

@briarrose-95 / briarrose-95.tumblr.com

Part-time writer of fanfics and long time resident of Solavellan hell :) oh and huge Reylo lover ;p M

The Last Jedi resolved the intrigue surrounding the heroine of this new sequel-trilogy, Rey, and her parentage with a gracefully simple, bold assertion: Rey is… just Rey. Not the daughter of some space aristocracy or legacy lineage, but a hero of her own making. […] That Rey’s parents were ordinary people meant anyone from anywhere could be born a hero; what determined a person’s place in the world was who they chose to be, rather than their last name. “Rey is our protagonist. And the truth is, in the story, the toughest possible thing for her to hear is, you know, you’re not gonna get the easy answer that you’re so-and-so’s daughter, this is your place,” [Rian] Johnson told me after The Last Jedi’s release. “You’re gonna have to stand on your own two feet and define yourself in this world.”

Instead of taking the baton from Last Jedi and running with it to new heights, The Rise of Skywalker retreats right back into the safety of nostalgia. […] It’s as if Abrams and Terrio scrambled for a loophole specifically to mollify the “fans” upset that this hero—worse, this girl—dared to wield such incredible abilities with only her own strength […] Bookending the saga Anakin began with the story of a girl from nowhere who sets right what he helped unbalance might have been resonant. But who cares for that when there’s another billion-dollar franchise to set up and potential spin-offs to tease?

Melissa Leon, ‘The Rise of Skywalker’ Erases the Power of Rey’s Story and Surrenders to Sexist Trolls


TROS opinions: no Reylo edition

These are just the overall impressions, without mentioning anything Rey-Ben related because honestly, Rey’s plot is a whole other mess and I don’t wanna touch it now. But I can already say this: it’s awful. 

Now, the rest of the story:

  • The editing was choppy. The scenes kept jumping from plot to plot without tying anything to anything. We have nothing else from the whole year time jump other than “Kylo Ren is looking for Palpatine, who’s alive now and everybody knows” and “Rey is training with Leia.” 
  • The photography was still good, at least. We have some pretty nice shots but nothing even close to Holdo’s sacrifice or the Throne Room fight. But it’s the okayest part of the movie. Space Coachella was eh.
  • They did it, they pushed the trio dynamic, sidelined Rose completely. I can’t tell you how fucking mad I was at that whole “I never told you-” coming from Finn. Seriously? Are we really disregarding everything that happened in TLJ? But that’s what happened, they listened to the racist assholes who hated Rose and gave her almost no screen time and no development at all, while trying to push that Finn was still holding a torch for Rey. 
  • While we’re at it let’s just forget that Poe was born into a hero family and flew for the New Republic before joining the Resistance. Oh no. He’s a contrabandist now. That’s cooler right?
  • Palpatine had a HUGE fleet, cool. But where exactly did he find people to man all those ships? And who were all those dementor look alikes on his throne room? Why does nothing makes sense?
  • The addition of new rebelled stormtroopers was cool, but then the next second they simply atribute it to the Force. Way to cheapen children brainwashed into soldiers breaking their conditioning and fighting back against their captors. Now it’s all the will of the Force, not a free decision to do what’s right. 
  • The new characters are pointless and nothing more than plot devices. Zorii was there to give Poe the little disc thing so he could enter the Destroyer. Jannah was there to make Finn’s feeling justified and to bring the cool horses on the Destroyer. The new FO general was there to… I don’t know, shoot Hux? That’s it, they have no background, no story, nothing. And people complained about Rose, who went out of TLJ a full character, with clear motivations and a full past guiding her actions.
  • The fanservice was unbearable. Honestly, they didn’t even care about people who liked the prequels, or even people who liked the sequels. It’s like the only worthy viewers were the ones from the old movies? 
  • They spent the whole second movie in danger exactly because people didn’t want to help the Resistance, for being scared of the FO and now, suddenly, everyone is there to fight them? No matter the fact that they have more ships than ever, that they’re in the middle of a barely accessible place that I’m sure most ships couldn’t even get to?
  • Lando was brought back simply for the fanservice. He had no plot relevance at all. Oh he got people to fight. So all we had to do this whole time was get Lando to call people? It makes no sense.

Look, I’m tired. This movie was a mess. I don’t know who thought this plot was good but… It’s not. It just wasn’t. As my friend said “They really brought Oscar winner Lupita Nyong’o in to say two lines and have no relevance at all eh?”. It’s a waste of story. It wasn’t fun, it wasn’t satisfactory. It was just disappointing.


THHHHIIIS ^^^^ to all the dumbasses saying we didn’t like the movie because REylo isn’t good enough. JJ is a terrible screenwriter. He has visions of one or two scenes that would look good on camera but as soon as he needs to write the rest the guy is brain dead. The guy created a two and a half hours of pure mess, logic and explanations were missing, only clownery and mediocrity made it :)

This incredibly bad movie made nostalgic of watching The Director and the Jedi again.

Because in every second of that documentary you can see that Rian Johnson cared about these characters, even when he didn’t create most of them. He put passion to it. He is a writer.

J. J is not a writer, he is not even a damn director. He is a sellsman. Even his fucking BTS was OT nostalgia baiting and fanservise. Unlike Rian that is shown actually working.

And the worst thing is that these are his characters, he created them and he doesn’t give a shit. It’s depressing.

That man shouldn’t be writing anything and period. If it’s something that a writer can’t allow themselves is to not have passion for their own characters.


Interesting, J.J., that a romantic relationship can’t be deep, open, and intimate. Interesting that a romantic relationship can’t draw out bravery and courage and trust.

Or is it because they’re both men and society sexualizes gay men so much that your immediate, unconscious response to a gay relationship is that the romance is purely physical?

I wonder. Homophobic ideas are still deeply engrained, people. Deeply engrained.


things got writers forgot:

  • a cup of coffee
  • jaime having a golden hand
  • gendry’s bastard surname
  • valonquar
  • yara greyjoy
  • jaime’s entire character
  • how did ghost get there?
  • also jon would’ve 100% cuddled him
  • most of the dothraki and their HORSES died in the battle with the walkers but suddenly they’re all here
  • dany wanted to be a just but kind ruler who cared about people and did everything to avoid being like her father
  • cersei would do anything to protect her child
  • everything grrm wrote
  • everything they wrote
  • ???????????
Jaime Lannister: *extraordinary character development for 7 seasons*
D&D: Alexa play ‘In the End’ by Linkin Park
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