



If I ever like your sad post

It is support

I am not enjoying your tears


I love when I’m in the middle of speaking and suddenly I’m like wait I literally don’t agree with what I’m saying

normalize suddenly saying "wait hang on I might have just talked myself out of this" mid rant


thanksgiving is a holiday based on a falsified narrative full of white guilt and the erasure of history so what are some good native organizations to donate to this coming thursday

please also consider looking into funding native/tribal food sovereignty projects if you have food to donate or money to spare. friends, please add more if you know of them and have links to provide:

you can also buy food/gifts from indigenous sellers or donate to gofundme fundraisers made by indigenous people who need help getting groceries, paying medical bills, or paying rent. do something to help us and our communities.

try water projects too, like the navajo water project: https://www.navajowaterproject.org/

a lot of reservations are fucked over on water by illegal oil drilling, pipelines, or other breaches, like in the navajo rez’s case: contaminated by illegal uranium mining.

I would like to put my endorsement to the Sovereign Bodies Institute, home of the database of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women. The database is trans-inclusive, the data protocols follow the desires of the families of MMIW, and this holiday season, they are collecting donations to buy gifts for the families, especially the children, of missing and murdered women. 

I’d like to add Feeding Nunavut, the cost of living in the isolated north for Inuit is up to and sometimes over 5x the prices the rest of Canada is used to.


can we talk about how literally 64% of people wear glasses, and yet we NEVER see them in movies/tv unless it's on some nerdy or uncool character? why do we adhere to such a weird beauty standard that subconsciously makes us feel bad for,, not being able to see???


There’s nothing wrong with being sexually attracted to someone but not romantically attracted to them. There’s nothing wrong with having sex with someone and not having romantic feelings for them. There’s nothing wrong with it. People are free to do what they want with their bodies


The difference between a bisexual person and a pansexual person is that a bi person identifies as bi and a pan person identifies as pan and you don't get to fucking tell them that their understanding of their own sexuality is wrong

Knew it wouldn't take too long for folks to start clowning. Pansexuality is not biphobic. Bisexuality is not panphobic. Neither is more woke, neither is inherently more inclusive, neither is inherently fucking transphobic. Bi/pan solidarity is it, y'all.


Look at these rich white men going hard for their rich white male friend cause the internet did a “who’s the worst Chris meme” and posted facts about the guy… meanwhile, Black MCU stars like Zendaya, Anthony Mackie, and Tessa Thompson get talked about like dogs on social media sites and I ain’t heard a peep out of these two on the subject.

What a privilege it is to be “not overtly political as a rule” when your life doesn’t depend on being overtly political lmao




arvin russell loves animals, hates the church, beat up misogynists, killed a p*dophile, ended serial murder, and killed a cop. your fave can never


The Satanic Temple announces Satanic Abortion Ritual, essentially making abortion a religious right under the Religious Freedom Reatoration Act. I don't have enough words for how much I support this organization, atheistic or not. We need more people like this.

*crying* Hail *sniffles* Satan

The satanic temple does a lot of work to exploit legal loopholes meant to priotritze christians to give safety & care to people who need it. I encourage people to check out some of the other work they do

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