


Dear Cole,

I just want to say that I really - really miss the photos of Lili by you. They are always, like your other photos, amazing. Please us again, bless my (man, what I’m talking about, OUR) soul with these divine, filled with love, pictures.

Please and thank you.

In the meantime, let’s take a look at all the photos Cole has taken since they met or possibly taken by him - that we know about. TOTAL AMOUNT AT THIS MOMENT THAT WE KNOW: 74 (including the ‘hints that Lili is in the photo’ kinds of photos) + (11 leaked). AND ENDLESS AMOUNT THAT WE DON’T KNOW.


here’s the insanity no one needs to ever think about doing again . this is actually sick 🙄


But with Billy, it was different. Everything that made Daisy burn, made me burn. Everything I loved about the world, he loved about it. Everything I struggled with, she struggled with. We were two halves, in that way you almost never find with anyone. But at the same time, we were a mess. Two natural disasters who needed to heal. And I don’t think we would have done that. I mean, I know we wouldn’t have. At least not then.Riley Keough as Daisy Jones & Sam Claflin as Billy Dunne in Daisy Jones & The Six (2023)


So, here are just a few the things that have happened this week so far

  • Orcas are attacking yachts off the coast of Spain.
  • Approximately 600 refugees drown in a maritime disaster off the coast of Greece. Grecian Coast Guard observes the carnage without intervening.
  • Billionaires undergo journey to the Titanic in DIY death trap built in the backyard of a guy who reads Ayn Rand unironically. Everyone on board dies when the “submersible” suffers a catastrophic implosion.
  • The UPS Teamsters Union has voted to go on strike, demanding, among other things, AC in their trucks. Something I’m sure you thought they already had. Because why don’t they? UPS is one of the largest private postage companies in the United States, and if the strike proceeds long enough, it will undoubtedly be broken up by the Biden Administration, much like the potential railway strike last December.
  • The trial date of former US President Donald Trump is set for August. This is the trial for the nuclear docs he was storing in his shower in Florida, not the shady business practices he held in New York or the election fraud he is currently being investigated for in Georgia.
  • Hunter Biden, son of current US President Joe Biden, has plead guilty to tax crimes and the illegal possession of a firearm. Opponents of the administration are displeased because Hunter was not charged with what they feel is his most serious offense, being Joe Biden’s son.
  • Violence has once again broken out in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, as Israeli settlers and the IDF continue to encroach and commit atrocities further and further into Palestinian territory.
  • SCOTUS delivers a highly unexpected ruling on how the Biden Administration has handled immigration, allowing it to proceed with its current plans. This is one in a serious of surprisingly progressive decisions by the court. Given the far right leanings of the court, many suspect this is simply SCOTUS setting up to cushion the blow of their inevitable strike down of a student loan forgiveness program. A decision that will likely be just as unpopular as the strike down of Roe v Wade, given the millions of US citizens relying on said debt forgiveness.
  • Speaking of which, this week is the one year anniversary of SCOTUS striking down the court’s previous decision on Roe v Wade, robbing women across the US of the right to an abortion.
  • Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk set up a cage fight.
  • A massive gas explosion rocks central Paris, injuring dozens of people.
  • Logitech suffers an immense blow to its stock prices as a result of their involvement in the Titan Comedy. Conversely, independent video game Iron Lung sees its downloads shoot through the roof.
  • The Wagner Group, a Russian PCM with numerous neo-nazi affiliations, launches and then abandons a coup against Russian High Command in a period of less than 36 hours.

Can someone PLEASE explain to me just what the fuck is going on here?


BETTY COOPER & VERONICA LODGE RIVERDALE | Season 7, Episode 12 Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Nine “After the Fall”


This is gorgeous 🥰

Anonymous asked:

Blind Items Revealed #4

May 19, 2023

This actor is A- list and is on a soon to be ending show. He has been acting for much of his life and been a jerk for just about as long. This week he yelled at his girlfriend when she wouldn't stop eating when he was ready to leave.

Cole Sprouse/Riverdale

Even for the official reveal today


#misson: kiss everyone #misson: accomplished ?



She can create chemistry with anyone out of thin air. No wonder they want her to have all the hot scenes with all the people.

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