finding bigfoot

@astridcharlie /

She’d have the perfect life with John but she’s getting the best one with Peter. (Grace)

My parents have been married for 19 years and together for 20 and I asked them what they were doing for valentines and they both looked so disgusted and said it was commercial and they hated it and then my dad said to me that every year he sends her flowers her favourite chocolates and a card pretending to be a secret admirer because although they think it’s a stupid holiday he wants her to have chocolate and then I went to my mum and asked about her secret admirer and she said it was a running joke between them cause my dad spends the day saying he’s gonna beat up her secret admirer and they both know it’s him but it’s been going for twenty years and my mum keeps the cards and if that isn’t love idk what is

The real thrills come instead as Eve and Villanelle sniff each other’s clothes and fantasize about the other and become increasingly embroiled. As Eve’s sweet husband aptly admonishes her late in the season when he’s finally tired of being scared for her, “You’re not saving the world, honey bunch, you get off on sniffing out a psycho!” There’s a sexual tension that is both acknowledged and swept away in a number of different ways among various characters, and it gives the series an unexpectedly potent drive. [x]
Villanelle occasionally has sex with men, but she’s romantically interested in women, and she becomes captivated by Eve. She buys her fancy clothes, she tries to have dinner with her, she murders her acquaintances. Eve is Villanelle’s type—it’s the hair—but perhaps it’s also a certain shared brusqueness, the way that Eve can’t flirt or sweet talk anyone she’s not actually interested in, even if it would be useful. [x]
The pull between these women is something beyond sexual. It might not be sensual. Animal may be the best way to describe it. [x]
Villanelle uses devious tactics to intimidate and puzzle Eve, and it’s not long before their cat-and-mouse game takes on a sexual valence. When Eve describes Villanelle to a forensic artist, she notes, with a far-off look in her eye, the killer’s smooth, bright skin, her arresting gaze that’s “both direct and also chilling.” [x]
When she wants to taunt and terrorize Eve, Villanelle doesn’t do something gross, like sending a severed body part in the mail. She ships her a package filled with alluringly wrapped luxury clothing, each item in exactly Eve’s size. [x]


“Jet Li is in final talks to play the emperor of China, who orders the mobilization of troops via the conscription of one male from each household.”
“Meanwhile, Gong Li is confirmed as the villain of Mulan, a powerful witch (this appears to be a departure from Disney’s 1998 animated version, in which the primary antagonist was Shan Yu, leader of the invading Huns).”
“Also joining the cast is Chinese-Vietnamese actress Xana Tang, who will play Mulan’s sister (another original character for the live-action film).”

Okay, what the HELL is going on here?

First, they take out Shang. Then there’s no musicals. Then we have Jet Li playing the Emperor? Sure, I like Jet Li but is the Emperor supposed to look 35 or something? Gong Li is a WITCH. WHAT. Where are the Huns? Where is Shan Yu? And to top it off, Mulan now has a sister? I guess her being independent is out the window and where the hell is Eddie Murphy and Mushu?

This bullshit is NOT Mulan, this is a white fanfic of Mulan crossed over with Maleficent. And I’m happy they’re using actual Chinese actors but at the same time, Mulan was very Asian Americanish and it just seems like that Asian American element is gonna be gone too. Smh

Angry Asian Guy


The never ending cycle

Qwoc: Here’s a new ship we feel represented in can you guys watch it so we get a season 2.

Wlw fandom: …………

Qwoc: they’re canon and not queer bait.

Wlw fandom: …………

Wlw fandom: reblogs a more diversity post.

Qwoc: okay can y’all at least wat-

Wlw fandom: “ omg there is a new white gay ship. They looked at each other for 0.8 seconds that means they’re canon”.

Qwoc: completely ignored

Wlw fandom: I can’t believe we been queerbaited


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