
moved to @t8wrm

@plifai / plifai.tumblr.com

Anonymous asked:

i dont know much abt the fandoms you draw for but i fucking love your art style

aw tysm

Anonymous asked:

I hope u don’t mind me swishing on in to ur inbox (feel free to leave this alone if ya don’t wanna answer it, ya don’t owe me anything) I think u gotta change ur commission prices. It’s dope that they’re low, but I feel like ur art is being undersold! I understand it’s not my place to say this but I’m a fan and ur kiribaku is God’s work! There are some tools online that time how long u work on the art and then calculate it into money or how much u should charge. I’m bein nosy sorry! Gods work!!!

THIS IS SO SO SO NICE!! and I love getting messages don't worry at all about that! I price my commissions the way I do because I honestly don't feel like they're worth much more, but people tip me like 90% of the time and it makes me feel really good!! + the low price attracts more customers and I genuinely enjoy doing commissions so it's really fun to get lots of different stuff to draw!! But u r seriously so sweet thank u so much

Anonymous asked:

u should draw kaito vocaloid

no offense but i do not like Kaito he make me go :/


I only found this artist less than 24hrs ago but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in this room and myself Jdkskskdjf Ifkdjfkf UR ART IS SO CUTE AND IM LIVING FOR UR KIRIBAKU!!,



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