



Happy Sunday, All!

Here's a photo of me, circa 1988. I was attending the Academy of Art in San Francisco. It was my Sophomore year. I was taking a photography class.

I was 19.

I was Autistic.

I wouldn't find out for another 34 years.

I was an introvert.

I was a dreamer.

I wanted to fall in love... but was always too shy to meet anyone.

I wasn't a good student.

I couldn't keep up with the teachings or my peers.

Everyone else was SO much better at art than me.

But art was all I had.

It was the only thing that made me happy.

36 years later...

I'm still Autistic.

I'm still an introvert

I'm still a dreamer.

I've found love.

And... I'm still making art.

If you love art too... please don't give up on it.

Your 55 year old self will thank you for it.

Sending Big Hugs from the Hobbit Hole. ♥♥♥


“Our flowers keep perpetual watch on the dead because we all incomprehensibly know that their sleepy and delicate presence is all we can offer the dead to take with them in their dying, without giving offense through the pride of our living or seeming more alive than the dead.”

Jorge Luis Borges, excerpt of “Deaths of Buenos Aires” [Muertes de Buenos Aires], trans. by Ben Belitt in San Martín Copybook

Source — Siempre las flores vigilaron la muerte, porque siempre los hombres incomprensiblemente supimos que su existir dormido y gracioso es el que mejor puede acompañar a los que murieron  sin ofenderlos con soberbia de vida, sin ser más vida que ellos.

I love that we all universally as a fandom decided that the sides all live in a mind version of Thomas’ apartment together, and honestly you can pry that head-canon out of my cold dead hands.

and that we all decided remus and roman have a realm called the Imagination they can do whatever the fuck they want in- i’ve seen it used as a plot device so many times and hope it never goes away


ways to respond to being asked "are you a man or a woman?"

  • i sure hope not
  • who's to say
  • that's between me and God
  • i'll tell you for $100
  • i don't think so, why?
  • probably, not sure though

additions collected from the notes

  • not to my knowledge
  • sometimes
  • wouldn't you like to know weatherboy

when you are done with a tab you can close it. every browser in the world has a feature that lets you open recently closed tabs. also there is browsing history. need to visit a webpage often? may i introduce you to the bookmarks feature. there’s no reason to leave your tabs open. hoarder behavior.

OP I’m hitting you with a shovel


im having feelings about the uffington white horse again

so essentially there’s this cool horse drawn into the hills in england made out of chalk and it’s like 3,000 years old.

people carved trenches 3,000 years ago and filled them with chalk in the shape of a horse but what’s interesting is that if you fail to maintain the horse by adding new chalk regularly, it will disappear. for 3,000 years, we’ve been filling in chalk in this horse so it doesn’t disappear.

we’ll never know what the purpose of the horse was originally. we’ll never know if it had ritual or spiritual significance or if it was just art. but we do know that people maintained it then, and, even though the meaning of the horse has long been lost to time, we continue to maintain it now.

the people who made this horse are long dead, but they live through us still, don’t you think?

couldn’t agree more we’re best friends now

Although this is the oldest and most abstract, they’re all over the chalk hills because it’s true. Hill DOES look better with horsey


yeah sure say fuck you to jk rowling but dont forget to like. actually support trans women.


i learned that each woman spends approximately $5,600 on her period over her lifetime (x)

this reminded me of the reason why i bought reusable menstrual pads in the first place

im so happy with my collection


where did you get them? theyre so cute I love!

Last period was the first time I didn’t use any non reusable products!


I love reusable ones! Using them almost a year now!




hop aboard the reusable menses product train y’all! boss up your coochie!! all joking aside though, i’ve saved money, no more cramping or inner thigh rashes from the dioxins and other weird chemicals and (pandemic related) fewer reasons to take impromptu trips out of the house. win-win all around.

i bought their trial pack (one of each pad size + pouch) just to see how these pads are like and just a day after using, i bought a starter pack (2 liner, 3 regular,  2 overnight + pouch)

i included a photo below beside my switch for comparison of how big the xl and overnight pads are (i love using both for for nighttime use). daily, i use my regular pads and when working out/post-period, i use the liners.

honestly these are such amazing investments. i cant see myself using commercial pads ever again. they dont stink nor leak and you just have to make sure youre not wearing lace or any flimsy underwear so they’ll stay in place. i totally recommend this!




the amazing part is that it’s 5 LAYERS AND COMES WITH TWO BUTTONS TO SNAP TOGETHER!!

PS! You bleed on the black bamboo fiber part and not on the villagers 😂

Love these. Game changing. Don’t knock it til you try it.

Sharing for people with vaginas who have periods and similar things.

Requesting others reblog to spread word.

If your blog is specific niche, I ask you Like/heart to bump signal slightly.

I recently ordered from them and I love that the colourful fabrics are water proof. They are worth buying!!

I bought these because of a post I saw about them and did some research. I absolutely love them! I’m probably gonna get more soon cause I only got the trail pack, and am sick being on my period have having to do laundry right that second to have more pads ready. But absolutely 20/10!

i literally stopped having cramps after i started using them


I bought some of these a bit ago. Forever reblog.


I’ve been using the reusable pads for about three months, just about to buy more. They’re amazing!

No one told me there was REUSABLE ONES???

Excuse me NO CRAMPS??? And do these cute little patterns not get stained??

I don’t know about no cramps (I’ve heard that the chemicals in the disposable pads make cramps worse which I wouldn’t doubt but I have no experience) but mine don’t really stain! You are supposed to soak them, which is probably even better, but I just toss mine in the wash as soon as I change them (which encourages me to run a load of laundry lol, I run it with my towels and nothing weird has ever happened). I cannot recommend cloth pads enough I LOVE them.


I used these post partum with all of my kids, and I intend to buy them for my own kids when they start menstruating. I would like to add that they make diapers from the same material that will save you a fortune when you have babies, and it’s so much easier on their skin.


emoji spell to bring home a missing kitty


*with luck and protection for their journey*

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