


💕🌷 she/her + 18 + hetdemi + 🇪🇪 | art student | ART ACC is @/deeeens !! | dede’s main acc! 🌷💕

today i found another pair of my absolute holy grail jeans that i had in high school approximately 6 years ago that i wore until i had ripped and patched the crotch and ass three times and literally could not get them on anymore in exactly one size bigger while i was thrifting.

reblog for good luck at your local thrift store

went antiquing today and found a vintage canvas jacket that is the same brand and style as the ones my parents have that i have been stealing for years.

reblog to have good luck at your local antique store as well

Anonymous asked:

If the primary colors were to get into a fight, which would win and why?

good question would this include the additive and subtractive models? red vs blue vs yellow vs green vs cyan vs magenta


...It's Blue.

If we hold Primary Color Thunderdome, Blue crushes everyone else. In fact, this is an important property of blue and it's one of the most convenient ways to perk a bland illustration the fuck up.

The fault is not within ourselves, but in our stars.

Humans, on average, have drastically more Long and Medium wavelength cone cells in our Retinas, meaning most of our cone cells are the kinds that see Red, Orange, Yellow and Green really well. You'd think that would make us really good at distinguishing those colors, and give Red and Yellow and edge in the primary fight, right?

Well, we ARE really good at distinguishing Red and Yellow... but there's not that much red and yellow light compared to Blue Light.

If you remember 5th grade science at all, you might remember that Light is a bunch of rays of energy traveling in waves in from space, mostly the Sun. The more energy these rays have, the more frequently the wave waves, and the farther the light travels.

Now, the sun emits a full spectrum of light, but after 93 Million miles and smacking into the atmosphere, a lot of the lower-energy red and yellow light waves have been scattered and broken up, but the blue ones are still going strong, so the mix of light the human eye actually receives is a little red, a little more yellow-green, and a SHITLOAD of Blue.

Hence, we need a TON of Long-and-Medium wavelength receptors to be able to pick up red and yellow at all!

But this also means Blue is stupidly OP.

A "Pigment" is "A Physical Chemical Compound that reflects specific wavelengths of light." and in physical media, which all utilize pigments, Blue is King. Even a smidgen of blue pigment has tons and tons more blue light hitting it to reflect and will reflect more light per pigment compound than any red or yellow pigments you've got.

FURTHERMORE, our ability to see, and distinguish different types of red and yellow light gives blue another advantage- because we CAN see red and yellow so well, we can also distinguish between many, many, MANY types of blue light- if there is ANY red or yellow light being reflected with that bluelight, we'll spot it, and our brains will say that "WELL! That blue is CLEARLY different than THIS blue!", which is probably why Blue has got so many distinctions in language- "Goluboy" vs "Siniy" in russian, The continued disputed use of "Indigo" in english, and "Blue vs Cyan" in Digital work.

I am not entirely up on the physics of digital art, but given that the color wheel in clip studio looks like this:

(Say hello to the Split Primary Color Wheel everyone!)

-I'm willing to bet the Physics-based Dominion of Blue holds true.

A cool thing about this Physics Glitch is that you can use "Electric Blue" (From about where I have the Marker placed in the above picture to the line between True Blues and "Teal") as an underpainting color, and it will peek through in an extremely subtle but attention-grabbing way that can make a dull-colored illustration much more interesting to look at.

In traditional media, that means laying down a fine layer of Electric blue media and then drawing/painting over it.

In digital, once you've done your lineart, mask off the subject of your work and put a layer of the most intensely blue-blue your eye sees under the lineart, and then color in your subject on a layer above your blue, by drawing in the color manually or leaving the color layer *just a bit* translucent so the blue peeks through in a handful of pixels. if it's a full scene, pop the blue layer between your lowest color layer and your paper layer. let it leak through, just a bit, and it'll make everything pop.

You can also use electric blue as a color-shift in your lineart, or sprinkle it in wherever you like- a little goes a long way, but I extremely recommend it.

take care of your cuts step by step♡
  1. identify their depth
  • epidermis: very thin, like a line. didn't bleed or bled a little immediately after making it. gets bloody red, then blood droplets start forming inside it. overall looks like your usual, average accidental cut.
  • dermis: can be thin or wide. you can see a white layer inside them, and then they start bleeding. slowly start to get filled with blood, and then it starts pouring (takes a couple seconds).
  • hipodermis: wide. you can either see fat, muscle or bone. if you see a white layer surrounded by fat, that's fascia, not dermis. fat may look like beans. starts bleeding after a couple seconds like dermis.
  1. take proper care according to depth
  • epidermis: softly wipe with a towel and cover with a bandage of choice (bandaids recommended for only one cut, gauzes recommended for multiple cuts in one spot). if you have anything to avoid infection, like an antibiotic that you can apply to it, pour a little in the towel and repeat the first step. do not use alcohol as a disinfectant.
  • dermis: grab a towel and wrap it around the damaged area. press hard (if it hurts too much, apply less pressure) against the wound for around 5-10 minutes, depending on how wide the wound is. apply disinfectant carefully with the same towel (not the bloody part), avoid putting it inside the cut. use bandage of choice (gauzes and clean cloth recommended). seek medical attendance if deemed necessary.
  • hipodermis: grab a towel and wrap it around the damaged area. press hard (if it hurts too much, apply less pressure) against the wound for around 8-10 minutes. cover the wound with bandage of choice (clean cloth/regular bandages recommended). seek medical attendance, cuts of this depth cannot be taken care of without a professional. do not try to disinfect it at home, wait for a doctor's opinion.
  1. meet psychological needs
  • you will be alright, i assure you.
  • please talk to someone, a close friend or beloved family member, a partner, a teacher, etc. vent to them if you feel safe doing so, take your time.
  • write it down in a notebook, or the notes app. read it as if it was someone else's vent. try to imagine how you would respond to make them feel better.
  • this isn't over. you can keep going, i believe in you and i'm here for you if you want to talk.
  • listen to your favorite songs, cuddle with a pet, take a nap, doodle, have a snack, etc.
  • don't worry, you got this!
  • this can be scary for you and i get it, but i promise that you will heal from this, okay?
  • if you're panicking, take very deep breaths.
  • cry if you need to.
  • hug a plushie.
  • pour cold water in your hands.
  • drink water and have some food if you haven't had it in a while.
  • identify the issue once you feel ready emotionally.
  • deal with the problem by either solving it (don't be scared to ask for help!) or learning to cope with it.
  • take your time to heal.
  • healing isn't linear.
  • ilysm.
  1. some time after cutting...
  • epidermis: after a day, you can remove the bandage. you don't need to cover it again, but if it's more comfortable for you then go ahead.
  • dermis: if it bleeds through, change the bandage. if it doesn't bleed through, change the bandage after a day. repeat until it gets better. avoid physical activity that hurts the damaged area.
  • hipodermis: time for the ER, baby! you will probably get stitches. do not, by any chance, attempt to remove them. follow medical advice given to you.
  1. signs of infection
  • pus or cloudy fluid is draining from the wound.
  • a pimple or yellow crust has formed on the wound.
  • soft scab, the scab has increased in size.
  • increasing redness occurs around the wound.
  • a red streak is spreading from the wound toward the heart.
  • more pain, the wound has become very tender.
  • pain or swelling is increasing 48 hours after the wound occurred.
  • swollen node. the lymph node draining that area of skin may become large and tender.
  • a fever occurs.
  • the wound hasn't healed within 10 days after the injury.
  • if any of the above signs appear, seek medical help as soon as possible.

I was tagged to do this picrew by @skysofrey and @jellybeanium124 ♥️♥️♥️

I'd like to tag @dickfuckk @bizarrelittlemew @sherlockig @ella-doe @hummingbee-o0o and anyone else who wants to do it!

Yes I do dress like this and worse thank you for asking. More colors. The cat is my darling nephew Binx


wheeee dolly time ~ me & Kiwi : 3


aighteee gonna tag @pandapillow & @mossychaos & @kikinom

& whoever else wants to join in really!


Yeeeeeee thanks for the tag <33 WE GOT THE SAME CAT TOO <33

Tagging: @tappdancing, @icharchivist, @mxddyhero, @primeministerofantarctica, @taichissu, @doodlboy, @xxxbookaholic, and anyone else who wants to join ∩^ω^∩!

thank you so much for the tag!!! this picrew is literally so adorable i cannot

tagging @ohagialpaca @drtoniho @emilycollins00 and anyone else who wants to join!!

This!!! Big agree they are so adorable!! <3 Decided to make myself


Thanks so much Emi for the tag 💚

This is the first time I'm doing something in picrew, but yeah just like other people have said this one is so cute.

It's nothing spectacular, but here have mine.

Tagging (if you want to, no pressure ^^): @lc-is-bored, @nilikhangdiwa, @hqissodelicate, @fleuraward, @saltmilea, @sodaspoppers, @ashipiko, @thechavanator or anyone that would like to join <3

Thanks for the tag Liv!!! A tiney Lu has arrived!!!


 This is a bit late but ty for the tag! ^^

Tagging @du-lacs @bodhileaf @liranecense@mydictionary​ @spacesailing @annisteb + any others who wish to join!


tysm again buddy!!! I have been soo busy with school prep but this was a cute + fun thing to do!! I love picrews with a passion.

I have since gone semi-blonde lol so this was my closest approximation.

tgas!?!?!?? (for the heck of it!! i think of u all + don't feel obligated LOL); @casanovaofmeteli @jemkins @lemonxace + anyone!! totally open invite :>


makes me so mad that I’ll never be able to open up some guys rib cage and just stick my hands in his organs and move em around while he moans and whimpers. imagine getting your prostate grabbed from the inside. must feel crazy

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