
The name's Gregor


Insubordinate plebes DNI

WINNERS of Quench Your Thirst: Adult Gregor Fanfiction Competition

Thank you EVERYONE who contributed by writing or reading and taking the time to reblog or vote. We just put this together- YOU make it happen.

Mesh'las! I am impressed by all your exceptional writing talent and, heh, exquisite imaginations. I enjoyed reading them and getting to know you all a little better. 😉

Gregor speaks truth- we were so amazed by all of the stories you all put together. You're doing the makers work with your writing gifts. Keep it up. Please. We need you.

Here are the winning fics!

2nd: Three Wishes by @rain-on-kamino (also our Reader Favorite!)

CONGRATULATIONS!!! As per the contest rules, our winners will be pinned to our clonlyfans blog AND will be pinned to our new NSFO fic page! Each winner will also receive a 'personal Gregor interaction'. (Mun will reach out to you individually.)

Again, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH. This was such a delight, and we can tell you really put time and love into these. You have Gregor (and my) undying love and affection.

Until next time! Heh, there's always a next time 😉

Anonymous asked:

Ask you anything huh? Well. What are your thoughts on plain, shy women?

Heh, no such things as a plain woman. They all sparkle in some way, especially when you treat them the way they deserve. Some attention, some flirting, just watch any woman shine so bright she lights up the room.

Shy, well, there's a difference between shy and reserved. Shy means you want something, but are nervous to reach for it- more to do with fear. Reserved means you take it slow, take your time to open up to express feelings or thoughts.

So - which do you mean, mesh'la?


Puppet!Fives Is becoming very popular around my community! (Or I'm just the weird puppet lady 🤣)

Here he is with Chef Ryan from Wiggly with today's recipe; chicken fajitas!

About time our boy got to try some real food other than rations!

What about you guys, have you ever got to try food other than rations or mess hall grub? What was your favourite?

I’m partial to pizza, but if Chef Ryan is ever on triple zero, I’ll take 3 plates of fajitas 👀

Okay pizza toppings, what's your favourites, do you believe in pineapple on pizza? Discuss.

Feel free to drag your brothers into this one. 😁

All for yourself or are you sharing? 🥙🥙🥙

What's a pineapple?


It's a fruit us nat-borns eat. It's very sweet and delicious. You should give it a try

Well now, look what I found:

Bromelain, an enzyme found in pineapple, triggers testosterone production which can elevate a man's sex drive. High levels of vitamin C and thiamine in pineapple provide a surge of energy to the body too, thus increasing sexual stamina.

Heh, @i-outrank-everyone, think you can get the GAR to prescribe us some pineapple?

Sure, vod. If you can find some of this pineapple stuff, consider this my prescription. Eat all you want.

Why hello there, boys. 😘😘😘😘

I come back from a mission to find all of this? What happened? Did I drink too much at 79's when we celebrated? Did someone spike my drink? @i-outrank-everyone I think @hardcase-ct-yolo put something in my drink again!

You and me both, vod. Why is that shi-shok wearing lingerie? I have so many questions...

Nat borns are very confusing sometimes. The one has lingerie and the other one doesn't? And there is a puppet of me? Where can rel me get food?

I didn't put anything in your drink d'kuit. I don't know why it's wearing lingerie, but it looks delicious.

I am delicious. And I wear lingerie because I’m a pretty lady, thank you. @i-outrank-everyone

And don't you look good, mesh'la. I could just eat you up. 😉


Puppet!Fives Is becoming very popular around my community! (Or I'm just the weird puppet lady 🤣)

Here he is with Chef Ryan from Wiggly with today's recipe; chicken fajitas!

About time our boy got to try some real food other than rations!

What about you guys, have you ever got to try food other than rations or mess hall grub? What was your favourite?

I’m partial to pizza, but if Chef Ryan is ever on triple zero, I’ll take 3 plates of fajitas 👀

Okay pizza toppings, what's your favourites, do you believe in pineapple on pizza? Discuss.

Feel free to drag your brothers into this one. 😁

All for yourself or are you sharing? 🥙🥙🥙

What's a pineapple?


It's a fruit us nat-borns eat. It's very sweet and delicious. You should give it a try

Well now, look what I found:

Bromelain, an enzyme found in pineapple, triggers testosterone production which can elevate a man's sex drive. High levels of vitamin C and thiamine in pineapple provide a surge of energy to the body too, thus increasing sexual stamina.

Heh, @i-outrank-everyone, think you can get the GAR to prescribe us some pineapple?


It also makes alcohol taste awesome!

AND you can put it with alcohol?

Boys, heh, I think we just found the perfect food. I say lets put it on everything.

And everyone. 😉


Puppet!Fives Is becoming very popular around my community! (Or I'm just the weird puppet lady 🤣)

Here he is with Chef Ryan from Wiggly with today's recipe; chicken fajitas!

About time our boy got to try some real food other than rations!

What about you guys, have you ever got to try food other than rations or mess hall grub? What was your favourite?

I’m partial to pizza, but if Chef Ryan is ever on triple zero, I’ll take 3 plates of fajitas 👀

Okay pizza toppings, what's your favourites, do you believe in pineapple on pizza? Discuss.

Feel free to drag your brothers into this one. 😁

All for yourself or are you sharing? 🥙🥙🥙

What's a pineapple?


It's a fruit us nat-borns eat. It's very sweet and delicious. You should give it a try

Well now, look what I found:

Bromelain, an enzyme found in pineapple, triggers testosterone production which can elevate a man's sex drive. High levels of vitamin C and thiamine in pineapple provide a surge of energy to the body too, thus increasing sexual stamina.

Heh, @i-outrank-everyone, think you can get the GAR to prescribe us some pineapple?


Puppet!Fives Is becoming very popular around my community! (Or I'm just the weird puppet lady 🤣)

Here he is with Chef Ryan from Wiggly with today's recipe; chicken fajitas!

About time our boy got to try some real food other than rations!

What about you guys, have you ever got to try food other than rations or mess hall grub? What was your favourite?

I’m partial to pizza, but if Chef Ryan is ever on triple zero, I’ll take 3 plates of fajitas 👀

Okay pizza toppings, what's your favourites, do you believe in pineapple on pizza? Discuss.

Feel free to drag your brothers into this one. 😁

All for yourself or are you sharing? 🥙🥙🥙

What's a pineapple?


Puppet!Fives Is becoming very popular around my community! (Or I'm just the weird puppet lady 🤣)

Here he is with Chef Ryan from Wiggly with today's recipe; chicken fajitas!

About time our boy got to try some real food other than rations!

What about you guys, have you ever got to try food other than rations or mess hall grub? What was your favourite?

Heh, I've always wanted to work at a diner...

Anonymous asked:

It’s October 10th, therefore Fox day 🫶

Huh, I have a day? That's news to me.


why would you tell him this?! we’ll never hear the end of it 🙄

you kinda deserve a day though, vod. you’re the best of us

Heh, hey now, 'best' is in the eye of the beholder. Right, mesh'las? ;)

Anonymous asked:

Do you and your brothers have bellybuttons ?!

That's an excellent question! Given that we clones are grown in birthing pods, one might logically assume that we have no bellybuttons, since the umbilicus is a scar left from the removal of the umbilical cord that transfers nutrients from the mother to the fetus in human sexual reproduction. However, that is not the case! The Kaminoan growth jars use a synthetic umbilical cord for the same purpose, so we clone troopers do, indeed, have bellybuttons.


I was surprised natborns have them! Still don't know why they have them, but it surprised me they did. Wonder why they do have them... nope that sounds too close to one of your lectures.


Hardcase honey, I will gladly give you the anatomy lesson that answers all of your questions. 😉 Its interactive.

Did @i-outrank-everyone put you up to this? He gets pretty ruthless when it comes to “educating” us.

I don't know, Kix, did you? @i-outrank-everyone

And I promise it isn't all work - there's a play portion to the lesson as well. You'll definitely leave with a smile on your face.

Nothing to do with me, vod. You're on your own with this one @hardcase-ct-yolo

@madameminor I’m good with work! Less good with the talking about people’s insides that need to stay on their insides that Kix likes to talk about.

See, this is why you need lessons - there are plenty of squishy parts on the outside.

Heh, madame, you're wasting your charms. Hard'ika isn't great with subtlety.

I'd love a refresher course though .😉

Wait you mean Kix really wasn’t behind this? It wasn’t a set up? 😬 Kark, I’m just going to go see if I can find a crew that wants to play ball then.

Heh, sorry vod, can't make it today. Getting an anatomy lesson. 😁😉😎

Anonymous asked:

Do you and your brothers have bellybuttons ?!

That's an excellent question! Given that we clones are grown in birthing pods, one might logically assume that we have no bellybuttons, since the umbilicus is a scar left from the removal of the umbilical cord that transfers nutrients from the mother to the fetus in human sexual reproduction. However, that is not the case! The Kaminoan growth jars use a synthetic umbilical cord for the same purpose, so we clone troopers do, indeed, have bellybuttons.


I was surprised natborns have them! Still don't know why they have them, but it surprised me they did. Wonder why they do have them... nope that sounds too close to one of your lectures.


Hardcase honey, I will gladly give you the anatomy lesson that answers all of your questions. 😉 Its interactive.

Did @i-outrank-everyone put you up to this? He gets pretty ruthless when it comes to “educating” us.

I don't know, Kix, did you? @i-outrank-everyone

And I promise it isn't all work - there's a play portion to the lesson as well. You'll definitely leave with a smile on your face.

Nothing to do with me, vod. You're on your own with this one @hardcase-ct-yolo

@madameminor I’m good with work! Less good with the talking about people’s insides that need to stay on their insides that Kix likes to talk about.

See, this is why you need lessons - there are plenty of squishy parts on the outside.

Heh, madame, you're wasting your charms. Hard'ika isn't great with subtlety.

I'd love a refresher course though .😉


Your prompt says ask you anything, so here goes.

What is the forward air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

And, do coconuts migrate?


Hello citizen....

What's a swallow? Clearly it isn't the The reflex one does with their throat..

....and what's a coconut?

Is this nat-born slang for something?

Do you boys know what this is?

Captain Rex | CT 7567

Anonymous asked:

Do you and your brothers have bellybuttons ?!

That's an excellent question! Given that we clones are grown in birthing pods, one might logically assume that we have no bellybuttons, since the umbilicus is a scar left from the removal of the umbilical cord that transfers nutrients from the mother to the fetus in human sexual reproduction. However, that is not the case! The Kaminoan growth jars use a synthetic umbilical cord for the same purpose, so we clone troopers do, indeed, have bellybuttons.


I was surprised natborns have them! Still don't know why they have them, but it surprised me they did. Wonder why they do have them... nope that sounds too close to one of your lectures.

....one time early on in the war, I walked into the break room to find six shinies and Commander Ashoka standing around in a circle half dressed and showing off their bellybuttons to each other.

One of them poked it... apparently Ashoka'ika is ticklish

I turned around and walked out.

Captain Rex | CT 7567

The visual on that….

What.... is a inny? I tentatively ask.

Is like what we call pushed or unpushed? For the type of bellybuttons? Do nat-borns have different names?

@i-outrank-everyone this wasn't covered in your briefing. You called them protrusion or depression?

Captain Rex | CT 7567

Idk vod, I'm an expert on clone physiology, not natborn colloquialisms.


An inny is where the belly button goes into your tummy. An outie is where it protrudes. Outies can be caused by medical conditions. For example my dad had an outie for a long time until he got his hernia fixed and now it’s an inny again.

I don’t think there would be any reason for the Kaminoans to move the umbilical cord on clones because it works well enough as is.

I gave my cousin an outie with a bike pump once. It went back to an innie after a few minutes. They’re fine now.

While I'm impressed by your knowledge(and terrifying experiences) I am concerned by two things.

One- is this how nat-borns and their brothers interact?

What would you do with a bicycle pump? Matter of fact what's a bicycle?

Two- how do you know so much about clones gestational periods and our synthetic umbilical cords?

@a-1010-is-speaking I think we have a security breach!

Now darling, I'm going to need to know where you got his information?

Captain Rex | CT 7567

My sources, if they exist and this isn’t all pure speculation, will remain anonymous.

I think the real question here is whether or not Fives knows some girls will let you do shots from their belly buttons.

Oh, now, THAT'S a memory. Shots from belly buttons. That first Pantoran woman to open our eyes... damn, that was a great night.

Though Rex'ika can't really do it anymore, or he risks appearing 'unprofessional' in front of his men. 😁

Doesn't mean he won't ask to do it in private, ladies.😉

Anonymous asked:

Do you and your brothers have bellybuttons ?!

That's an excellent question! Given that we clones are grown in birthing pods, one might logically assume that we have no bellybuttons, since the umbilicus is a scar left from the removal of the umbilical cord that transfers nutrients from the mother to the fetus in human sexual reproduction. However, that is not the case! The Kaminoan growth jars use a synthetic umbilical cord for the same purpose, so we clone troopers do, indeed, have bellybuttons.


I was surprised natborns have them! Still don't know why they have them, but it surprised me they did. Wonder why they do have them... nope that sounds too close to one of your lectures.

....one time early on in the war, I walked into the break room to find six shinies and Commander Ashoka standing around in a circle half dressed and showing off their bellybuttons to each other.

One of them poked it... apparently Ashoka'ika is ticklish

I turned around and walked out.

Captain Rex | CT 7567

The visual on that….

What.... is a inny? I tentatively ask.

Is like what we call pushed or unpushed? For the type of bellybuttons? Do nat-borns have different names?

@i-outrank-everyone this wasn't covered in your briefing. You called them protrusion or depression?

Captain Rex | CT 7567

Idk vod, I'm an expert on clone physiology, not natborn colloquialisms.


An inny is where the belly button goes into your tummy. An outie is where it protrudes. Outies can be caused by medical conditions. For example my dad had an outie for a long time until he got his hernia fixed and now it’s an inny again.

I don’t think there would be any reason for the Kaminoans to move the umbilical cord on clones because it works well enough as is.

I gave my cousin an outie with a bike pump once. It went back to an innie after a few minutes. They’re fine now.

@is-that-regulation are any of these words in the reg manual?

Not even one of those words is in there, but @idiot-tamer is the true expert. Do you recognize anything from @megmca or will I need to start searching the holonet?

@its-capt-traitor-to-you would it be inappropriate to ask my nat born date about bellybuttons?

Heh! Well, that was a good laugh, thank you Dog'ika. I'd save it for maybe the third date, when you're more comfortable with each other. Otherwise, the mesh'la might think you have a ...rather strong and peculiar fixation.

Anonymous asked:

Brown eyes or blue eyes dear Captain? What might intrigue you more?

Mesh'la It doesn't matter the eye color, as long as I can gaze at them, I'll get lost either way.

Captain Rex | CT 7567


Finally the Cap is getting some more game! I applaud you 👏

Heh, I agree. Well done, Rex'ika.


Captain Gregor | The Bad Batch 1.14


asfjljjljlasddkfdsfsdf I want this man to hug and hold me, but without the chest armor, probably feels safe and warm *sigh* And then I say something stupid on purpose to hear that weird but cute little laugh.

Heh, well mesh'la, that sounds like a date. 😉

Heh, I was wondering why such an interested mesh'la would stand me up. ;)


Hello there 😏

What's your opinion of archivists? Specifically the kind who keep spiced biscuits and tea in their offices?

Asking for a friend.


I'll never turn down spiced biscuits! Archivists, though? Nah, not really my thing. Never cared much about ancient history. Maybe your friend should try @is-that-regulation, he's a nerd.


You say that like it’s a bad thing. I prefer the term cultured or intellectual, but if you have a smart friend who works in the archives, @dystopicjumpsuit , please pass her comm channel along…for research purposes. I like learning 😊

I changed my mind. You can't have her.


No take backs! Do you realize how long I've been trying to get him to ask a girl for her comm channel?? And now he might talk to a pretty, smart archivist? We're finally getting somewhere

You know what, you're right. I'm being selfish. Let's BOTH get her comm channel, and we'll see who she picks. May the best clone win. 😌

I mean, It’s kind of simple… Is she into fearless, well-groomed, intelligent men with steel stomachs and huge hearts? Or does she like being told what to do?


I mean, if she likes being ordered around, I can be very.... commanding. I do, after all, outrank everyone.

Get you a clone who can do both, Maree 😘

You boys think you got what it takes to win this beauty’s heart?

I never thought I’d say this, but the research can wait. 👀 @tup-perware @its-capt-traitor-to-you I need assistance!

Heh, well looks like we have a couple of mesh'las who need to be wooed the way they deserve.

Flirting 101 is back in session, Dog'ika

Remember, rule 1. Have fun, no expectations as to where this goes. Archivist, right? First intrigued at the prospect of learning more with her? So, start it easy, a compliment to looks is always nice, then ask what a beautiful mesh'la like her finds fascinating to study? Could always say that if she's this beautiful on the outside, her brain must be a work of art.

Oh, all of this is brilliant. I should have called you sooner. How do I make sure I stand out? A gorgeous woman like that must have suitors lined up.

Heh, sure, but do they all want to listen to her favorite topic?

And, uh, hate to break it to you Dog'ika, but with your face tattoo you, heh, definitely stand out.

Questions and listening are a wonderful way to a mesh'la's heart. Give it a go 😉

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