
@timefriend / timefriend.tumblr.com

dya / 20 / any prns

maybe he hurts every woman that comes into his life because he should be stoned to death and killed and stabbed and beaten and shot and drowned and


HEARTBREAKING: coworker you had normal casual conversations with reveals their rancid political views one day and you can never look at them the same


We gotta start describing patriarchy as a system of male supremacy again bc if I have to hear one more person droning on about how men are actually not benefited by patriarchy im honestly gonna lose my shit


preach honestly. at first i liked it because i was like "yes, we are all hurt by this oppressive system, if we open their eyes they will join us" but then it somehow became that every conversation had to be about how men dont benefit from the patriarchy and now im like "maybe i dont want to convince my oppressor to stop oppressing me because it isnt good for him either...maybe i just want him to stop"


being as i am an idiot, and having been one my whole life, i just wanna say that i find it very easy to do nothing, and go nowhere. i eat chocolate late at night in the dark. i stand in the garden also. and i’m often waiting for something to happen. and i’m stupid.


In my mind I can see the northern lights in the sky every night bc I have a vivid imagination I’m not jealous of anyone it’s impossible for me to be jealous really I’ve seen it all

I'm so proud of you for being so creative and mature! Good for you!

Thank you….. that’s almost as beautiful as what I see when I close my eyes


Tumblr is full of people whose favorite rapper 100% would have been Drake if they didn't learn about him a week ago from the Kendrick beef.

Oh you only listen to rap songs about video games written by white theater kids? Aw man you missed out you would have loved Drake.


when i was a kid and i heard the word boysenberry i thought they were saying poisonberry and i was like WHY on earth would you make a pie out of poisonberries

When i was young every day was to struggle and my body malform from wicked experiments and no enough meals

im really sorry to hear that Hsu im here for you if you ever need me

I need you now


The way some men talk about women is crazy “I just want someone to wait at the door when I get home and be happy to see me, is that too much to ask?” Bitch just get a dog???

I think what just gets me at the end of the day is that they’re so determined for women to be both the cause and solution to all their problems that they’re unable to reflect and work on their issues in a meaningful way. They can’t say “Im lonely due to a variety of factors and this makes me feel bad, what steps can I take to fix this?” Instead they go “Im lonely because women don’t act the way I want them to and this makes me feel bad, women should take steps to fix this since it’s their fault”

And this both fuels their pessimism and misogyny and it reduces their ability to reflect and work on their problems. This increases their reliance on women which turns into this weird viscous cycle of hate and failure

You would think that their hatred for women would make them wanna be self-sufficient and not rely on women in this ridiculous way. But through their own insecurity and helplessness they created this conundrum where a woman is both a status symbol, a thing that should be owed to them AND someone who holds ultimate power over them by refusing their demands. The enemy is both strong and weak


the “cannibalism is inherently sexual and about love and so hot” crowd somehow turns out to be very put off when a rap song has the word pussy in it

“shake that ass bitch” on a trap beat seems to be just a little too much for blogger who spends 7 hours of their day writing omegaverse fanfic porn

“be gay do crimes” chanter suddenly very upset reading lyrics on genius dot com about someone making and dealing drugs


they went crazy naming the hamburger the first person to say it probably fucking died on the spot and when someone wrote it down later the paper burst into flame and kille dthem


It's not even ham though

that's true maybe they deserved to die


maybe we all deserve to die


haircut so bad it ruins you AND your bloodline permanently, it messes up your hair on an epigenetic level, 10 years later you have a son and he comes out with his shit all fucked up from the start


most common lies...

"I'm fine"

"I am having a conscious experience"

"My brain is so pink and human and is living inside of meninges and cerebrospinal fluid; there is not a silicone pod full of saline inside of my skull"

"I am a real human with a sense of ego and not several thousand roach brain wired into a nervous system where the cortices should be, shallowly imitateing hominid behavior but unable to form a subjective impression of itself"

"I have blood"


i had my first issue of red water from the secret place 🤩 soon a mighty warrior will take me 🤤 ❤️

emotionally abusive neanderthal mother : you are afflicted with club foot LOL, you will never know a man of might. stop bothering me and go harvest gourd or we will feed you to the great fanged beast.

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