@mojaveexpress-remade / mojaveexpress-remade.tumblr.com

good luck, you're fucked

Some of the very little things I love about fallout new vegas

People really seemed to like the list of little things I loved in fallout 4, so I thought I’d do one for my favourite game in the series: Little things I love about FNV - go!

- Raul will eat candy and sweet things you put in his inventory! - Veronica’s reaction when you give her a nice dress - flight of the valkyries playing as Jason bright takes his flock into space - no-bark noonan - the fact your dialogue changes depending on your intelligence level - your aim slowly becoming steadier as your gun skill improves - it gives a real feeling of improving. - the fact Arcade will accompany you easily if your intelligence is low enough - because you’re so stupid letting you travel alone is tantamount to murder. - the graffiti that says “toss my salad Caesar!” - the fact the legion pronounce “ave, true to Caesar” correctly - the fact you can “try out” FISTO - cliff briscoes apartment being FULL of dinky the t-Rex’s - how fucking cool the NCR rangers look - the Riot gear you can get in lonesome road - mr New Vegas’s voice - “n-heh, there’s the high roller!” - the pet mole rat in Sloan - the ending slides showing what happened after the battle of Hoover dam . It was really nice to see how my actions affected the mojave. - Tabitha and Rhonda’s adventures being made into children’s books - the freaking entirety of old world blues - being able to seduce and kill Benny - being able to kill Benny with his own gun - what in the god damn - the fact you can disguise yourself as a faction member, but a guard or higher officer will recognise you if you get too close - Raul making fun of everything you select on his companion wheel -there is more and I will add them :)

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