
HELLO and welcome to a big pack!

💕💖💋 Thank you for the 20k! I love you all! 💕💖💋

I’ve been having a lot of fun learning how to make clothes I find on pinterest and some I have irl so I had this pack idea! I hope you like it!

  • BGC
  • All Lods
  • Hat Chops (Sereia and Ariel)
  • Some clothes has too many swatches, some too few.
  • Lioness has special invisible hats, they adjust the hair’s lenght. They DO have thumbnails. This feature makes this hairs HAT INCOMPATIBLE;
  • 18 EA Colors
  • 40 Puppy Crow Colors

Special thanks to @isjao and @candysims4 that helped me a lot with the weights and to @breathin-sims, @infiniteraptor and everyone that helped me and tested my content!

PACK DOWNLOAD (pick and choose & zip file) | Buy me some Tea? ~♥


why are they ugly-ifying everything please the old grapic design was fine wtf is this shit???

i could plonk my bare ass cheeks on a keyboard and produce better looking cover art than whoever was hired to do.... That.


Polka Dot Peplum Top

UPDATE 23.03.2019 please redownload

Based on a top I own irl I made this polka dot peplum top. It was literally driving me crazy with the issues it had but here we are!

  • this is cute!
  • new mesh
  • basegame compatible
  • maxis match
  • 20 swatches
  • disallowed for random
  • custom thumbnail & shadow map
  • all LODs

DOWNLOAD (Patreon, free and no ads!)

DOWNLOAD (sfs, no adfly)

I added a PSD file to make recoloring easier. If you recolor the top please don’t include the mesh and tag me so I can see it. ♥


🦇 Count Vladislaus Straud 🦇

good ol bicycle seat head himself, “re-imagined” lol

sliders:  nose – mouth – chin
presets:  jaw + chin + cheeks + lips + nose – body – ears  (at least they’re all almost in the same place?? XD)
stuff:  skin overlay (tsr) – hair (witching hour)– hairlinebeard (v3) – eyebrows (tsr) – face contournose contoureyebags – eyelashes (uncurled) – normal eyes (contacts) – dark form eyes (facepaint, no pupil) – eyeshadow – eyeliner (tsr) – blush – lips (neutral, low, lipstick) – rose jacket

*** he requires the vamp pack duh ^.^ 

DOWNLOAD (sfs) // ALT (dropbox)


when poses don’t have a preview or a description


Sunshine Superman- a reshade preset for 3.0.8

This is a reshade preset I’ve been tweaking for a couple of months now, and while it is still far from perfect, I’d like to share it. The above pics are unedited aside from reshade and a slight smart sharpen in photoshop. They also were taken with Bloom and Cinematic DOF on. For Reshade version 3.0.8. It is pretty effects heavy so I would just use it for screenshots. Have fun



I realised I hadn’t put out a swimsuit, so I did. And I used my fave swimsuit mesh. I contemplated cutting some of the patterns out and having maybe about 18 or 20, but it felt wrong, so I kept them all in. Oh well! Much love to simlaughlove for the amazing mesh

  • You need the mesh
  • 24 swatches
  • Female Teen/YA/Adult/Elder

DOWNLOAD (SFS, no adfly ever) | Buy me a coffee? TOU: Do not put behind paywalls, claim as your own and do not include in your sim downloads, please link back to original post

Anonymous asked:

I truly appreciate the time and effort I'm sure it takes to create those hairstyles for us CC addicts lol like me. But I was wondering how did you learn to create those FANTASTIC hairs and even the ones from scratch because I really want to learn how to but not sure if I will be able to do so. What tutorials or anything would you recommend a first time CC creator like me? And thanks for reading this btw have a wonderful day!

This is gonna be long!

Well, frankenmeshing or even just making a hair longer, shorter, wider etc is a good way to get your feet wet. It’ll help you learn the software you’re using and give you the basics. I started out by editing Skysims hairs to reduce how floaty they were (simple edit) and eventually frankenmeshing Newsea hairs (bit more involved!). Creating from scratch has been a process, lemme tell ya! The biggest thing is to learn your software! Creating isn’t the hard part. Finding the buttons to make the thing do what you want? That’s the hard part! I spend a lot of time trying to figure out what to google to learn what I need.  I have a guide that is tailored to Maya and my style of meshing if you’re interested. I “think” it’s beginner friendly? But I can’t really tell since I can “fill in the blanks” when I read over it, if there are any. You can *acquire* Maya or create a totally legit Student account and use it for 3 years free. I’m using the student version, but used the... other version... for years without issue. In fact it performed better somehow??

There’s also a few guides I have linked to here.  I would definitely suggest reading OrangeMittens Start to Finish Accessory guide because they break down e v e r y t h i n g! It’s also a good place to start. Hairs are more difficult because they need to flow organically vs an accessory that can be stiff.  I have a few videos up of me meshing a hair from scratch (or pre-made pieces I made and saved for recycling). I don’t know if it will help any since they’re just videos of the process, not actual guides, but I know that watching LeahLillith & Colores Urbanos’ videos helped me.

Tea’n’Moon also has some really helpful guides you can find those here: http://teanmoon.blogspot.com/

There’s also a Discord server full of helpful people you can join. Don’t let the amount of people scare you! I mostly lurk and no one’s said boo! They have help channels broken down into categories so you can get the help that’s relevant to your issue.

It used to be Plumbob Tea Society, if you ever saw that around. 

If all else fails, I’d be happy to help you if I can!  I forgot to add, Practice! I made a mesh a day for a month when I decided to commit to this learning business. They were shitty meshes, but I made them and I made a lot of progress! They say never stop drawing, well, never stop meshing! Even if you don’t finish it, or it ends up butt ugly, mesh something! I made an ugly ass 4 strand braid yesterday and ended up scrapping it for two normals braids stacked. But yknow what? I flexed my meshing muscle and I worked out a new way to do things. Next time it might turn out better!


I truly appreciate the time and effort I'm sure it takes to create those hairstyles for us CC addicts lol like me. But I was wondering how did you learn to create those FANTASTIC hairs and even the ones from scratch because I really want to learn how to but not sure if I will be able to do so. What tutorials or anything would you recommend a first time CC creator like me? And thanks for reading this btw have a wonderful day!


I truly appreciate the time and effort I'm sure it takes to create those hairstyles for us CC addicts lol like me. But I was wondering how did you learn to create those FANTASTIC hairs and even the ones from scratch because I really want to learn how to but not sure if I will be able to do so. What tutorials or anything would you recommend a first time CC creator like me? And thanks for reading this btw have a wonderful day!


Father Winter got my sim pregnant and when she told him he literally said “right-o” and LEFT


u know what. just. if u support or defend fayts4/windenlove/anyone who writes inc*st in their sims story. just unfollow me now. please thanks

IN ADDITION TO THIS. if you fetishize mlm, wlw, trans folk, etc. PLEASE. and i mean this wholeheartedly. PLEASE unfollow me immediately


keith haring shirts - @ridgeport flounce tee recolor

i’m gay, you’re probably gay, here’s some keith haring shirts

  • standalone
  • custom thumbnail
  • 14 swatches
  • mesh not required due to Marg’s cool tou but how’s about you get the mesh anyway because it’s rly nice :-) here it is

DOWNLOAD (mediafire, no ads)


                     Polynesian names + their meanings

because of the release of island living i decided to compile a list of Polynesian names! so here they are :)

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