
The Bookworm Behind The Glasses

@clumsy-owl-4178 / clumsy-owl-4178.tumblr.com

Just a fangirl with way too many fandoms and more feels than she can cope with. Actual fandoms include BBC Sherlock, Doctor Who, Suits, OUAT, THG, Divergent, ATLA, etc., but Harry Potter will forever and always have a special place in my heart.

Public speaking is actually really easy if you don't respect a single soul in that room. I've had an incredibly easy time delivering speeches when I hated everybody I saw and they all thought I did amazing because my disdain was read as confidence. I don't have any tips for you I'm just telling you a fact


You're just a mammal. Let yourself act like it. Your brain needs enrichment. Your body needs rest. You feel hunger and grow hair. You need to pack bond with other sentient things so you don't become unsocialized and neurotic. You are biologically inclined to seek dopamine and become sick when chronically stressed. Outrage about hedonism is made up to place moral value on taking pleasure in sensory experiences. I am telling you that if you don't let yourself be a fucking mammal, as you were made, you will suffer and go insane. No grindset no diets no trying to be above your drive for connection. Pursue what makes you feel good and practice radical rejection of the constructs meant to turn you into a machine. You're a mammal.


My redesign hot take is that if you’re aiming to “desexualize” a female character, don’t make her boobs smaller. You’re implying a lot here.


Instead of shrinking her boobs, try:

  • Changing her posture to something normal people do (bonus points for slouching/rounded shoulders, a common posture for tall and/or big chested women)
  • Making sure her outfit is appropriate for the situation (showing skin is not inherently sexualizing, lingerie armor or half-naked-in-the-snow probably is)
  • Making her torso/waist thicker, maybe even enough that all her organs would reasonably fit!

There are probably lots more options too! I’m not an artist! Just a person with a big chest and back pain!


In what world is tall muscular man not conventionally attractive


We've all been down here too long. I truly think there's a chunk of tumblr's population that can no longer survive sunlight.

women will say “hear me out” and show u a photo of pyramid head and then tumblr users will go “this is a perfectly normal man and an ice cold take”


The way you’ve worded this makes it sound like geologists don’t know what an octopus is. Just some mystical sea ‘creature’; some hellish many-arm’d tide-beast, the likes of which are as-yet-unbeknownst to Men of the Stone. We, The Ore-founders, we, Dedicants to Rock and Soil, have no business dallying with Monsters from the Waterscape. Turn back to the earth, Brother Topaz. Return to your work, humbler and wiser. For these crawling silt-demons of the froth concern us not.

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