



"And with a flick of his wrist, he exposes his SOUL to you."

True Love // Happy 2nd anniversary, Dating Start!

The visual novel where you can fall in love with Sans the skeleton!

Doing chores together.

Some of these chores doesn't need two people, but come on, it's always fun when you're together.

  • Doing laundry together, that just escalates to a full on bubble war and just running around chasing each other with bubble foams.
  • Folding laundry, but both just end up cuddling on top or beneath the mountains of warm clothes. One of the other totally not burying/throwing the other on top
  • Sweeping the floor, there is a reason why you have two brooms, for sweeping medieval sword fights.
  • Watering the plants outside, yup, this just ends up in a war of hosing the other down.
  • Making the bed/changing the sheets, you know those fitted sheets? Mhm imagine one of your top characters just making the bed and somehow the other just manages to wrap them in a fitted burrito and just wastes the day cuddling to the wrapped burrito.
  • Grocery shopping, instead of actually getting groceries imagine your otp racing down the aisles the other inside the cart holding onto dear life while the other pushes the cart rivaling the speed of sonic. Or playing hide and seek until they had to be kicked out, almost banned even.
  • Restocking the pantry with both just ending up being surrounded by bags of food and both are on the floor eating and chatting away.
  • Repainting the room, with the room ending up with crazy abstract design due to both flinging paint at each other and just smearing paint at one another.
  • Washing the car, the other already started washing the car, then their s/o comes out with a speaker and their shirt bunched showing their stomach, like those car wash sexy videos, and then there s/o proceeds to try to wash the car seductively and playful, but end up just getting soap in both their mouth and eyes while the other just either watches amused or full on laughing

This sounds like fun 😊


We need like “unclench your jaw” posts but for eye strain. Like

Go look at something 20ft away for 20 seconds.

take off your glasses if you wear them for 20 seconds


Recommended by my optometrist

Look at something 20 feet away, then 10, then 5, then one, then if you can your nose.

Repeat twice, then again without glasses.

Face forward look out of the corner of your eye. As far as you can look. Slowly move to the other corner. Repeat twice.

Look down as far as you can. Slowly look up. Repeat twice.

Roll eyes twice.

Close eyes for five minutes.

I do this every day usually at my halfway point. My migraines went away. My vision go better. Honestly stretching my eyes as she put it feels great too.


this is so cute, ty for the tag!!

tagging: @quinnick @octobergrae @thefandombringer @sunflowersand-butterflies and whoever else wants to do it <333

Omg I love this picrew this is causing so much euphoria ahhhh

@pimplepogue @novainthevoid @pheliau @sorry-i-panicked and anyone else who’s interested :)

looking schwaggy J !! ty for the tag B)

dont sweat it tags ! @fruitythings @xhavibee @moonriseblueeyes @marlenacantswim @lionydoorin @mikesgaylittlethoughts @willelfanpage + anyone else who wants to give it a shot !


AYY thank u for the tag noah!! <33

thats. thats me yay

Thank you for tagging me🥰🥰🥺 yours looks so cool!! eeee

If you've already been tagged ignore me but direct tags, do if you want not pressure besties: @el-fandom-phantom @fluorescent-spirit-stickers @regalkn1ght @femmeetart @buckleys-babe @moviefreaksworld

And ofc @ anyone who sees and wants to! I mean it 💜

thanks for the tag !! wowie u look so cool !! and ty ma for tagging me too @lionydoorin

msmshhsjsmmnabndndnbfbdnm my hairs grown out i gotta get it cut soon—


gotta color my hair again, its more copper now. thanks for the tag @ronanceisintheair and @el-fandom-phantom you guys look INCREDIBLE


This one was really fun! I'll Tag @wizardofozwel @thecrateofaus and @thebidork

This one was fun! (God I miss my sunglasses and necklace so bad) thank you for tagging me! <3

Tagging @necropolitan-fairy @cunt-mcdrunk @jar-jar-ate @cass-without-the-andra and whoever else wants to do this.

Ahhh I love this one! Thanks for the tags friendos @jar-jar-ate and @thecrateofaus :3 I would own that shirt irl I want it so bad

I tag @necropolitan-fairy and anyone else who wants! Good picrew <3

Thank you for the tag friendos!

Hello :]

I want to tag @pillowspace

And @ anyone who wants to :]


wowzer it me

+ anyone who wants to gjgj i'm too sleepy to think hard on a tag list


There weren't any white masks so—

Non-obligatory tags: @gniteruirui @justanordinaryartist @aprianex @izzysatan @sarahioverahere ++ anyone else who wanna join in!


I had fun doing this! Thak for the tag 😄


opogg >:D

@castercassette @bittysteam @oobbbear @opudont-donut @lilmissnia @kitty-c4t​ + anyone who wants to 👀


I love doing these thanks for the tag!!!💛💛💛

@pure-plum id love to see yours! +anyone who wants to join!!


I haven't done picrew in forever, thank you for the tag, Nia! And now I get to use the glasses option :3

Open to anyone to jump in and add theirs!

I'm always snacking 🤣




Definitely needed this back then and some now 😅


Want to learn something new in 2022??

Absolute beginner adult ballet series (fabulous beginning teacher)

40 piano lessons for beginners (some of the best explanations for piano I’ve ever seen)

Basic knitting (probably the best how to knit video out there)

Pre-Free Figure Skate Levels A-D guides and practice activities (each video builds up with exercises to the actual moves!)

How to draw character faces video (very funny, surprisingly instructive?)

Playing the guitar for beginners (well paced and excellent instructor)

Playing the violin for beginners (really good practical tips mixed in)

Color theory in digital art (not of the children’s hospital variety)

Retake classes you hated but now there’s zero stakes:

Calculus 1 (full semester class)

Learn basic statistics (free textbook)

Learn a language:

Russian (pretty good cyrillic guide!)

Saving for later


Beaded Jewelry Sets

Various beaded jewelry sets I’ve made inspired by random video games, movies, etc not in any particular order!

UPDATED 3/6/22

Legend of Zelda - Click Here

Disney Fairies - Click Here

Disney/Disney Related/Pixar - Click Here

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Click Here

Various Video Games - Click Here

MCU/DC/Comics - Click Here

Sailor Moon - Click Here

Pokemon - Click Here 

The Wizard of Oz - Click Here

Queen(band) - Click Here


So cute


One day early into Iris’ friendship with the turtle fam April was taking pizza orders. Mikey wanted pepperoni and truffle. Raph wanted a simple meat lovers pie. Leo wanted mushrooms and black olives and when it came to Donnie she already knew.

“Buffalo chicken Dee?”

“With extra hot sauce to burn what little soul I have left”

Iris giggled. April rolled her eyes and then turned to her.

“What about you Iris, same?”

“Oh no I absolutely hate buffalo chicken with a burning passion”

Donnie turned to her like she broke all his tech and spat on it.


It tastes like fake spice and sadness”

Donnie had to get up and walk away. He abruptly turned back to her and angrily asked,

“So then pray tell what is your topping of choice?”

“Pineapple of course”

Donnie stared at her with a blank face for a second. Then picked up his phone.

“Hello police? I would like to report a federal crime”


@rheawritesforfun @fluffytriceratops @thelaundrybitch @mysticboombox @turtle-babe83 @leosgirl82 @lec743 @simpette-paleta @tortuefaerie

Fake spice and sadness 🤣


“His first day was on location with Kylie Minogue, but all eyes, even Kylie’s, were on Bernard. He’d turned up with a suitcase full of props, just in case, including a rubber chicken. And what an actor. Oh, really though, what a wonderful actor. We once took him to the TV Choice Awards and sent him up on his own to collect the award, and the entire room stood up and cheered him. That’s a lovely memory. He’d phone up and say, ‘I’ve got an idea! What if I attack a Dalek with a paintball gun?!’ Okay, Bernard, in it went! He loved Gill with all his heart; he mentioned her in every conversation we ever had. A love story for the ages. I’m so lucky to have known him. Thanks for everything, my old soldier. A legend has left the world.”  — Russell T. Davies

BERNARD JOSEPH CRIBBINS, OBE (29th December 1928—28th July 2022)

So sad 😭 he was my favorite!

I'm not crying I'm sweating through my eyes 😭



Please reblog. Mental health is so important. You could be saving a life by reblogging this

Reblog!! This is so important!!!

Everyone needs to know this


switch up your verbs (part one) ~

walked - hiked - moved - shuffled - toddled - sauntered - ambled - tiptoed - meandered - strolled

laughed - chortled - chuckled - giggled - snorted - guffawed - howled - snickered - shrieked

wanted - ached for - wished - craved - coveted - fancied - pined - aspired

ran - sprinted - galloped - scampered - bolted - trotted - dashed - raced - jogged

jumped - bounced - hopped - leapt - hurtled - vaulted - barged - bounded

Great for widening your vocab comes to writing ☺️


Grandmas were so right about puzzles and knitting and crocheting and solitaire and reading slow and slippers and baking and watching deer in the backyard send post

It's calming and it's even better with a nice relaxing drink in your most comfiest of clothing 😌


Your Smell

Warnings: None

All turtles



  • Loves a green tea or cucumber scent
  • You always make sure to put it on thick
  • During his season it's absolutely intoxicating
  • Follows you around like a lost puppy
  • He's a very basic boy


  • Loves a more musky scent
  • Like a strong earthy smell
  • Will tell you how good you smell constantly
  • Especially during his season
  • Hardcore flirtation 100%


  • Likes a very floral scent
  • Mostly lavender, or cherry blossom
  • Whenever you pass he sniffs the air
  • May or may not have an item of clothing that has your scent on it
  • He's definitely gonna be blushing a lot


  • Likes really string fruity scents
  • A citrus or kind of like a strawberry smell
  • If you think he's flirty now...oh boy
  • Will try to find the same scent for himself
  • What can I say...Mikey is Mikey

😍 Love these! I wanna add my two (s)cents for my favorite fellas!

♥️I can also see Raph being into an earthy amber or spicy scents like cinnamon

💜 I think adding something sweet like vanilla or caramel to blend with the floral would kick things up a notch for Donnie boy

I absolutely agree ❤️💜🧡💙


show, don't tell:

anticipation - bouncing legs - darting eyes - breathing deeply - useless / mindless tasks - eyes on the clock - checking and re-checking

frustration - grumbling - heavy footsteps - hot flush - narrowed eyes - pointing fingers - pacing / stomping

sadness - eyes filling up with tears - blinking quickly - hiccuped breaths - face turned away - red / burning cheeks - short sentences with gulps

happiness - smiling / cheeks hurting - animated - chest hurts from laughing - rapid movements - eye contact - quick speaking

boredom - complaining - sighing - grumbling - pacing - leg bouncing - picking at nails

fear - quick heartbeat - shaking / clammy hands - pinching self - tuck away - closing eyes - clenched hands

disappointment - no eye contact - hard swallow - clenched hands - tears, occasionally - mhm-hmm

tiredness - spacing out - eyes closing - nodding head absently - long sighs - no eye contact - grim smile

confidence - prolonged eye contact - appreciates instead of apologizing - active listening - shoulders back - micro reactions

This will definitely help with writing ☺️

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