
i’m like a witch and you can’t kill me

@tripleaxeldiaz / tripleaxeldiaz.tumblr.com

if you’re looking for dumb boys and occasional sports, you’ve come to the right place
ao3: spinningincircles
icon: @lovercas, header: @chiquititadiaz
until the earth starts to crumble and the heavens roll away (i’m yours)
read on ao3

The sun is setting, a warm orange glow seeping in through the blinds, when he comes into Buck’s room. Everyone else had been in and out already with hugs and goodbyes and promises of visiting tomorrow — everyone except Eddie. And judging from the redness still fading from around his eyes and the way he’s forcibly trying to keep his shoulders away from his ears, Buck thinks he understands why. 

He’s been in Eddie’s shoes. No amount of therapy or coping mechanisms could have stopped the ice cold, all encompassing tendrils of panic from taking over his body and mind when Eddie was buried alive or shot in broad daylight. Even after running into the hospital room after Eddie woke up, he had to take 10 minutes in the bathroom to collect himself before he could open his mouth without bursting into tears.

So he gets it. He’s not mad.

He’s just really glad he’s here. 


i've said this before but the way eddie isn't chasing shannon as a person but rather his (tailored) memories of her and the what could have been's the ever present ghost of her represents is almost more painful. because he's not trying to replace her, he's trying to recreate and rewrite not only their past but also the future they never got to have. and he has to know deep down that it's futile, he has to. that even if kim looks and sounds just like her, she won't ever be able to actually fill those particular shoes. but he's so desperate for wanting to get it right this time that he'll still go for it, he'll still try to take the pieces of kim that does fit into his memories of shannon and he'll fabricate the rest if he has to. and it's breaks my heart.


"But why would you want to imagine, read or write about a relationship that wasn't healthy, good or desirable to you personally?"

I genuinely don't know how to explain the concept of fiction to you.

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