
What am I even drawing?

@broccolibenny / broccolibenny.tumblr.com

It’s one big mess at this point • Commissions are [CLOSED]•
Anonymous asked:

I love your art so much!! I especially love the Digimon AU art! I was wondering if Duke Thomas is in that au, and if so what Digimon does he have? Sorry to bother you, I just love Duke a lot.

Thank you so much!!! Unfortunately, I don't know enough about Duke, but I've thought about giving him one. ( Just couldn't figure out who he should have) For now, based on the colour scheme and how cool I think they'd look together, I thought funbeemon >>> tigervespamon would be a great choice!

Anonymous asked:

Omg!!! I love your Digimon and DC au!!!! I loved the ones with Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian. So apt and so cool! Really great art!

Thank you! Never thought I'd see two of my favorites merge!

If I may ask, which Digimon do you think Starfire would have?

Thank you! Sorry if I'm bothering you with my ask :)

Thank you for liking my digimon au!!! I've never thought about starfire but maybe piyomon??


I would just like to stop by and say that your Digimon au gives me life. Having Cass have lunamon is genius. I have to ask tho, would Steph have Coronamon? (Also who would some of the others have? Like Barbra or Duke?)


Thank you so much!! And yes steph has coronamon!

I've never thought about duke because I'm not too familiar with his character.(should probably read but idk where to start aaa) so feel free to give some suggestions!

As for Barbara, I think hagurumon would suit her.


i'm unable to sleep, and i've realised how makong jason have impmon as his digimon is actually brilliant, cause it reminded me of tamers' plot and then of the events of under the hood and i realised there could be a story — a bit gritty but, joker (and his digimon?) kill jason, sheila, and impmon, who was for some reason unable to evolve, or evolve to beelzemon, and when jason returns to gotham as the red hood, he's always snatched away by this mysterious flying digimon and nobody knows who that is, because everyone, especially bruce, is used to little jason and little impmon, and not these two tall being with deadly weapons


Yoo that’s close to the idea I had for Jason and impmon!!! Jason’s death was what gave impmon the desire to grow stronger. (Following under the red hood) while Jason’s angry at bruce, beelzemon is hunting down the joker. They only meet when Bruce is trying to “save” the joker from getting murdered by beelzemon. I don’t want to ramble on and on but it’s similar!

Oh also, I’d like to think that the joker doesnt have a digimon, or more so he doesn’t see the need to have one. Never really thought much for the villians yet.


in your digimon au, you made basically all of batfam have their own digimons, but do metas have their own digimon? do members of superfam have their own digimon or would it be too op?


I’ve thought about it but depending on who the meta is, it feels a little op? In supes case I’d probably can’t think of any that’d suit him. Although, Conner’s a different story. I think Justimon would be a great choice for him.

Hear me out, I’d like to think that Justimon being a part of Conner’s life is important for him to realise that Conner is his own man. He’s not “Oh saving the world? Cause he’s part Superman or he turned evil? Cause he’s part Lex”, he’s Conner. As much as Conner has Tim/Cassie/Bart to support him, there are some days where His brain would go down the rabbit hole and the self-doubt resurfaces. Having the word justice in its name helps remind Conner of the person he is and what he truly fights for.

Just some thoughts tho!!!! AAaaa A A

Anyways here’s Jon/Terriermon to cleanse brain


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