
Clockwork Kisses

@clockwork-kisses / clockwork-kisses.tumblr.com

It's All About Timing. Formerly an IC blog, but since the retirement of Millicent Bowyen, now just sort of my personal blog. She/her. You'll find RP, GW2 stuff, and League of Legends.GW2 GW2 ID: Raevyn.9102 LoL ID: Raevyn Grove

ecclesiastical calendar

high holy days: rosh homestuck (4/13), yom star trek (9/8), yom fullmetal alchemist (10/3, also ta'anit mean girls in some parts of the world), chag ace attorney (12/24-12/25)

standard holidays: chag pokemon (2/27), yom mario (3/10), yom star wars (5/4, sometimes also 5/5 by sect), yom digimon (8/1)

minor celebrations and fasts: ta'anit homestuck I (6/12), ta'anit homestuck II (10/25), yom destiel ha'kadashboard (syncretized bacchanalia; 11/5-9)


It's gonna be such a funny mess when Donald Trump dies of a stroke on April 1st, 2024.

  • Naturally everybody will think it's fake because of the date only to lose their minds (both positively and negatively based on their opinion of trump) when realizing it's real
  • There will be massive celebrations in the streets and on social media and lots of predictable "don't speak ill of the dead" discourse about those celebrations
  • Weird evangelicals will pull some weird number trick talking about how Jesus was conceived on April 1st and that makes Trump a sort of messiah and people will make fun of that
  • The Republicans (after they're done with the faux-sadness and faux-outrage) will stomp over each other to be his successor but none of them will succeed. They'll tear each other apart and have no single nominee for the November elections.
  • There will be discourse about if Biden and the living former presidents should go to his funeral (they won't, he was a traitor insurrectionist)
  • The Ukraine-Russia War immediately goes in favor of Ukraine as morale in the Kremlin is reduced. China similarly backs off from its threats on Taiwan.
  • Ten thousand new memes are made, some sticking around for years to come.
  • Not a month later a bunch of unofficial biographies of Trump hit the bookshelves, many with new details about just how awful he was.

Like to charge, reblog to cast


When I tell that I LOVE solarpunk

Oh, I remember this, the edit was done by youtuber Waffle to the left.

They didn't just cut out the parts with the oat milk, they skillfully edited over all the god-damn branding and replaced the audio.

But what I still find most hilarious about this whole commercial is the fact that everything they show in this solar punk world seems to be made with sustainable, zero waste and reusable materials.

Everything EXCEPT THE FUCKING CHOBANI BRANDED STUFF! The only plastic you see in this whole commercial is all the straight to the landfill packaging made by the very corporation that tries to sell how sustainable and "green" they are. Unintentional self satire at its finest.

They couldn't even show their yogurt and milk in (basically infinitely reusable) glass containers because they pretty much only sell their shit in plastic

It is such a perfect example of the true face of "green" capitalism, it's hilarious.

The punk in this solarpunk comes from cutting the corporation out of the picture


Another really interesting thing about this edit is that they changed the label on the side of the apple-picking machine.

From "donations" to "commons". It's a subtle change, but it makes a huge difference in the world-building of the video. The former implies that this big orchard belongs to an owner and that they're donating the fruits to "the less fortunate" (and, by extension, that poverty is still a thing); the latter implies that the orchard belongs to everyone and that the fruits are free to take in the spirit of solidarity.

Waffle To The Left brought out the potential in this gorgeous video and made it an actual solarpunk utopia — without brands and without corporate pandering, complete with true common ownership over land and resources.

Alisaie: You have NOTHING THEY WANT! They won't fight you just because you WANT TO BE FOUGHT! Zenos: ...I see...so I must needs provide them with a better reason to fight me. Alisaie: That's not what I-- Zenos: Hear me then, hero. And know by fighting me, I shall guarantee an increase in your glamour dresser slots, an additional retainer free of charge, a new glamour of separate pieces, free of gender AND dyable of course, and lastly, I may or not drop a mount or minion that you may collect. Jullus: JESUS IT THERES LIKE TWENTY OF US, HOW CAN WE NOT HOLD THEM DOWN!? Warrior of Light: *dragging an entire army of people as well as the Scions* Zenos: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AT LONG LAST! COME HERO! LET US SET THE STARS ABLAZE AND PERHAPS YOUR HOUSE INVENTORY SHALL INCREASE AFTER OUR BRAWL!

A strange alien doctor stands near the unconscious body of Padme Amidala. “It appears she has lost the will to live.” A older man with a limp hobbles closer with the aid of a cane. “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard,” says Dr. Gregory House.


-Keeps Padme on life support despite DNR, somehow this ends in him getting punched by Obi-Wan

-Immediately starts putting her on every treatment known to man

-Walks over to Wilson’s office, which is the only part of the entire ship that just looks the same as it does in the show

-Homoerotically complains about how stupid Jedi are, then makes a bet with Wilson on whether Obi Wan is gay or the father of Padme’s twins (Wilson wants House to believe people can be faithful)

-Padme almost dies again. Turns out the treatment’s not working

-“if the dark side nearly killed her, maybe it can save her”

-House uses force lightning to restart Padme’s heart

-Gets brought into Cuddy’s office and told off for using an experimental treatment, and the power of the dark side, in her hospital

-House is taken off the case and foreman is put in charge of the case

-Padme is unexpectedly doing better, but Cuddy refuses to tell House or else he’ll be using the dark side to save all his patients

-House watches on as Wilson tries seducing a relieved Obi Wan while he paces in the lobby. Doesn’t seem to work

-House interrogates Obi Wan about his relationship with Padme, insinuates it’s Obi Wans Fault. Gets in a struggle and once theyre seperated it’s revealed he ripped out some beard hair

-Padme is getting released from the hospital but crashes again with obvious signs of infection. Everyone blames the dark side of the force

-is put in intensive care again, everyone thinks she’s going to die, House is brooding.

-House meets Bail Organa and talks to him, Bail mentions how he was so worried about her the last time she was in a hospital, and this seems much more hopeless

-“what time she was in the hospital?”

-House marches in as they’re about to pull the plug, rolling Padme’s unconcious body over to point at dark spot on the back of her neck

-Foreman looks disapointed, “it’s a bruise house, her husband nearly snapped her neck.”

-“Our princess’ boyfriend here failed to mentioned she was scratched by a Nexu on Genosis years ago. Nexu claws are known as a vicious poison.”

-“it would have killed her years ago”

-“unless a small chunk of claw stuck in her back, working into the muscles near the nape of her neck for years. The little prince of Darkness chokes her, pressure and muscles spasming lets it work into a blood vessel. It’s why the force lightning only was a bandaid, it vaporized what was in her bloodstream but broke up the rest of the claw and let it enter in her bloodstream. Start her on dialysis, she’ll be fine by tomorrow afternoon.”

-Next day Padme’s wheeled out of the hospital with her two children, bittersweetness. House watches from balcony before going back to his office

-Wilson enters with his shirt unbuttoned and a few bruises on his neck, declaring, “the Jedi is gay. I win.”

-House holds up a paternity test, “he’s bisexual, it’s a draw”


go to this random coordinates generator and say in the tags how you would fare if you were dropped where it generates without warning. i’ll go first i’d be dropped in the middle of the fucking south atlantic ocean and perish







Mount Grefell National Park in Australia


















BRASIL ☝️☝️☝️🏆🏆🇧🇷






Middle of a field in Uzbekestan.

Tumblr staff: ten options is enough for polls, right? No one needs more than that on a regular basis. The average tumblr user: Hey guys which element of the periodic table do you think is the most fuckable?

Posting hole

yeah yeah carbon nanotubes. but what about the copper nanotubes.

I bet you'd need some high quality copper for that huh?


not again you mesopotamian son of a bitch


IT'S FINALLY HERE! The true full size of my "do you love the colour of the sky HD remake director's cut" tumblr post

This ended up being 2 3/4 inches wide by 36 FEET LONG. 

The 2 3/4 inch width was chosen because that's the same width as a pretty average phone screen, and I wanted to know how physically far you have to scroll to get past this post.

also dont tell my boss that I got into the art gallery before we opened just to set up this rainbow CVS receipt looking motherfucker. in my defense i literally couldn't find any other location that was long enough to show this off

Please consider subscribing to my Patreon to gain access to my original content a week before its posted on tumblr!

reblogging this because the og post is suddenly getting a bunch of notes and i want everyone to see just how long this motherfucker is in real life

that is impressively long omg

also you all should be so grateful I never reblogged that post because WOW

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