
Found Family

@musicalravencreates / musicalravencreates.tumblr.com

Accessible content. Andrew here! 21 year old queer guy (he/him) from Oregon. I write things and post about podcasts. Not a spoiler free blog. Follows back @pivotlikeamofo. || [Header ID: A close up of green moss growing along the edge of some contrete Icon ID: A pink rose on a concrete surface. Several leafy green plants are behind it /end id.]

Hey guys. Been a while. Not really into this here site anymore after everything, but I thought since I was feeling the fic jitters I'd pop back in for a few. Don't know how many of y'all still follow me after I switched fandoms, but if I still have some egobang followers and y'all feel like it, I'd love some prompts. I'm trying to get back in the groove of things and need ideas. Any prompts are cool as long as they're egobang related. Love y'all 😘


[ID: A digital drawing of Taako and Kravitz. Kravitz has dark skin, and is wearing a black cloak and a mask that resembles the top half of a skull. He has black dreadlocks, decorated with golden rings and dark feathers. He is wearing a gold ring on his left ring finger. Taako has midtone skin, a white braid, and a wizard’s hat with flowers on it. He is holding mistletoe above himself and Kravitz, his other hand is on Kravitz’s cheek, and they are about to kiss. END ID]

A gift for @collaborateteen, created by @celeste-draws!

happy candlenights :D


“I’ll always be…”

“A little. Bit. Ahead.”

[image description: a dark, animated drawing of Duck, Aubrey and Indrid, all looking upwards. Little pieces of paper are hanging from the ceiling and Indrid is smiling and reaching up for one. Duck is a broad man with light brown skin, wearing a park ranger’s uniform. Aubrey is a thin dark-complexioned woman with short, curly red hair and half a shaved head. She’s wearing sunglasses and peering upwards over them. One of her eyes is glowing orange. Indrid is a thin, gaunt man with short, wavy light hair and round red glasses. The walls around them are wood-paneled, and the small window behind them flashes repeatedly with bright yellow light before returning to a starry night sky.]



image description: a digital drawing of aubrey little and dani with their backs towards the viewer. aubrey is a brown skinned woman with curly red hair and an undercut who is wearing black pants, a dark blue hoodie, and a denim vest with a burning playing card on it. dani is a pale woman with long blonde hair and is wearing blue jeans and a green sweater. They’re holding hands and dr haris bonkers is laying on both of their shoulders. it’s snowing. ID end.


Something that I think is so interesting about the balance folks after Lucretia erased their memories is that the people they met and loved on Faerun don’t know about a huge part of their lives. 

Specifically, I am thinking about Julia, who marries a man who is kind, and brave, and ALWAYS sticks up for the little person. But she also marries a man who seems to have appeared out of the ether. He has no family to speak of, not living anyway, and so he takes to hers. He talks about his childhood as if it were a century ago, not a decade or two. When he arrives at the Hammer and Tongs he says he has no experience in woodwork, but he takes to it like a duck to water (one of his favorite animals, coincidentally. That along with bears. And dogs. He really loves a lot, her husband.)

And there are moments, brief though they are, where his eyes drift off and she swears she doesn’t recognize the man she’s looking at. They go to the beach and they see a washed-up jellyfish and he cries, but not loudly or with any feeling. Tears slip out unconsciously. When she asks him if he’s okay he nods, wipes his eyes, and makes a joke. He meets a handsome elf in town with a funny voice and he asks him where Loop ran off to. He gets flustered and apologizes, and looks shaken for the rest of the day. After the rebellion, he attempts to start coaching a local children’s sports team, but he breaks down when they win their first game.

The most obvious one though comes on the night before the rebellion. They are sitting around a table together in the dim candlelight. The others have fallen asleep in their chairs or meandered back to their own workshops. But Magnus is up, sharpening his favorite ax, and she is up looking at the mapped out battle strategy one more time.

He puts his hand gently over hers where it rests on the map. “Jules, it’s late. We have been over this plan, like, a million times. You need to rest.”

“Well what about you, Mr. Ax Man? When are you gonna rest?” she fires back at him. He looks confused like he didn’t even consider sleeping. 

“Well, that’s different. I need to get my weapons in order, I need to stay on high alert, and after this, I have to practice so that when the time comes, I can protect you.”

“Then who protects you? We’re in this together, you know. It’s okay to ask for help.” When she says that, his hand shrinks back from hers and his eyes cloud. He looks nothing like her father’s jovial apprentice.

“No,” he says. “If I don’t take the hit then you will. Then you’ll be gone, too. Don’t make me lose you. I don’t think I can handle it if I lose you too-” his breath comes in labored gasps, his words drifting away from anything understandable into more of a rush of concern. She grasps at his hand and squeezes until he can breathe normally again.  

She loves him. And she knows his heart. But sometimes she feels she doesn’t know her husband, not really. Sometimes she feels he doesn’t know himself.


Bigfoot made me a monte cristo

Barclay really needs more love, he is just trying his best NED. And this is my own take of him btw. 100%. 


[ID: a digital painting of Barclay (aka Bigfoot). He is a bearded light skinned man with dark brown hair wearing a red and white flannel shirt. He is fiddling with his bracelet and he is blushing and looking over his right shoulder. There is a silhouette of Bigfoot behind him, standing with his arms at his side. Text reads in white: “God I hope you can keep a” and in red: “secret”. End ID]


 I saw a man so beautiful I started crying? 

[image description: a drawing of Magnus from the hips up against a white background. He’s a chubby, muscular man with a freckled, olive complexion, short shaggy auburn hair and facial hair that’s longer on the sides than the chin. His arms are raised, elbows bent and hands behind his head as he looks off to one side with a neutral expression. He’s wearing a pink tank with a picture of an ax on it and the words “Ruff Boi,” and gray sweatpants.] 


“What colour are Aubrey’s eyes?”

[ID: A digital, colored, realistic piece depicting Aubrey Little from The Adventure Zone: Amnesty. We see her left hand in the foreground touching the orange, mirrored surface of a large crystal, and her reflection in the fractured crystal takes up the rest of the image. Aubrey is a dark-skinned woman with a curly mohawk dyed red, wearing gold earrings and a nose ring. Her mouth is slightly open and her eyebrows are raised in surprise or nervousness, and her fingernails glow a bright yellow-gold where her hand makes contact with the crystal. Aubrey’s left eye is dark brown, but her right is the same bright glowing orange as the rest of the crystal. End ID.]


10/10 would die for 

[image description: two drawings of Lup against a white background. Lup is a lean, muscular elf with dark brown skin, freckles, and curly chin-length hair that’s dyed bright pink at the ends. On the left, she’s wearing a cropped dark brown strapless top, a red jacket that’s fallen off both shoulders, tight black pants with a yellow shirt tied around her waist and black boots. She’s leaning forward slightly, holding a folded red umbrella in one hand and looking to the side with attitude. On the right, she’s drawn from the waist up, wearing round pink-tinted glasses, a strapless red top and a yellow bandanna in her hair. She’s casting flame casually out of her hand and looking at the viewer with a neutral expression.]


playing around with glitch effects – eleventh hour is by far my favorite arc

[GIF description: a drawing that glitches out with staticky bits and shakes slightly on a loop. There’s a dome-shaped pattern of purple, then rainbow, clouds over a dark clocktower and smaller buildings, clustered together in the center of the image. The time is noon, and above and below the clock it says: “time in this town…is sick.” Beneath the clock, there are rings of light, medium and dark purple over a glowing, fiery orb at the bottom of the frame.]


You asked for Kravitz




Hell darling, hell

[image description: a photo of a person from the chest up, cosplaying as Kravitz from TAZ. He has brown skin, shoulder-length black dreadlocks half pulled back, and short facial hair. The upper half of his face is painted white like a skull. He’s wearing a dark structured jacket over a black collared shirt, and he’s smiling slightly at the camera. Beneath that is a GIF of the same person, moving his head from right to left before smiling at the camera.]


Your art is absolutely beautiful!! (Your kravitz and taako are honestly so amazing I cried a little when I saw them)


thank you so much!! heres a lil doodle as a thank u;;


[image description: a drawing of Kravitz and Taako from the chest up as Kravitz kisses Taako on the cheek. Kravitz is a dark-complexioned elf with black hair half pulled into a bun. He’s wearing a red cloak over a longsleeve grayish-green shirt. Taako is an elf with brown skin and long, thick blonde hair falling almost to his waist. He’s smiling happily with his eyes closed.]


More of a Goosebumps man, myself. 

[image description: an illustration of a red-robed figure hovering in front of a dark background. The figure is holding out their hands, and seven small, white symbols inside faint circles form a half circle around the red robe. Three of the symbols are a curved leafy sash, a fiery fist, and a white orb. The rest are upside-down triangles as placeholders for the other Grand Relics. The same symbol appears inside the red robe’s hood, from which dark smoke is billowing upwards. “It’s the end of everything,” is written at the bottom of the image in white text.] 

Hello! My name is Elder Merle! And I would like to share with you this most amazing book! It’s called Extreme Teen BIble! It will solve your problems! Do you wanna take a look?!

More silly stuff from my Merle cosplay!

Merle Highchurch Cosplay by me (insta) Photographer (who puts up with shenanigans) @bythe-outsider (insta)

[image description: several photos of a light-skinned person cosplaying as Merle, with long gray hair, a waist-length gray beard decorated with tiny flowers, an eye patch, glasses, a wooden arm and a blue Hawaiian shirt. First, they are crouching down in some brush in the forest, and then they’re in the same pose, holding up an Extreme Teen Bible. Next, they’re poking out from behind a tree, and then they’re in the same pose, holding the book above their head. The last photo is a closeup. They’re smiling and the book says: “Extreme Teen Bible, no fear, no regrets, just a future with a promise.”]

Anonymous asked:

Keep seeing fan artists drawing even the actual McElroys thin... please bless us with more fat Taako, the whole needs more of your beautiful boy. Balance this out please.


but thank you. i definitely will. hes fat, very powerful, and will Defeat That Bad Content 


[image description: a drawing of Taako, a fat elf with brown skin and long, voluminous turqouise hair that falls almost to his knees and is black at the roots. He’s wearing a cropped white tee that says “Power” in black capital letters and black pants. He’s flexing one arm, his other hand on his hip, as he smiles and winks with his tongue sticking out. A speech bubble with a star and an exclamation point is above him.]


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