

@mrcamillaa / mrcamillaa.tumblr.com

(I use iMovie/Photoshop/Premiere/After Effects) | She/her | Shitposter mostly in the JSE community, at least when it comes to this blog Header made by @piligy

Day 1000: Full Circle.

This marks the end of a very long journey! Frankly, far longer than I’d ever thought it would be. This blog started as an inside joke between friends, a silly edit I made, and wondering how others would react if I turned it into a blog. And you guys sure reacted! The past 1000 days have been full of some of the funniest, weirdest and most heart-warming interactions in the shape of asks, private messages, replies, reblogs and tags- I read them all, and I appreciated every single time someone took the time to leave kind, confused, scared or funny comments for me to read. This blog may have started because of an inside joke, but it was all of you that kept it going. 

When I started this “project” (because that is what it became) I never imagined that I would do this for 100 days, let alone 1000. Many people have complimented me on my dedication, but the people who kept showing up, who kept interacting with this silly blog that lost its novelty years ago, are the ones who deserve the appreciation. Seeing people enjoy the content, share it with their friends, even prank classmates, and telling me that it made them smile is what made me keep going. I may have been the one posting, but everyone who interacted turned it into a community project.

But the blog’s time is up! It’s going to feel odd to no longer edit this strange meme into even stranger situations, but I think we can all agree that it’s about time.

I won’t delete the blog, it will remain here for people to look through (if they want), or for people to meme with. For at least a week or so I will check in to answer any questions that you guys may have, because judging by the comments of the past few years there seem to be a few, so ask away!

Lots of love,

The Creator of the Anti-Egg.


It's been such a long and joyful journey ❤️ thank you haha


Marvin’s Magic

Marvin joined the Magic Circle; a magician organisation that takes care of the discovery, the mastery, and the secrecy of magics (indocilis privata loqui).

At first he was a novice magician set only as a spell caster within the junior branch of the Young Magicians club and, through help from his friends made his way up to become a Member of the Magic Circle (M.M.C), then an Associate of the Inner Magic Circle (A.I.M.C), then a Member of the Inner Magic Circle (M.I.M.C), and finally a Magician of the True Magic Circle (M.T.M.C)

For a long time he maintained being a respectable well mannered magician who never made much trouble. He was never that bothered with being a ‘taught’ magician while a lot of his friends and members were born magic users, and even though he slipped up with tricks and spells every now and then, he kept to the rules of the Magic Circle.

Then one day he started hearing voices.

A voice asking to be released from torment. He was curious and decided to learn more, reading up on nearly every book in the M.C’s library.

With guidance by the voice he learnt he needed to unlock hidden ritual magics of alchemy and dark arts, both areas of magic he hadn’t learnt as a spell caster, so from under the noses of the superior masters and with help by his friends, he learnt all areas of magics in the Magic Circle.  

The more he listened to the voices the more he empathised with it. He never realised it before, but he started to realise how lesser ranked he was as a magician, how unimportant he was, how little he’d be able to achieve because he was given his power by others, he was never born with them. The voice told him there was a better way, there was a way for him to become more power than even the Pureblood magic users. All Marvin had to do was set the voice free.

And he did.

The voice thanked him, and gave him what he wanted: power.

Many magicians died from what he did. And once he was caught and returned to his former self, his magics were taken from him and he was exiled from the Circle.

Since then he had spend time trying to relearn his magics from scratch, not really caring to publicly give away the secrets to his magics.

He had also gained access to undocumented books on magics (obtained by his friends who were still in the M.C) and learnt what had happened to him. He was encouraged and possessed by a demon, and in his ritual he had unleashed the demon to roam the world.

Within the books he also read up on the workings of the True Magic Circle, the connections between the Purebloods and the demon he had dealt with. There was a reason why the Magic Circle didn’t branch out, why it stayed in only one place; where certain lay lines crossed. There was a reason why Purebloods’ masks were human masks, and why they were never taken off.

With the new knowledge he knew something had to be done. He had to return to the Magic Circle, as much as it pained him now that he knew how much darker the True Circle was, as well as how many magicians remember what he did the last time he was there .

But he came back.

He was gone for a very long while, and some didn’t think he’d return. They didn’t think of his as much of a powerful being.

But still he came back.  

And from the ashes he rose.

And fought back.

He fought his demon. 

Now he needs to help the others.

(Hope that sums it up. :) )

(I thought I’d put my Marvin sketches in order of the story I had going) 


I just got tagged in something horrific

I got tagged in a post saying "a note a day, I will stick around one day in this terrible world for every note this post gets". On the surface giving this person as many notes as possible may seem like a good thing to do, if you look past that however.. this person is saying..

I am threatening suicide, if you don't give me notes I will kill myself.

You may feel like you're saving someone, you're not. You're rewarding this behaviour, you're basically telling them "yes, you can threaten suicide over getting notes, that's an okay thing to do, this is a way to get attention, this works".

But with threatening suicide is an incredibly manipulative and toxic thing to do, and it should not be rewarded with attention and notes. The best thing you can do is probably report them, so if you see such a post? Report them.

You may ask "but ultra! What if they just want to know if people care about them??" Then dm them telling to get professional help, nothing more.. if they reply with some bs, tell them to get help again and again.. just copy paste.

You are not a professional, you can't save someone who's suicidal. ESPECIALLY if you barely know them.

Besides, think about it. If you're truly suicidal, how big is the chance you'll actually stick around for some tumblr notes..

Something like that can only result in a very toxic relationship with strangers on the internet, being dependent on people you don't even know. And even if you do! Putting the responsebility of keeping you around on the people closest to you is toxic and harmful, not to mention stressful for them, and if something DOES happen, they'll have nobody else to blame but themselves. While, once again, they're not professionals, they can't save anyone..



That is all, thanks for reading


A Soft Lil Animated Lofi Loop Of The Coffee Man Himself! Enjoy! ☕🎶✨


me when my top of the mornin items r delivered


Reddit didn’t like my beans so I hope you like my beans

By Beans I mean origami hearts


Seen in my school’s bathroom


I’m convinced


I... I don't know, okay? I just did this for no reason and now it haunts me.

Just... Enjoy Toss Boy staring straight into your soul 😅


Holy fuck


Do you know how to watch the stream from the very beginning? YouTube keeps starting me off at the last 2hrs


I don’t know why it’s like that but it happens with me as well all the time. It either shows me only the last 4 or 2 hours of a youtube stream BUT after some hours, maybe a day, everything’s available! That will probably happen with this one as well :) Might just be Youtube needing time to process long streams

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