Anonymous asked:

Are you still taking ask's?

Thank you anon for sending this and for the remainder of the month of October YES 😆

So here's an update on what the crew looks like 🤔, I decided to give them my own twist on their OG and Studio designs 😗

From left to right it's Snow, Bendy, Boris, Cup, Mugs, Cala-Maria and lastly Alice

Bendy has a more humanoid-demon look and Boris has a more wolf boy look. For Cup and Mugs they're basically haunted porcelain ball-jointed dolls (I got the idea from the game 😁) Cala is a mermaid . . . no surprise there and Alice is a half fallen angel via my interpretation.

Snow also went through a design change and is also male now, you see he was always supposed to be male but because I could never grasp on how to draw male figures I just drew him as a female but I guess that doesn't matter since he is a shape shifter after all hope y'all can accept him 🥺

To start off this month long come back here's this

I usually do UnknownSpy's dressuptober challenge on insta but I'm gonna do it here as well I know we're 5 days into the month but please forgive me I've got a full time job now and can't be here as often so let's see how this goes who knows maybe I might start doing some art streams someday 😁

Also sorry all current asks in my box will be deleted 😔 as to make room for the new ones 😉


Random ask but, how would bendy or cuphead feel if one of then went up to the other and kissed them? I get this feeling bendy would be the one to kiss cups but, eh ya never know. Also ima just *gives head pats to everyone*


Aww thanks for the heads pats 🥰

Though in reality it would most likely be Cups doing the random kissing, cause yah see even though Bendy isn't afraid to flirt or smooth talk people he's never been in a real relationship, so he gets a bit shy when it comes to actual romantic affection

But if he ever need attention he won't hesitate to run to Cups and give him a hug


Man, I feel ya Cup. How’s Mugs feeling due to quarantine? Same as his bro or nah


Mug: *hugging his knees while sitting on the coach* I feel like ive read every book in our home library twice and im not sure how to feel

Cup: want some *offers Jell-O*

Mug: *accepts his offer*

Anonymous asked:

High five for the cup man to lift his spirits as well as some free jello

Cup: Aww yeah hugs, high fives, and Jell-O

This is Awesome

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