
Goddamnit Rufus

@heartlessmushroom / heartlessmushroom.tumblr.com

He/They bisexual. Multi-fandom artist, writer and pizza devourer.Also check out my art blog http://zenjiroandpals.tumblr.com/

a second time?


tumblr staff REALLY do NOT want this comic on this site despite it including NOTHING that could be deemed inappropriate, especially when compared to to the usual shit they let pass

if i can't even have this completely safe for work comic on my blog, i don't even wanna be on this site anymore. but i guess that's exactly what they want, that's why they recently went on a trans woman banning spree, not even bothering to give reasons for some, let alone good reasons

why don't you just fucking ban me while you're at it? you've already proven you can do that without warning nor any given reason


To every person who says: "Who cares?" (about transgender people or people being transgender) like it's a Commandment for your apathy rather than a shield for it:

Treat the remaining transgender people who produce the "content " you want so badly with respect, because they have a great deal more patience for you than you deserve by continuing to create things you enjoy, but recall that if the world succeeds in eradicating us, as it is trying very hard to do right now, you won't have our "content", passion, or creations.

You won't even have the option of ignoring our identities as transgender people anymore in order to continue consuming the thing you do care about (our content). If the world separates the "transgender" part of our identity from the rest of us the way you try to, all you get is a dead body.

Now is the time to care. You may get a chance to regret not caring sooner later down the line, but every year more transgender people get buried under six feet of apathy, isolation, hatred, and the certainty that no one would care if we die.

Prove that wrong while we're alive to know it.


its official: tumblr is selling our data to Midjourney

we'd been hearing rumors about this for a bit but now its open and out there. some details from this article

it goes without saying, but if @staff goes through with this its going to be an utter shitshow and im all but certain the website will not survive it.


everyone go enable this immediately. it can be a bit hard to find because “visibility is under blog settings instead of general settings or privacy. you have to do this individually for each separate side-blog

if you can’t find it on the app then the update probably hasn’t rolled out to you, and you’ll have to go through the web browser. what a truly wild way/time to implement this


since the old version of this post was flagged for 'adult content'...

reblog this post if your account is a trans safe space or owned by a trans person!

along with that, reblog if your account is a trans non-binary spectrum safe space or owned by someone on the trans enby spectrum!


I think some people, especially those debating these issues from outside the U.S. or people who have just now reached voting age, are a little confused as to what "the primaries" actually are. The primaries are used to determine who will go on to run for the presidency. Right now they're how the Republicans will decide whether they send Trump or Haley to the final presidential election. The democrats are so confident in Biden that barely anyone has contested him. If you vote "uncommitted" in the primaries, it simply tells them that you want to vote, but you don't like any of their candidates. It won't make conservatives more likely to win the white house; it will just at the very least let Democrats know people are angry and dissatisfied.

Do this. Especially in deep blue states where your vote is considered “safe”

We are currently one week from super tuesday, which is MA but also AL AK American Samoa AR CO CA IO ME MN NC TN TX UT VT and VA

Also important to note: Not all states have an "uncommitted" option.

If you're in a state without an uncommitted option, you can vote for a "write-in" candidate.

I would recommend voting for Cornel West, Jill Stein, or Claudia & Karina. All of those candidates have called for a ceasefire in Gaza and oppose the war (links are to articles about their statements on Gaza). They are all running third-party or as independents.

Out of those three, if you want to be as clear as possible that your vote is because of the Gaza genocide, vote for Cornel West.

That's because he's the one most well-known for and associated with opposition to the Israeli-Palestinian War. He originally ran in the Peace and Freedom Party, and he's a long-time anti-racist and anti-imperialist activist, scholar, and author. He is talking more boldly, louder, and more often about Palestine than any of the other progressive candidates.


this can't be true can it

So the more teachers verify this as a problem with their students, and even some replies on this are like "LOL, why would I need a computer you old farts?!" the more it's actually frightening and disturbing.

When it became a given for basically every single young person to own a computer, it *leveled the playing field.* Being comfortable with one as second nature was once a special privilege inaccessible to lower classes when the average home pc cost the equivalent of thousands of dollars. Once a majority of children were growing up with them, the tech industry ballooned to massive proportions as it became exponentially easier for literally anyone to break into programming or at least know how to type on a keyboard.

Not only is a phone severely limited in what it can do overall, but a phone is much more tightly controlled and monitored. Authorities can tap into it. Apps can just be shut down and taken away or slowly turned into more predatory malware under your nose. But most importantly, phones *are not corporate, government or STEM tools* like computers are. Phones have not replaced a single function of computers in actually building and running the entire world you live in, and there's no plan to change that. Phones are not the new updated version of what a computer can do and they are not supposed to be, yet phone use is steadily replacing computer use for the average middle to lower class person as real computers only seem to be getting pricier again, and increasingly associated with just certain fancy jobs than as a standard household resource.

It is, apparently, much more common now that a house has a PC devoted *only, ONLY* to gaming. Not a PC that any kid in the house is using to write or draw or code on.

The billionaires pushing their phones into as many hands as possible still need computers to operate their evil empires, and the more they succeed, the more computers are apparently inching back to a rare luxury only people like them understand.

This is the tech equivalent of capitalism slowly eroding the average person's ability to *read* in favor of some new, simpler google-branded written language. With microtransactions in it.


Self-Care in Times of Atrocities

This is something I've been struggling with myself, and it's also something I have a general chip on my shoulder about (in terms of the corporatization of self-care, ugh), so here have a post

It can feel impossible or even cruel, to "practice self-care" in the face of the world right now - and in particular, in the face of the ongoing genocide in Gaza.

So, I think it's really important to say that self-care does not mean that you are always emotionally balanced at all, that you are never overcome with rage and grief at the horror of ongoing atrocities.

To never be overcome by rage or horror or grief or any other negative emotions would be to shut ourselves off from a huge part of the human experience, in a situation where our connection to our common humanity is, I would argue, more important than ever.

Some days you will feel completely laid low by that rage and horror and grief. Sometimes for a few hours, sometimes for days or more.

That's not only normal, it is a completely rational response to what Israel is inflicting on Palestinians right now. I think it's a completely rational response to any genocide.

In some ways it's also a healthy response. Bottling up or choking off your emotions isn't good for you. Refusing to ever sit with pain isn't good for you. Refusing yourself grief and mourning and catharsis isn't good for you. We know all of this.

Self-care, in times of atrocity, doesn't mean always keeping yourself on some kind of even keel. In a lot of ways I think it means letting yourself cry, letting yourself channel all of your storming emotions into a force that can help, rather than just eat you up inside.

And self-care isn't the kind of corporate, hypercapitalist "buy yourself out of your feelings" bs that we're quite literally sold, either.

Self-care is, very often, not about indulging or pampering yourself (not that there's anything wrong with indulging or pampering yourself).

A lot of the time it just means...taking care of your physical form, as best you can, even when you least want to, so you don't pile more on top of everything else.

A lot of the times it means making yourself eat something, even just some crackers, even though you feel sick from horror.

Or groaning and forcing yourself to drink a glass of water, because you can, you have access to drinkable water, and you can honor that for the privilege it is by avoiding a terrible dehydration headache.

Or making yourself take a shower, even though it's the last thing you feel like doing, because you have an important meeting tomorrow.

Or locking your phone in a drawer for a while, because staying up all night doomscrolling won't do anything but drain you further.

And if you're ever feeling too guilty to do any of that, remember: you cannot pour from an empty vessel. Meeting your own basic needs as best you can is one really, really important way to make sure you have the energy to help.

My therapist once told me that I cannot help others feel better if I myself feel bad. None of us wanted this. The only ones willing to commit atrocities are the ones not paying the price for it. I've been on a slump because this and the horrible realization that things like this have already happened in the past *and the perpetrators have been called national heroes, pioneers and "great men" because of it*. Do not fucking let genocidal monsters do it again.


Today, Ociel Baena's lifeless body was found. Cause of death? Murder, another hate crime against a trans person.

They were the first non binary magistrate in Mexico and Latin America. They went to court rocking skirts and high heels, even when people laughed at them and sent death threats through social media. They were an activist, who always cared about their community and friends.

I am sharing this because I want more people to know about them. May they rest in power. No more trans murders!

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