EA’s Updated TOS
It’s been brought to my attention that EA updated their TOS.
This means that CC creators can continue to use early access. EA’s TOS used to be maximum 2 weeks for early access paywalls. Now there is a open ended argument starter, in the form of “reasonable amount of time“. That can mean anything if you can reason right with invalid points.
IMO Early access is alright if it comes down to wanting money for cc. At the end of the day everybody gets to download the item(s) eventually. I dont usually subscribe to patreons because of how unstable of a website it is & how rude people are on there especially if they’re conducting a money grabbing scheme.
EA should have thought this through before quickly uploading an updated rule to a TOS that can hurt a lot of people and cause a lot of drama if not done correctly.
I’ve seen a few creators say their old cc will be archieved for free and add a download link but they’ll be doing early access for 2 weeks on each post whilst uploading free items occasionally. Sadly i’ve also seen a few cc creators not only continue to ignore the perma paywall ban and try to slither their way around it but also creators are making their “early access” 3 months. Not only is this greedy but not in any way reasonable.
I hate how EA gave into the hate by quickly changing the TOS to fit the paywallers needs as if it didn’t start turning toxic because of those same paywallers. Its very funny how you can see how rude people are in this community the second it doesn’t fit them anymore. Many CC creators called non-subscribers losers, broke, many curse-word filled insults & dragged them because they didnt want to pay $15 a month for their cc that doesn’t work.
Let alone the doxxing & whining if someone doesn’t want to fall into their lap full of scam.
2 weeks should be the maximum once again but more strict if anything. If EA doesn’t take care about the rules what was the point in changing them to something even worse than before.