
It's the dog's bed

@thedogsbed / thedogsbed.tumblr.com

(But the cats are always on it.)

Im still confused with some functionalities of this app, but i will keep uploading my artworks here. Btw thanks for ur support❤️


don’t have any other ideas right now, so here’s a shitpost!


People seem to not know how old writers are when they make their stories.

Stephanie Meyer wrote Twilight in 2003, at age 29

Cassandra Clare started writing Mortal Instruments in 2004, at age 31

Rick Riordan published Percy Jackson & the Olympians, the book about 12yrolds, at age 41

George R. R. Martin published A Game of Thrones, at age 48

You can't even use the "but fanfiction isn't real writing" argument because of how many fanfiction turn movies there is. They are clearly enough of a story to be made into published books.

Anna Renee Todd's After series was a Harry Styles fanfiction, which was published in 2014, when she was 25

E.L. James Fifty Shades of Grey series was a Twilight fanfiction, which was published in 2011, when she was 48

Mortal Instruments was a Harry Potter fanfiction.

Why must they act like After someone turns 20 their life ends, like people can't have hobbies???


He wants to laugh at the irony, he really does, as he lets Potter brand his arm and override the dark mark with a new one.


(hey i managed to finish this just in time for valentine!) i’ve been listening to some harry/draco audiofics and was inspired to paint a little something as thanks to the hp fandom, since i can’t actually write and all. Thank you guys for your work!


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I can’t stress enough how much the John Green debacle was an early example of how cancel culture and purity culture combine to make people feel righteously justified to engage in harassment.

John Green, during his time on tumblr, committed the heinous sins of…being neurodivergent and talking openly about it, earnestly interacting with fans in a very direct and unfiltered way, and writing about teenagers navigating first love and sexuality while he himself was an adult. The worst things he ever did were be a little cringe or misspeak, for which he was always prompt to apologize (often whether he really needed to or not).

Yet despite the former two being things tumblr claimed to love and the last one being true of 99.99% of YA authors, in this case a large segment of tumblr users steeped in the early 2010s resurgence of purity culture decided that these things were suspicious and predatory, and used that as an excuse to justify some truly awful behavior.

Which is really all that cancel culture is: the normalization and even celebration of the process of misapplying morality or ethics to dehumanize someone for the express purpose of justifying whatever pain and suffering you want to inflict upon them. Basically, deciding “this person is bad, so I am exempt from affording them basic respect and human dignity, and am allowed to cross any and all otherwise uncrossable lines in order to punish them without damaging my own moral or ethical standing.”

Contrary to popular tumblr lore, the infamous “cock monologue” was not the sum total of the harassment, or even the worst of it. Callout blogs issued long lists of “receipts” about how terrible John Green was, most if not all of which were either taken out of context or completely refutable. His works were torn to shreds by people who’d never read them, as evidenced by much of the criticism being obviously and blatantly counter to the actual contents of the books.

Not that it mattered. Once the John Green hate party reached a certain level of critical mass, it became less about who he actually was or what he’d done, and more about proving you were a good person by hating him. That’s the natural conclusion of cancel culture, after all: virtue signalling by identifying yourself in opposition to the cancelled parties. They’re bad, and I’m good, so I hate them! Or, more often: They’re bad, and I hate them, so I’m good!

Before it was over with, John Green had been accused, with no evidence, of being everything from a Nazi to a pedophile and subjected to hate mail and death threats. He eventually left the site for the sake of his own mental health, and because he no longer felt comfortable engaging directly with fans in the same way he once had.

Yet even now, with the benefit of hindsight, and even among those who ostensibly reject purity culture and condem bullying and harassment, very few on tumblr take what was done to John Green as seriously as it should be taken or condemn it as thoroughly as it should be condemned. Which I think is something we need to at least consider doing, given the increasing rise of purity and cancel culture online, and given the recent influx of professional creators eager to interact with fans on a more direct level than they have on other social media.

And my concern is not purely, or even primarily, for the Mike Flanagans and Lynda Carters of the world. I’m far more concerned, actually, for the small, independent or self-published creators in this space, and how much even a very small level of visibility gives too many people a feeling of carte blanche to engage in harassment.

I myself have less than 3k followers on here, a handful of popular posts, and zero notoriety or consequence outside of tumblr whatsoever, and I’ve been repeatedly told to kill myself for saying such innocuous things as “I don’t think censorship is the cure for the world’s evils” and “maybe learning the history of communities you want to participate in would be a good idea.”

Thankfully, all it took for me to stop the harassment that came my way was to block those few individuals. But there have been many instances over the years of small creators or just random tumblr users that got a bit popular being stalked, doxxed, swatted, and harassed to the point of leaving the site and dealing with serious mental health issues as a result. It has never been just John Green. John Green isn’t even the worst example. And tumblr has never learned its lesson.


reblabbed without comment

Which is really all that cancel culture is: the normalization and even celebration of the process of misapplying morality or ethics to dehumanize someone for the express purpose of justifying whatever pain and suffering you want to inflict upon them. Basically, deciding “this person is bad, so I am exempt from affording them basic respect and human dignity, and am allowed to cross any and all otherwise uncrossable lines in order to punish them without damaging my own moral or ethical standing.”

this is by far my favorite safety/warning sign btw. they really went off with this one

No cuz I fucking love this sign. It’s not an actual barrier so it’s not like some sort of challenge it simply says “fuck around and you will find out”

Ohohoho I LOVE “fuck around and find out” signs, especially the really dramatic and ominous (but true) ones

(Context for the last one: it’s a WWII era sign posted around the soldiers’ washroom mirror, warning them to never discuss military plans in places where civilians could hear them and report back to the enemy, e.g. in restaurants and pubs in the country. “Loose lips sink ships”.)

I also love these two, which I would place in the category of “You already fucked around, now you’re about to find out.”

Aerated water is fucking scary. It’s water that has a fuckton of gas in it, which reduces the buoyancy to the point where you will immediately start to sink if you fall in.

can we talk about the drowning machine sign, please, guys? i’m dying to talk about the drowning machine sign



Dick’s fingers stutter sometimes.

Jason doesn’t think Dick really notices. The stutter, stutter, stutter of his fingers as they tap against wood, his leg, anything they touch.

Sometimes things slip more easy through Dick’s fingers than they should. If he’s in a bad way, his whole hand shakes.

He’s never seen anyone with a hand tremor that bad. Jason doesn’t comment on it, though. It’s rude. And besides, Dick’s hands never stutter where it matters, so–so maybe it doesn’t matter so bad.

Then Jason comes back from the dead and he’s mad at Bruce and he’s mad at the whole lot of them but some days he can practically hear the Joker laugh as his crowbar cracks against Jason’s fingers and his fingers stutter, too.

Then Jason reconciles, just a little, with Bruce and the others and he’s in the kitchen making hot cocoa for Dick and his fingers stutter, stutter, stutter around the handle of the mug.

It drops with a sharp crack but luckily doesn’t break. A bit of whipped cream falls to the floor but it’s mostly fine.

Jason puts down the other mug and uses both hands to reach down.

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