
Lee's Like blog

@what-if-lee / what-if-lee.tumblr.com

bc you can't tag likes ;)

This is not news, but it is an important read, especially for people who were previously unaware of the trend of neo-Nazis stealing pagan symbols for their own.

If you are an anti-racist, anti-fascist pagan, keep doing what you are doing, you are keeping the fight alive

If you are an anti-racist, anti-fascist person who is not a pagan, help us spread the word of this, stand in solidarity with us as we kick the fascists out of our communities

If you are a fascist pagan, fuck off, this faith is a peaceful one

No platforms for fascists.

~ Max

Uh… there was absolutely no need to be rude in that message?

Why the fuck off? Sure they’re bigoted/racist/homophobic but they were polite and civil, why couldn’t it just have been said ‘we don’t have anyone to share your views, thank you for contacting us and bye’?


Shut the fuck up geek nobody needs to treat assholes politely

Abhorrent, vile bigotry wrapped in “ please and thank yous” isnt polite. Its disgusting.


Racist language is not civil. Ever. By definition. Try again.


i love cutthroat kitchen but bingewatching makes it really stand out how often alton brown refers to himself as ‘daddy’ and makes contestants wear spreader bars

I’m sorry what

you heard me


kinda, yeah

@datas-vibrating-robot-dong this seems like your speed

That logo looks familiar.




Every time I see that post that’s like “are you the gay who drives or the gay who cooks?” I just think of Ignis and what an overachiever he is.


i see all these modern greek myths showing the olympians as teens and 20somethings and honestly i gotta put my foot down. no. no more. everyone knows the olympians are a reality tv show starring bunch of middle aged wine moms, gays, and ex-convicts screaming at each other and throwing wine into each other’s faces, and then running away crying, and then it cuts to hades giving a snarky talking head interview in the confession room. i’m sorry but this is the truth.


english class is just everybody reading a story, saying their headcannons and the professor deciding whether or not we are valid



no more toxic friendships in 2018, no more toxic relationships in 2018 and no more toxic thoughts in 2018 

only toxic by Britney Spears in 2018


business email glossary

thanks in advance: get this done by the time i press "send"
thanks for your interest: why'd you have to bring this up
would you be so kind: fucking do it
best: i have never physically met you
all best: this conversation is over
all my best: i wish you would die
happy to help: this is the easiest thing in my inbox
i hope this helps: i've done all i'm willing to do
i did a bit of research: i googled it, because you're too lazy to
sorry to chase: answer my email
so sorry to chase: answer my FUCKING email
i am really sorry for being a pest but: i am LIVID that you are ignoring me
please contact my colleague: this isn't my problem
i'm copying in my colleague: this isn't my problem and i am thrilled about it
i'll check and get back to you: i might forget to
i'll let you know when i hear anything: i will forget to
can you check back with me in a week?: i'm hoping you will forget to
per our earlier conversation: i just yelled at you on the phone
great to chat just now: you just yelled at me on the phone
thanks!: i'm not mad at you
thanks!!: please don't be mad at me
thanks!!!: i'm crying at my desk
please advise: this might be your fault
kindly advise: this is entirely your fault
mind if i swing by?: i'm already in the elevator
can you confirm for me: you told me before and i deleted the email
sorry if that was unclear: i think you're an idiot
let me know if you need anything else: please never contact me again
Reblogging to add a direct quote that I used today -
Please respect my work process: just do it the way I told you to and stop arguing with me, I don't care what you think

I was going through the slides FFXV Team that presented at Siggraph Asia 2017, they were showing how facial semi-automation was done. Well…hairless chocobros:


Gladio looks okay. I like his widow’s peak. 

Noctis looks like a 12 year old boy. 

Ignis will fuck you up.

Prompto…. What the fuck.


The moral of the story: Never shave your chocobros. 

Especially Ignis. 


Gladio looks just like Clarus in Kingsglaive.... I honestly thought they didn’t look anything alike, it’s just the hair 😰


I’m beginning to think Noctis is just in the habit of going to Ignis for anything and everything

Hard homework question? Call Iggy.

Weird riddle? Ask Ignis for clues.

What do these symbols mean in these ruins? Ignis knows!

Need an alibi? Ignis is more devious than he looks. (Also useful for pranking Gladio)

How do you tie a bow tie again? Ignis will help!

Pulled into another dimension? “…Ignis?”


Community. Creativity. Service.

That was from this morning. Now all I can see is Pleasure and Fries 😂😂😂

What do y'all see???

Influence, Justice an Beauty..

Fairly enough sounds like Ignis to me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Wine, wellness, prosperity

Still laughing that I found wine first 😂😂 but accurate


seduce me with ur history knowledge 


vikings made their woman handle the finances because they thought math is witchcraft


During a military campaign, Vlad the Impaler, the basis for Dracula, once pulled his troops out of a major engagement in a valley at dusk so that the sun was in their enemies’ eyes. Once they were over the hill, they set loose a bunch of rabid bats who flew away from the sun (towards the enemy) and attacked them, leading to significant infection in their ranks, and Vlad’s eventual victory. Because of how the bats appeared from where Vlad’s soldiers appeared to be at dusk, myth stated that the soldiers turned into bats at night, which is where the “Dracula can change into a bat” thing came from.

raphael, the renaissance painter, literally fucked himself to death


during the Ottoman Empire, the Sultan Ibrahim I had 280 of his concubines drowned in the ocean after ONE of them slept with another man.

The earths carbon levels fell by 700 million tons because Genghis Khan killed so many people

King James (the one known for revising the Bible) liked to watch women give birth. That’s where the “tradition” of women laying on their backs to give birth comes from.

Previous to that it was common for women to have chairs with holes in them and straw underneath, so they could sit on this special chair and let gravity help with the birthing process.


Spicy foods were thought to increase libido and cause children to masturbate. To prevent kids from touching themselves at night, a man named Kellogg invented the blandest combination of cereals, marketed it at kids, and called it Corn Flakes

At the Battle of Gettysburg during the American Civil War, a small group of Union soldiers had run out of ammo against a large group of the Confederate Army. In a panic, the Union soldiers sprinted at them, screaming, with only bayonets drawn. The entire Confederate Army that was present turned and ran away in fear, not knowing that they had literally no ammunition.

When the Roman Emperor Caligula went to invade Britain he stood on the coast of Gaul with his army and suddenly declared war on Neptune, God of the Sea. He had his men collect sea shells from the shore as “spoils from the Ocean”.

Oh and he appointed his horse to the senate.

During the Austro-Prussian war of 1868, Liechtenstein sent over an army of 80 people, but ended up coming back with 81 people because they befriended a guy on the other side.

People refused to send art and sculptures to be displayed at the Chicago World’s Fair because of Chicago’s history with fire. They had to fireproof the Fine Arts building to get people to agree to loan them their art. A year after the fair closed most of the grounds were destroyed by fire but the Fine Arts building survived. It’s now the Museum of Science and Industry.


The carbon emissions thing from Ghenghis Khan is not the whole story. He also planted trees wherever he conquered land because he liked trees and thought they were important. He conquered enough to make an impact on the global climate.

Radu III, brother of Vlad III( Vlad the Impaler)  nearly killed Mehmed II, the future Sultan of the Ottoman’s, after Mehmed invited him up to his chambers. Radu, seemingly unaware that the offer was sexual in nature, was startled when Mehmed embraced and then tried to kiss him. Radu stabbed the prince in the leg, then ran and hid in a tree. They later became lovers, and maintained a relationship for the rest of their lives

Just googled the last one because holy shit that’s magnificent and seemed to good to be true, but not only did it actually happen, but I also learned that radu was known as “radu the beautiful”

fun date idea: stab him in the leg

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