
Irish Sunshine

@irishsunshine-n-l-l-h / irishsunshine-n-l-l-h.tumblr.com

This is mostly One Direction and more specifically, Niall! I write, so check that out.

Rating: Mature

Word Count: 133k

Chapters: 18/18 


Summary:  Harry the new kid at an American high school where everything is about soccer…or football. Whatever. He plans on going unnoticed for the entire year until the adorable Irish soccer team captain pulls Harry into his group of friends. Harry and Niall grow closer together and Harry has to stop himself from doing or saying something he’ll regret. That is, until he begins to notice something’s wrong with Niall, like when he goes MIA for days on end and strange marks on his body being covered up by even stranger stories.

Fun stuff: Soccer!Niall, Soccer!Louis, Soccer!Liam, Photographer!Harry, High School AU, Narry relationship, Lilo friendship.


Final Chapter of Even If You Slip Away is Posted!!!

Yes, you read that right. after 6 long years, I’ve finished my Narry Fic, Even If You Slip Away. (Chapter 18 is up on AO3). Enjoy!



idk who all still follows me on here but I might be updating something. I literally have one scene left to write. 

rn I have to go to bed because work and yeah, I’m an adult now, but YAY!


In honor of me approaching my first 6 months mark as a flight attendant, here are some highlights from my time in this job:

  • When a lady stopped me gently to whisper that i had “mastered the art of kindness”
  • When an elderly woman told me i was “put on earth to be a flight attendant”
  • Each and every time someone complimented my nails
  • When i found an $8000 diamond watch left behind under a seat, gave it to a gate agent, only to have the passenger come running back 10 minutes later. Gate agent: man u wouldve been in trouble, huh? Man whom looked like a bond villain: i wouldve been SHOT.
  • Every lesbian ive worked with and had the nice bonding moment of “ur gay?? Im gay!!”
  • That time a man tried to get huffy with me because he wasnt in 1st class and i got to say “sir u can either sit in this seat or u can sit in a seat in the terminal while u wait to take the next flight”
  • When i had an emergency landing because the pilots lost steering and we all thought we were gonna die but then we didn’t and everyone just applauded the landing and didnt even complain about the 2 hour delay
  • When my flight was delayed for 3 hours because the plane wouldnt start so the crew and i just took a really long nap in the jetway
  • Every 4 and 5 star hotel ive stayed at for free
  • When we overnighted in the middle of nowhere in alabama and went to a sports bar at midnight. The bartender locked the door so it was just him and us and his friend, and we all got super drunk on obscure alcohols and i kicked everyones ass at pool
  • That time i had an emergency landing because one pilot had such explosive diarrhea that the other 2 pilots had to wear oxygen masks
  • When we overnighted in a casino resort in new orleans and ended up drunk on margaritas and playing blackjack with a bunch of old people at 2pm
  • Every little kid on my flights
  • Every dog i got to pet on my flights
  • When we were flying to nyc during julliard recruitments and half the seats were taken up by cellos
  • Being in airports late at night and seeing people sleep in the weirdest places because they just dont care (bathroom floors, under gate agent desks, etc)
  • When a woman forgot her actual baby on the plane
  • Woman: can i board first? Gate agent: are u special needs, active military or priority? Woman: no i just want to board first. Gate agent: maam i have 70 other people who also want to board first, im not looking for a line leader.
  • My very first working flight, when a man pointed to my necklace and said “is that a ball gag?” And, in my shock, i said “no, im gay”
  • That time a ramp agent came up to me holding up his phone and said “wanna see something weird?” and i said yes, reservedly, thinking it might be gross but then he held out his phone and it was just a picture of hundreds of paradise birds that we were apparently flying to a zoo

I have now been a flight attendant for 3 years and 2020 has been a dumpster fire in so many ways, including but not limited to the travel industry, but here are some highlights from this past year in particular

  • The old woman on my plane who saw a teenager was having a panic attack and immediately moved to sit with her and brought her so much comfort she was able to fall asleep
  • Working a flight with only 4 passengers so we all played Cards Against Humanity
  • Everyone who has very gently said “Stay safe” rather than “Goodbye”
  • Complimenting passengers’ fun masks and being complimented in return
  • The anxiety service dogs at the Philly airport wearing vests that say Stress Relief
  • The little girl in the airport who begged me to french braid her hair like mine (and her very apologetic mother)
  • The barista at the airport cafe who gave me free lattes every week for two months because I always came by around closing time
  • The beachside resort my FA and I got stuck at in key west for 3 days around my birthday because of a hurricane. If you’re gonna get stuck somewhere because of a hurricane, it might as well be a beachside resort with bottomless margaritas
  • Each time I reunited with a flight attendant/pilot friend in an airport or at a hotel or on an airplane. It always feels like a little gift
  • Speaking of gifts, every passenger that has ever given me anything but especially the man that brought freshly made muffins from his bakery for the crew last month, they were divine
  • The flight attendant I worked with on Halloween who watched a horror movie marathon with me at the hotel even though he was terrified of scary movies
  • Every aircraft cleaner
  • Every hotel cleaner
  • Every unaccompanied minor on my flights, who always make me feel like a temporary big sister
  • The time my roommate (also a flight attendant) got a flat tire while in the airport parking garage and no less than 3 different pilots stopped to help us change it
  • Flight crew game nights in our hotel rooms
  • The beach overnight on the last day of summer when my pilot and I (drunkenly) decided to go swimming in the ocean at midnight
  • The flight attendant who approached me in a hotel lobby and said we had flown together two years earlier, just after she’d been hired, and she’d wanted to fly with me again ever since
  • The nurse on my flight who, when the passenger beside her began seizing, leapt into action and saved her life
  • The tween girl who wanted to be a flight attendant and had us quiz her on airport codes (she got every single one correct 😳)
  • All the flight crew members who regularly help me steal supplies from the aircrafts (gloves, masks, water bottles, sani wipes etc) to bring to Philly’s homeless camps and protesters

We live under capitalism and its rule seems inescapable. I’m eager for the days when covid is just a bad memory, and the quality of and access to healthcare is such that, come the next virus, no one has to choose between paying rent or paying a hospital bill. I’m eager for the days when rent and paychecks are a thing of the past, when we work for the pleasure of working, without the pressure of being born into a world run by money and the men who control it.

In the meantime, all we have is each other, and I’ve been very lucky to have spent my time with so many generous, soft-handed people who have made this year not only bearable, but often enjoyable in spite of the rest. I have been very lucky to work a job that I (mostly) love, even if it is part of an industry that cares only for numbers, not people.

We can only keep moving in that direction, helping others along as we go. 💌


Give me a twilight au where Bella doesn’t believe in the supernatural. She’s trying to figure out what’s wrong with Eddie boi and he finally says “I’m a vampire” and she’s like “oh yeah right *count Dracula voice* do you vant to suck my blood?” And it’s infuriating for Edward because she comes up with mundane reasons for everything and he spends the rest of the book trying to prove to her he’s a vampire

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