
Il Paradiso Di Altair

@the-rain-shall-fall / the-rain-shall-fall.tumblr.com

23 ❄ F ❄ Libra ❄ 09.27 ❄ INTP ❄ writer ❄ frustrated artist ❄ a multi-fandom trash blog (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
go to "Altair's Smores" for my fics! Don't forget to grab a s'more!

[Sketch] Zhongli is my fav character UwU

He’s such a weird guy but in a gentle and cute way 😂

hhhhhhhhhh zhongliiiii this dork! i want him to come home soon 😥


It’s here!!!!!!!!!! / SCREAMS INTERNALLY As I said, the rest of the update will be posted on my Patreon! (I’ll still upload a few panels here tho and the beginning of the upcoming chapters)

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i hate when people are like UHM FRUIT ISNT ACTUALLY GOOD FOR YOU IT HAS A LOT OF SUGAR like shut the fuck up go eat your nutritionally complete meal powder you bought off a fucking kickstarter project okay let me enjoy a clementine 



It even goes beyond that, like if I ever eat a raw vegetable for my own health I always get shit like “yeah but the dressing is super bad for you so you canceled it out by eating ranch with it” or “carrots have tons of carbs they’re basically sugar”

And I’m just like for real? I can’t have a baby carrot with ranch? I can’t have some fucking grapes? If the only truly “”“pure”“” food I can eat is raw celery and a daily multivitamin I’d quite honestly and truly rather just be dead.


Just because something has a lot of calories or sugar doesn’t mean it’s bad for you. Veggies and fruits have a ton of vitamins and minerals and fiber and you NEED calories for like…your body to work. So who cares if you smother them in ranch. Just don’t dip a clementine in ranch

I’m gonna dip a clementine in ranch.


Why do you hate Jesus

Jesus is my homeboy but God has a lot to answer for and my rebellion will continue until he does so.

Nothing about this post prepared me for that raw ass last line.


Can’t think of a single apocalypse or plague movie that anticipated the run on toilet paper.


can’t believe a supernatural gif is aplicable to 2020 events…….. this is definitely the worst possible timeline


When people go to some Asian countries and see red bean flavored things they think, “weird bean flavored dessert,” but technically chocolate, vanilla, and coffee desserts are all bean flavored.

remember that before going „eWw“ about red bean flavour


I like how the term “as fuck” is a common unit of measurement.

My friends and I once spend a day trying to figure out what measurement as fuck was. We decided it was larger than as shit but smaller than a fuckton

But is “as fuck” a larger or smaller unit than “as balls”?


Is he aware that we physically fucking can’t

? physically cant what?

Bend our ankles like that

Like what???

At steep angles! Bones fuse and prevent that if you don’t do it regularly as a kid. It’s the same reason we don’t climb trees like monkeys, whose ankles don’t have the same restrictions we do

Human ankles don’t normally work like that!


Iirc someone did an anatomical study and people of slavic descent have shallower hip sockets that allow that movement more easily as well.

Yes! This was something we talked about in my physical anthropology class, that like, some people physically cannot slav squat just because of their bones and skeletal structure.

Look until this post started going around I had no idea some people couldn’t do this???

Reblog and tag with whether you can slav squat or not.


The MHA fandom has a LOT of problems, but trust me, the biggest one out there is not holding characters who were victims of the system accountable for their actions.

Dabi is justified in wanting to take Endeavor down. He is not justified in trying to murder him.

Twice is justified in wanting to find a place to belong. He is not justified in the crimes he's committed to stay there.

Hawks is justified in wanting to protect people. He is not justified in using murder as a means of achieving peace.

And what this fandom is most guilty of? Cherry picking. You do not get to decide one of them is guiltier than the others (and therefore their fans are worth attacking) and you absolutely do NOT get to bitch about the people who like the others when you're being way more disgusting than they are.

Like what you like but the second you set foot into the tags of something you don't like just to shit on the people who do like it, you're worse than anyone you're about to hate on.

Disliking a popular character or ship does not make you special or right. Block the proper tags and fuck off.

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