

@tsubasahime / tsubasahime.tumblr.com

Hi I'm CJ! Welcome to my Cosplay blog! Chaotic Good She/Her Fueled by Disney Princesses, D&D, Final Fantasy, Gurren Lagann, and Dragon Age.

Every time I log in here I find myself missing another era, another time. It feels like a completely different place. Hi. I'm working on cosplay again. Debating on wether to share progress here because I'm feeling nostalgic. Thats all.


IM GOING TO KATSUCON!! Going to try to remember to post here again! Here are some of the things I’d like to accomplish between now and then! Gorou is a hard maybe but hopefully something casual if I can’t do his full outfit! Stay tuned for progress photos!!


Long time no progress! I started working on some new projects for Dragon*con! It feels nice to be making some progress again! I’ll try to remember to post more individual progress on them as I continue as well as on their counterparts for my Fiancée!



Long time no see! I’m actually thinking I’m going to start using Tumblr again. I know its been awhile but I really miss the layout formula for this site! Also probably starting up an Art only Tumblr too. 

Going to also upload some of my cosplay backlog! While I also start some new projects as cons slowly start up again! If your still here from before I left It’s good to see you again! and If your new Welcome!! 

Also Art Only is @cjsdoodles


“The Briarwoods are very charming. You were expecting this very dour dark evil couple from all the conversation but, they seem nice. They seem earnest. They keep to themselves definitely, they're definitely a very tight couple but nothing about them catches you off guard as being anything instinctively twisted.” ~ Matthew Mercer

Sylas is @phoskios

Delilah is Me

Photo by FilmandQuill (IG)

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