
Simply Inspired

@asimplekindoflifestyle / asimplekindoflifestyle.tumblr.com

life is full of inspiration: art - beauty - compassion - courage creativity - culture - faith - family friendship - honor - ingenuity - joy kindness - laughter - love - nature passion - sacrifice - sincerity vulnerability
Romantics are a dying breed And this romance is dead to me So, I'm gonna bury your love six feet under Well, they say that one's a lonely number But lightning struck, and I found my thunder There's another side of me that you're about to discover I'm going to make you see the difference Between just quitting and survival I've got a voice, and I've made my choice Between heartbreak and revival Oh, I know you hate how I make Everything look easy to do Know that it's my pleasure Doing everything better without you 'Cause this one works better than Two wrongs don't make a right When one leaves the other behind And I found you only regret When you stay too long With the one that you'll forget I'm going to make you see the difference Between just quitting and survival I've got a voice, and I've made my choice Between heartbreak and revival Oh, I know you hate how I make Everything look easy to do Know that it's my pleasure Doing everything better without you Well, honey, it's my pleasure Doing everything better without you 'Cause this one works better than two

“One Works Better,” Nashville Cast (Clare Bowen & Sam Palladio)

So much of the world operates without us ever thinking about it. We expect it to work out in our favor, and most of the time it does. We worry about the future and think about the past, and we so often miss what's right in front of us. We take what's good and easy and working for granted until it's no longer good and easy and working for us. It's normal--but we can do better. Because there are tiny, beautiful gifts we're given every day, and it's up to us to appreciate them to the fullest while we can.

Head Over High Heels, Grey’s Anatomy (15.22)

Without you, the ground thaws; the rain falls; the grass grows. Without you, the seeds root; the flowers bloom; the children play. The stars gleam; the poets dream; the eagles fly, without you. The earth turns; the sun burns, but I die, without you. Without you, the breeze warms; the girl smiles; the cloud moves. Without you, the tides change; the boys run; the oceans crash. The crowds roar; the days soar; the babies cry, without you. The moon glows; the river flows, but I die, without you. The world revives; colors renew, but I know blue, only blue— lonely blue, within me blue— without you. Without you, the hand gropes; the ear hears; the pulse beats. Without you, the eyes gaze; the legs walk; the lungs breathe. The mind churns; the heart yearns; the tears dry, without you. Life goes on, but I’m gone, ‘Cause I die without you.

“Without You,” Rent (2005)

Time is a strange thing. When you're waiting for something good to happen, it can feel like time is dragging on, but when you want it to slow down, it goes by in the blink of an eye. The odd part is, time isn't real; it's a concept imagined by scientists based on the imperfect movement of the earth around the sun. So why do we put so much importance on something that's just a theory? Because it's all we have.

Girlfriend in a Coma, Grey’s Anatomy (15.12)

To be or not to be? That is the question--whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles and, by opposing, end them? To die; to sleep--no more--and by a sleep to say we end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to--'tis a consummation devoutly to be wished! To die; to sleep. To sleep, perchance to dream--ay, there's the rub, for in that sleep of death, what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil must give us pause. There's the respect that makes calamity of so long life.

Hamlet (Act III, Scene I), Shakespeare

Have you ever thought about how many things in our lives are all about timing? Timing dictates so much about your family, your job, your friends. But so often it's all determined by being in the right place at the right time--or at the wrong time. What if today never happened? What if you showed up late or called in sick or didn't say the thing you needed to say to the person you needed to say it to? What if your timing was off? Would it change things a little? A lot? Could a matter of minutes--of seconds--change your life forever?

Every Second Counts, Station 19 (1.08)


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