

@holy-shoot / holy-shoot.tumblr.com

fuck cops and fuck the government
if you're a terf fuck off

whenever this comes up i like to remind people that harry going back to the abusive dursleys every year was treated by the narrative as something necessary and good because they're his family after all, and percy jackson gave his mom medusa's head so that she could turn her abusive husband to stone and sell his remains as a sculpture to pay for her degree and that was framed as a good decision without remorse. and that's the difference between hp and pjo as stories i think

Rick Riordan received the Stonewall Book Award while rowling's friends are nazis, if that helps


I am SICK and TIRED of seeing so much hate towards Al! Al hasn't done ANYTHING to hurt ANYONE! Al is harmless!

But I can already hear the Al haters out there!

"Al isn't original!" No shit, Sherlock! That's what we love the most about Al.

"People aren't supposed to look like that!" That sounds like a problem between you and God, and frankly, plenty of people like the way Al looks.

"Al is just too WEIRD!" Have you ever thought that you might be to NORMAL to actually appreciate Al?

I think you all need to apologize to Al right now!



AI is actively taking jobs away from people


it's actually hurting people

so shut up about "AI is so cool and has done nothing wrong" corporations are using it for greed

The reading comprehension on this site....abysmal


Israel faces the International court, by Patrick Chappatte, 14 January 2024

[ID: a simple political cartoon by Patrick Chappatte, showing two sides of a courtroom, South Africa on one side and Israel on the other. Both of the lead representatives are pointing at each other across the room: South Africa's representative shouts "Don't let them commit Genocide!" While the Israeli representative shouts "Don't let them use that word!" End ID]


Every rich person who goes around talking about how they’re so different and that if they had to start over from $100 today would have a million by the end of the year should be subjected to some kind of fairy curse where they have to earn a million dollars in a year’s time starting from a hundred dollar bill and — this is important — nobody recognizes them. Either they’ve been enchanted to have a totally unrecognizable face, or everyone around them has been ensorcelled to completely forget who they are.

Because if they are so singularly spectacular, if everyone can just pull themselves up by their bootstraps, then it couldn’t possibly be that they’re particularly well connected through friends or family or work. It couldn’t possibly be that it’s the collateral of who they know and who they were that got them where they are today. They should be able to turn that $100 into a million because they’re just so gosh darn committed to it.

And they should because if don’t have the million by the end of the year they’re turned into a pressed penny


i think a LOT of you with chronic conditions should learn this one magical phrase to get your hospital doctor to shit his entire pants, which is leaving the room and saying "im going to go discuss your behavior with the ethics committee, i think you might need a reminder of what your job is"

examples of when this would get a doctor to shit himself: if he mentions that you need to loose weight, go straight to the ethics committee and ask if its ethical to withold treatment until weight is lost, the answer is no and they know this. if a nurse etc, wont wear a mask and you NEED them to, the ethics committee, upon review of the case, will not be happy many such cases, remember that doctors and nurses at hospitals have an Oversight Board


IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE (1946) • JIMMY STEWART as George Bailey and LIONEL BARRYMORE as Mr. Potter


wait WHAT 😳 i mean that feels accurate but still…. WHAT.

here’s the official fbi memo about it! you can view the whole document here

the fbi presented these “findings” to mccarthy’s house unamerican activities committee (huac) in an attempt to get it’s a wonderful life pulled from theaters but huac decided not to take any action


do u ever have to start a song over bc YOU FORGOT TO FUCKING LISTEN.


dude. i am not alone


Love being on my 4th repeat because I REALLY want to listen to it but keep forgetting to listen part way through.


Didn’t start the mental music video in time


So many characters wouldve benefited from they/them. Like Uncle Fester


“Marge everything is corrupted by capital. Have you ever sat down and read this thing? Technically the way we close a car door is fascist.”

I think people maybe don’t understand that this isn’t an exaggeration – it is literally something Adorno says in this book.

“RETVRN TO TRADITION. Things were so much better in the olden days. I am very antifascist.”

I know people are going to make fun, and this deserves it, but when you carry your groceries home walking on the shoulder of a road with a 40 mph speed limit, occasionally cutting into a muddy ditch because that part of the road has no shoulder, that stuff about the car causing people to subordinate themselves to the logic of machines in ways which encourage sudden, violent action and discourage slowness or contemplation…

I dunno, after the third time someone almost hits you in a parking lot because they were looking for other cars instead of literally directly in front of where they were going, well, you might think there’s maybe something to all this.

Also I was talking to a friend who had lived without a car for years and was now getting back into driving more often, and he said something like,

“The hardest thing is re-learning to make split decisions again, like when you’re driving you can’t just stop and think, it’s much better and safer to just make the wrong decision quickly then it is to slow down and not be able to decide, and it’s taking a while to relearn that mindset”

So like…

PS - Fascism uses the idea of the past for propaganda purposes but is a generally modern doctrine and in practice is often incredibly frustrated by and violently hostile to the messiness of the past.

I mean, I genuinely don’t know, are there a lot of right-wing fascists in Italy who think the unification was a mistake and want to return to the time before Italian nationalism?

One of the earliest and most intellectually interesting Fascists, the futurist leader Marinetti, lionized the automobile as a way of inculcating fascism on basically exactly the same grounds Adorno is doing here, the only real difference is that Marinetti thought that fascism was a good thing.

Doctrines which long for a return to the past can be non- or even anti-fascist, precisely because Fascism is so modern, but by the same token Fascism sells a lot better so not many people actually commit to those alternative ways of lionizing the past.

Just today, as I was walking home, I saw an older man in the middle of the street who had gotten stranded trying to maneuver a handcart and way too many bags. He had jaywalked into the middle of the street and couldn’t gather up all of his possesions in such a way that he could move when the light turned green.

I had to restrain myself from rushing out into the street to help him on the grounds that I might well get run over by one of the oncoming cars; there are two shrines to people who were run over crossing the street within walking distance of where we were.

Traffic simply maneuvered around him; drivers were probably feeling that if they stopped for him, they’d get rear-ended so people in the lane he was standing in just swerved into the other lane a little bit.

Once there was a break in traffic I ran over and helped him get his stuff to the sidewalk.

How else to describe this process but as one of pure functionality, which does not tolerate freedom of conduct? The car will move down the street; to interrupt that motion is to put your life at risk, so the people surrounding this old man find themselves at least unwilling, and quite likely actually unable to stop and help him reach a safer island.

Basically I have never had a more Hannibal.jpg reaction to anything on Tumblr than I have to that page of Adorno.



"roommate's cat" is the ideal pet. This creature is not my responsibility in any way and I spend zero dollars of my income keeping her alive and she lives in my house and is obsessed with sitting on my lap. Perfect arrangement

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