thrown carelessly back into the cell, have them beg to be replaced by another
  • it's cruel physical torture for the chosen one and psychological torture for the helpless rest who can't do anything but watch

TW: mentions of torture

Imagine a Whumpee who uses some sort of metal weapon. After getting captured, the Whumper melts it down into a collar and chains

“Well, I figured you didn’t need this anymore, so I took the liberty to change it into something more useful”


Hands in Whump

-Running a gentle hand through Whumpee's hair, whispering reassurances into their ear.

-Grabbing Whumpee's arm to stop them from escaping, digging their nails into the flesh.

-A red, stinging handprint left on the side of Whumpee's face after a slap.

-Caretaker using their thumb to wipe tears off of Whumpee's face.

-Fingers intertwined, comforting pressure on the hand.

-Placing the back of the hand on Whumpee's forehead to check their fever.

-A hand broken after being stomped on by Whumper, Whumpee trying to get their fingers to move.

-Palms and fingers burned on a hot pan or stove.

-Fingernails being broken or ripped out.

-Cupping Whumpee's face.

-A hand clasped over the mouth to keep Whumpee from screaming

-Gentle hands applying bandages to aching wounds.

-An outstretched hand, offering aid and protection.

-Hands in the air to signal surrender.

-Whumpee covering their face with their hands so nobody can see them cry.

-Hands clasped over the back of Whumpee's neck as protection from an imminent beating.

And so, so much more!


Magic Whumps #1

  • Whumpee being restrained with invisible bindings that just get tighter the harder they pull.
  • whumpee starting to scream and they suddenly lose their voice, they look in fear and Whumper has their voice, a glowing little orb, in their hand.
  • When they tighten their grip on it whumpee can feel their voice dying in their throat
  • Whumpee attempting to escape and they see the light at the end of the tunnel. There whole body freezes up at the last minute and they can’t move
  • Hearing Whumper’s footsteps behind them and physically can’t move a muscle to get away from their grasp.
  • Dropping limp in air as Whumper floats them back to their cage, while whumpee whimpers are much as they can through closed lips

whumper who is rich and extravagant and travels often. whumpee revels in this lavish lifestyle, taking advantage of it to the best of their abilities: parties, booze, drugs, the works. they become known as whumper’s party-animal partner/companion, and are more into the lifestyle than whumper. things start to degrade the more whumpee gets into it: their makeup gets worse, concealing bruises poorly, if they even remember. they were more skimpy clothes, revealing the scars and marks. people begin to notice the way they flinch away from touch, when someone raises their hand, raised voices. whumpee doesn’t allow themself to develop any meaningful relationships, opting for one-time things, because they know whumper will punish them more if they do they meet someone special; maybe someone that falls in love with them, maybe someone that sees through the mess and wants to help them. whatever the case, the two become close, until whumper confronts the now-caretaker, subtly but firmly pushing them away from whumpee. caretaker isn’t fooled, and comes back with help, to save whumpee. they flee, and escape. whumpee is free, and with caretaker, but they have to be wary of the long, wealthy arm of whumper’s influence, hunting for them, for the rest of their days

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