
Im always stressed and tierd, its fine though



Y’all. I got out of the shower this morning and found this email waiting for me.

I had this kid for two years, and both times I was the only teacher that didn’t given up on him. The first year, he was the typical depression case — unmotivated, irritable, and dying for somebody to take an interest — and so I focused all my effort on him, even going so far as trying to tutor him in every class. If teaching an unmotivated kid one subject is hard, teaching him seven subjects is impossible. He failed all his classes that year.

The next year, he went full-blown delinquent (being in a class with 3 others didn’t help). At one point, he threatened me, so I wrote a referral. A few days later, I had a meeting with the principal and his dad (who expressed extreme gratitude for how much I was trying and for once again being the only teacher not to give up). He was put on probation, and must have violated it later that year because he got expelled. Over the summer he turned 16 and dropped out.

I haven’t thought about this kid in at least a year. As far as I was concerned, he was my own personal failure. He was me at that age, but unlike my old teachers, I was unable to help him make it through the other side. And now to find out that he DID make it through after a small detour, just feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I wasn’t a failure, and neither is he. Our successes were just a little delayed is all.

When I was tutoring him in all his classes that first year, he told me he wanted to be the first in his family to graduate from high school. Instead, he skipped right over that step and now intends to be the first in his family to go to college, get a bachelor’s degree, and get a master’s degree. Studies show that on average, each generation completes one level of education past their parents. He intends to blow that statistic out of the water, and he thanked me for helping him get there. 😭😭😭


nazis: *would kill me if it had no consequences*

me: fuck nazis

people: wow theres something called FREEDOM OF SPEECH and them wanting you dead because of who you are should be respected

me realizing how little people value my life:

*nazi makes online threats to shoot into crowds of people*

“He’s just blowing off steam”

*nazi makes public threats to shoot into crowds of people*

“Well he was obviously JOKING, stop being so sensitive”

*nazi goes to a protest heavily armed and antagonizes crowd of people*

“That’s just to defend himself from the people armed with mild pepper spray”

*nazi aims gun at the crowd of people*

“Well maybe he’s just giving a warning, you don’t KNOW he’s gonna-”

*nazi fires into the crowd of people*

“Gosh, however were we supposed to know he was gonna do that? I suspect it was because someone called him fat in the 8th grade”


man no offense but reclaiming “dyke” as a lesbian doesn’t have a fraction of the push back as reclaiming “queer” has, and that really ought to tell you something about what really influences people’s knee jerk reactions to “queer.”

if I said “dykes unite!” it would be seen as a rallying cry for all of us who identify as dykes, but if I say “queer folks unite!” I’m going to get countless responses about how I’m “forcing queer onto people.”

concern over it being a “slur” is half assed and hollow ringing at best when no other reclaimed slurs get treated the same way, and besides the fact, its like no one understands what the word “reclaiming” even means.

but people still won’t take 2 seconds out of their day to consider that their socially influenced bias against “queer” vs any other similar term might be influenced by shitty people with shitty motives underneath it all.

you want to know why you knee jerk react to “queer?”

you’ve been trained to.

the reason you see someone saying “dykes unite!” and don’t assume the same thing as you would if it were “queer folks unite!” is you have observed and absorbed singular responses of people insisting “you’re forcing that on me!” with queer, and not with dyke.

this trains the reaction in you that people using queer are forcing it on others, without you criticizing that at all.

and y'all don’t observe in the slightest who is starting these chain reactions, who are conditioning you into singularly treating the word queer and people who identify with it differently than all other reclaimed slurs and people who use them.

but I’ll tell you: it’s TERFs. radfems. truscum, transmeds. racists. biphobes. literally any kind of shitty asshole you can think of that doesn’t like the term for political and bigoted reasons outside of “its a slur.”

and what do they do to turn sensible, non bigoted people against a word they don’t like? the same things the cishets do. demonize the group (“they force it on us!”) and therefore tainting the identity by association of “bad behavior.”

this turns into what you see today, ignorant LGBTQ people re-weaponizing a decades reclaimed slur at their own people, like derogatorily saying “kweer,” because they’ve been conditioned into believing their own community members are out for them.

if you don’t see how that’s pattern for pattern TERF tactics, I don’t know what to tell you. but as a genderqueer person, its hyper unnerving to witness everyone’s susceptibility to some pretty easily identifiable ploys, because now I have to wonder how long until your willful blindness turns you against non-cis people, like they truly want.

here is a straight fact: if you see someone using “queer,” whether its personal or as a community term, and your reaction is “ugh they’re forcing that term on me,” you’ve been conditioned into queerphobia.

the idea that community members are automatically forcing the term on people who don’t identify with it, when they’re just using their own comfortable language, is a flat out prejudice. and one you don’t afford other people who use reclaimed slurs in the exact same way. its an assumption aimed at your own goddamn community members, how in the hell is that not bigoted?

100% of the time when I see a queer person defending their own language (key word DEFENDING, because they got attacked for it,) the response is always “well sorry, guess I’m the bad guy for not wanting queer to be forced on me.”

yeah. you are the bad guy. because you’re playing a pathetic victim card and villifying people based on your own personal, prejudiced belief that queer people all want to force their identity on you.

get a fucking clue. they aren’t.


Why ‘Everybody’s Talking About Jamie’ is stupidly important

  • one of the most inclusive musicals put on stage whilst still in a real world setting??????????????? 
  • very very accurate portrayal of english secondary school life
  • actual funny non-offensive jokes about diversity
  • pritti and jamie’s friendship is so well written and wholesome, i actually wanted to cry every scene they had together. 
  • ‘Sometimes, pritti pasha, yer gotta take life by the balls! then yer take those balls and tuck ‘em between yer legs and put yer best chuffin dress on!!’
  • the hArMoNiEs in over the top can I get an amen??

Amazing Brian David Gilbert Quotes

“Because God has cursed me for my hubris, and my work is never finished” (my fav)

“But do I look like a fool to you?” *crazed eyes*

“Which proves my lack of bias and also that I’m professionally irresponsible”

“We’ve done some shit to bees, y'all”

“It’s finally jorts season, buckaroo!”

“Why do piranha plant have bones in it?”

“And tear out each other’s throats when someone expresses an opinion”

“I need to see where donkey kong pees”

“What do you do after you find out about that power? Ya nort a boy”

“I am not your friend, and you have no say over what I do with my body”

“Why catch them all if you can’t keep the ones you love?”

“I just saved your ass… with MONOPOLY”

His mom - “I tell you what, this is a lot of research into things that really have very little meaning”


ace ppl deserve better than the treatment this site decided to give them just cause tumblr decided they weren’t oppressed enough to be respected as people

Aro people deserve better than being treated like they don’t exist and for 70% of narratives abt ppl not experiencing romantic love to portray them as villainous or infantile

and whether or not you think they should be considered part of the lgbtq+ community, you don’t get the right to treat them without respect and harass them.


Literally no one asked me but here are my Leverage demigod AU headcanons.

Parker is easy. Child of Hermes and one of his faves. He gave her a golden hair pin she always wears that she can use to pick almost any lock.

Hardison is a child of Hephestus. I considered Athena but he’s very into the gadget making. He brags that his dad is the god of “making cool shiz”. His dad gave him a pair of goggles that transform to be protective for whatever he’s doing (ie: gunnar glasses when he’s hacking) and let him see how anything is put together by looking at it.

Eliot is the hardest of the kids but I’m going with an obvious and a non obvious choice together. Eliot looks like a child of Ares and he is a child of Ares. Obvious. But he is favored by Hestia. I wanted him to be a child of Hestia but, alas, she’s a virgin goddess. So Eliot is this big, tough, Ares cabin kid who’s like, “I’m adopting you. You’re my little brother now and I’m making you a quiche.”

Sophie is kind of a question mark. I don’t mean to me, I mean in universe. Everyone kind of assumes she’s an Aphrodite kid and she has all the markers for it–beauty, charm, seduction, the whole kit. But she has it down a little too well? Like, maybe she just…is Aphrodite? That’s the kind of thing gods do. Just show up places in mortal disguise to mess around. Sophie has never claimed that she is Aphrodite but she’s also never cleared up that she isn’t so…suspicious.

Nate isn’t a demigod. He’s just a dude. A dude Nemesis took a liking to, but just a dude. Nemisis gave him a magical, self-updating list of people who deserve to get got and the ability to see through The Mist. And, when he meets up with the group, that’s basically all he’s got.

The first adventure is still The Lightning Thief except they’re actually stealing it.

“The United States Government is offering you a piece of land of your own.”
“We have our own land.”
“No, it’s not yours. It’s the US Government’s.”

S1E6 - “Pride, Pomp and Circumstance”


Nonnatives were reblogging this without the caption. Keep it. Read it. Acknowledge it.


now that we got the wig and fake stache gag out of our systems can i just say…. im not used to seeing brian unraveling without a tie on in the studio. already some bold choices this season. scandalous. gonna get a write-up for inappropriate workplace attire

brian: unravels withOUT A TIE




Do not accept a friend request from Chrisopeer Davies and Jessica Davies. They are hackers. Tell everyone on your friends list because if somebody on your list adds one of them, they’ll be on your list too. They will figure out your personal computer’s IP and address, so copy & paste this message wherever you can

Heads Up: Also look out for a Discord user by the name of “KeirStarmer” or often just “Keir”. He is going around sending friend requests to random Discord users, and those who accept his friend requests will have their accounts DDoSed and their IP Addresses revealed to him.

Spread the word and send this to as many discord servers as you can. If you see this user, DO NOT accept his friend request and immediately block him.

Please be warned there is a user going around called “KurtStarmer” or just “Kurt” who is mass spamming terribly graphic gore and of such(he is also a hacker). Please spread the word of this to your other servers

To all the discord servers out there! Please be safe!


there are actors that people refer to as shapeshifters bc theyve played in so many movies in which they look nothing like their other parts and then. there’s michael sheen.

I see this and I raise you: Stanley Tucci


It took me years to connect all his roles, they’re so wildly different. His talent prevents him from being more appreciated because nobody realizes it’s him everytime

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