
Wang Fire


snakefarm || he/him || bi aro & ace
i am like a spider: more scared of you than you are of me, and also i have eight eyes and legs
main is @snakefarm42

hiiiiii my name is snakefarm (he/him/his), welcome to my ATLA/LOK blog! i write zukka fanfic so if you wanna read here’s my ao3. i have a lot of oneshot type things some series.

Happiness is Not a Place (tagged #hinap): this is my main fic, the one i put the most work into and the one i am most proud of! it’s a zukka and tyzula pirate AU with yueki. found family all the way. canon divergence.

send me asks or message me if you want to bug me to write (please god i have no motivation), have any prompts, etc., or you jus wanna chat :)

if you ask me about my fics or my OCs i will appreciate you forever 💚💚💚

feel free to send me/@ me in anything you think i would like! including but not limited to any (not anti) azula content, cabbage man, trans atla, aspec atla, anything relating to my ATLA headcanons, etc. :)))

i also run @sokka-thoughts (regrettably)

@mlm-withaplan - my marvel sideblog


my fics are tagged #snakefarm fic, my art is tagged #my art, and random shit i say is tagged #snakefarm chats shit


Hello and welcome to the Tumblr page for our podcast, Blar Blar Blar Blarbie—in which three siblings break down every episode of the iconic show, Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse.

Email blarbiepodcast@gmail.com with questions and comments!

Our first episode will be a break-down of S1E1: Closet Princess. Please email us with your questions and thoughts to address about this episode!


hello guys i know it’s been A MILLION YEARS since i’ve been on here, i’ve had a real busy summer. eventually i promise i will catch up on asks and messages <3

anyway my sisters and i are doing a Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse podcast! if you have any comments/questions/thoughts about the first episode please email us at the address above! :)))


hello so this is me and same thing applies, i will catch up on everything i promise <3 love y’all

anyway super excited about this, should be really cool! :)))

Anonymous asked:

Pride flag + Katara and/or Azula if youre up for it? Katara because she's always seemed queer to me and I see a lot of straight/homophobic Katara fics and I'm v sad, and then Azula is Azula so I just gotta include her

draw a character with a pride flag of their sexual orientation

biromantic demisexual katara my beloved

(also i didn't draw her but i headcanon azula as a lesbian, bc ,,she's a lesbian)


Mako’s experience of being a great ally and then slowly realizing he’s bi actually is the bi narrative.


the aang/sokka friendship is criminally underrated tbh

some good aang and sokka moments!!!!

  • sokka barely even liked aang or trusted him but he was still about to go sail out and attack a fire nation ship to rescue him
  • aang was all :(( when they visited the southern air temple so sokka played that airball game with him to cheer him up and then got his ass kicked bc sokka cant airbend!!! and aang took complete advantage of that lmao
  • that one scene in book 3 where katara and toph are fighting and refusing to speak to each other and sokkas like I HAVE A GREAT IDEA and writes that fake apology letter and aangs like !!!! OMG UR SO SMART AND CLEVER anD INCREDIBLE!!! but it turns out that theyre both fools bc toph cant write
  • aang goes to sokka whenever he wants advice on How To Hit On Girls bc for whatever reason aang apparently thinks sokka is good with that (he is not) & sokka actually is weirdly supportive and hikes up a mountain just so that aang can pick some flowers
  • not exactly aang/sokka but sokka made/bought an armour for appa so that he’d be protected during the day of the black sun
  • “You’re the idea-guy.”
  • actually their entire interaction during The Drill episode in book 2 where they both came up with the plan to take it down theyre both actually so clever 
  • sokka dressed up as aangs dad once and u know he was really Feeling that role
  • in the ep with bato when katara and sokka were leaving but then sokka was like…. no we cant leave… i miss dad but we Need to be with aang…. i cried a Little bit ngl
  • this Scene

im sure im forgetting some good and important scenes so feel free to add!!

  • “katara and I aren’t going to let anything happen to you” from the southern air temple
  • “how about ‘the boomeraang squad’? see, it’s good because it’s got ‘aang’ in it. boomeraang
  • aang comforting sokka after the invasion speech

also this was cute. they’re good boys

Also in book 3 when Sokka first names Combustion Man ‘Sparky-sparky-boom-man’ and Aang takes that very serious so he takes the time to scream “IT’S SPARKY-SPARKY-BOOM-MAN!!!” while almost being blown to pieces

in book 1 the only reason sokka was kidnapped by hei bai was because he ignored his own safety to help aang


100 Days of Zukka Day 1

Family Photo

Okay, so I’m doing this as a challenge to improve my art because I love drawing but I’m bad at drawing bodies lmao. So, here I have a little family of 5 duckies. Based on @anxietyriddenzuko and I’s role play :’)

We got Zuko and his hand’s on Maro’s shoulder. Izumi’s across from her twin brother, standing in front of Sokka and he’s holding Iroh!

I admittedly picked a hard reference picture for the first day lmao. But let’s go!!!! (Also pls don’t flame me for my hands or shading I am so bad at shading hhhh.)

If you have any requests or suggestions, feel free to leave them in my inbox or comment under this post!


i want to have a friend that will pretend to be my partner so we can get out of doing shit.

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