The Writing Nook

@dxmichelle /

Writing YuGiOh/HP crossovers (among other things) from my corner of the Shadow Realm. Home of the Nerdship [Seto Kaiba/Hermione Granger].

Reblog if you love AO3 and appreciate their volunteers who are working harder than God, fighting battle after battle, making sure the place that is a safe space for every fandom is staying up and running for all of us


OLSSM: Anniversary #7!!

It's that time of spring again, folks! Another year around the sun for OLSSM! It's hard to believe this story has been hanging around for seven years already; seems like yesterday I revived the plot out of the ashes of its original counterpart.

As always, thank you to everyone who has read, left kudos and comments, or just sat back and listened to me gush plot points out into the void. You all are the best! <3

This year, I bring a few birthday goodies: first of which are the next three chapter prints! #39-41 are now included in their respective pages on AO3. Check out @godbirdart's amazing work!

I'm working hard on getting CH56 ready to post, but it is not looking like it will be finished in time to make its anniversary. In its place, I give you a chonky fic snippet, under the cut.

Thank you again for all the love and support!!


Once OLSSM 56 is done, I'm going to give it a little pause and return to Nerdshipping for a little bit. There's a plot I've been gnawing on for a while, but I'm definitely open to taking prompts to ease myself out of writer's block.

If anyone has any ideas to share, please drop them here or in my inbox! Thanks!! <3


Dare my followers to take this!ย  ๐Ÿ˜œ


Apparently Iโ€™m a โ€œdead doveโ€. I needed to google it and then:

Thank you for telling me Iโ€™m problematic again. ๐Ÿ’€

Thisโ€ฆ.feels something

Np tags


Me in a nutshell!


โ€œNobodyโ€™s going to want to sit on high-speed rail for fifteen hours to get from New York City to LA.โ€

Me. I will sit on high-speed rail for fifteen hours. Iโ€™ll sit on it for days. Iโ€™ll write and read and nap and eat and then do it all over again. Iโ€™ll stare out the windows and see America from ground level and not have to drive. Iโ€™ll see the Rockies and the deserts and cornfields and the Mississippi River and your house and yours and yours too. Iโ€™ll make up stories in my head about the small towns I see as we go along. Iโ€™ll see the states Iโ€™ve yet to see because driving or flying there is a fucking slog and expensive to boot. Iโ€™ll enjoy the ride as much as the destination. And then Iโ€™ll do it all over again to come the fuck home.


Iโ€™ve taken the commuter train from Baltimore up into northern Vermont, and that is already a 12-ish hour ride depending on delays. And there are usually delays.

So yeah! I absolutely would spend roughly the same amount of time to go across the entire country instead of just through a small section!


Oddly specific. Got a deposit for 6,837 today


fuck it, i never ever do thoseย โ€œreblog for X, this one really works!โ€ posts, but this one doesnโ€™t have any of that BS, this is just straight up wishing us good things; and then the comment doesnโ€™t even say any of that either. Zero claims on this post, all positive vibes

May you end this week feeling ever more certain of a future youโ€™ll love

May you end this week feeling ever more certain of a future youโ€™ll love

Pegasus dies in the manga but I don't want to accept it. Actually, after duelist kingdom, he goes on a three-week healing spiritual wellness and yoga retreat in Costa Rica, drinks charcoal and vegetable smoothies to cleanse himself and go sober, gets in touch with the natural vibrations of his soul, screams into volcanoes to release his deep soul traumas with a beach-blonde woman named Tessa from Santa Barbara, learns light language, discovers his true spiritual name, and comes back even more toxic than before

What's his true spiritual name, you might ask... It's Satya, which is an ancient spiritual word meaning truth.... just like he forgot and remembered his spiritual name, you must remember the deep ancestral truths YOU'VE forgotten.... (That sounds like bullshit to me) Kaiba-boy you have the same spiritual energy as an old tire on the side of a highway in Nebraska. your spiritual name is Condom because it's something your parents forgot to use


Pegasus dies in the manga but I don't want to accept it. Actually, after duelist kingdom, he goes on a three-week healing spiritual wellness and yoga retreat in Costa Rica, drinks charcoal and vegetable smoothies to cleanse himself and go sober, gets in touch with the natural vibrations of his soul, screams into volcanoes to release his deep soul traumas with a beach-blonde woman named Tessa from Santa Barbara, learns light language, discovers his true spiritual name, and comes back even more toxic than before

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