step into the light, i'm not ever going back

@louisfeatharry /

ally, she/her, bisexual • not a larrie contrary to popular opinion • mobile links

maybe we’re perfect strangers by starprediction (@harryfeatlouis) written for @1dbigbang • Harry / Louis • rating: explicit • famous/nonfamous AU, 39k

When an EDM festival in the Caribbean touts itself as a “life-changing and transformative experience,” Harry’s not too sure he buys into it. Regardless, Harry wants nothing more than to please his best friend, so he goes along for the ride. What he doesn’t expect is to fall head over heels for the festival’s organizer who Harry discovers is also the object of his best friend’s affections.
or, the one in which it takes three days under the tropical sun for two men to fall in love

amazing art by @harrehleh who has been so incredibly amazing and patient with me throughout our time together as partners in this big bang!

if you need a good set of songs to listen to while reading, here’s a playlist that includes some of the songs and artists mentioned in the fic!

amazing photoset credit to @thiccmom​ who is a queen and an angel

i'm only here to reflect on the fact that i wrote this fic 5 years ago where i was like, "hey, wouldn't it be a cool concept if louis was a festival organizer? and he did it to give more awareness to smaller bands in the same way he was given a chance?" and 4/5 years later, it became actual reality. wild.

yes, it was inspired by fyre festival at the time (before the shitshow it became). also, the ending was rushed because i had to meet a deadline, so pls don't read it lmfao.

I was just so angry at him. ‘Cause he was always going to work and just out with friends or something like that and then he was gone. And I knew right then and there that I was never gonna let anybody get by me without understanding they might be hurting inside, you know. ‘Cause life is hard. It’s real hard. 

Exhibit A: Rebecca leaving Ted a a voicemail asking if he's alright in S02E06

Exhibit B: Ted entering his new room for the first time in S01E01 with a photograph of the exact spot Rebecca is driving over leaving the voicemail hanging above his bed

What in the Guardian Angel

Anonymous asked:

you’re not a larrie but you ship harry and louis (which is fucking weirdo behavior btw) so wtf do you think about rbb and sbb?? like you cannot blatantly ignore all of that??

not you doubling down on calling me a weirdo when you're literally talking about stuffed animals from 6-7 years ago

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