
A Witchy Owl

@mxmayonaka / mxmayonaka.tumblr.com

Γ— Owl/Chris Γ— They/She/He Γ— 21 Γ— Engaged Γ—
β˜† MxMayonaka/GayOwlAnon β˜†

Hi, I'm Owl! I'm a 21 year old agender queer witchy artist with far too much time on my hands and a BIG imagination, as well as an obsession for owls! Welcome to my blog!

Common tags I use are:

  • #owlscreeches (for random things I say)
  • #owlanswers (for asks)
  • #owlart (for when I post art)
  • #owlrequests (for art requests!
  • #bookmark (for posts I wanna save for later)
  • #loverboy πŸ’œ (for post that suit my partner and I)

Feel free to ask me anything! I'm pretty much an open book, lol. I also take drawing requests!

Wanna know more about me without having to ask? Check out my Carrd for more info!


Rules for art requests:

  • Nothing hateful
  • Nothing adult-themed
  • Nothing of irl people/Youtubers/Streamers

Ocs of yours and fandom characters of course are okay! Just don't expect a fully fledged and rendered drawing, it'll prolly just be a simple sketch!


β˜† I take also commissions!!!! β˜†

β˜† 2D β˜†

Looking for drawings, stickers and more?

Check out this Carrd for more info! It features:

  • Examples of my art
  • My prices and discord
  • My TOS

Message me on Discord for a quote/to start a commission!

I can do:

NSFW/Suggestive/Some fetish art (ADULTS ONLY)
Horror and gore
Humans, Furries, and simple mecha
Character refs and Twitch/Discord emotes/stickers/gifs
Icons and image edits
And more!
β˜† 3D β˜†

Looking for 3D model edits, VRChat ready avatars, and more?

Check out this Carrd for more info! It features:

  • Examples of my model edits
  • My prices and discord
  • My TOS

Message me on Discord for a quote/to start a commission!

I can do:

NSFW assets and textures (ADULTS ONLY)
Heavily modify existing models
Rerig/add more rigging
Extra assets/clothes to any body type plus weight painting from scratch
Direct uploads or sending you the files
And more!

β˜† Thank you and enjoy your stay!!!! β˜†

DO NOT INTERACT IF YOU'RE: LGBTQ+phobe, Super [Blank], Racist/Anti-semitic, Pedo/MAP, Anti-kin, Support Autism Speaks, Anti-vaxx and/or Anti-mask, Anti-DID(Not a system but I support them), Support any known pedo/groomer, and/or an Owl House fan(for personal reasons). If I find out you are, I will block you immediately and cancel your commissions without returning the money. This is also mentioned partly in my TOS on both my commissions carrds.


Demonic god of Illumination, light from darkness, change, rebirth, challenges, innovation, logic, truth, knowledge, wisdom, strategy, persuasion, revolution, luxury, pleasure, freedom, the arts, and the Morning Star

Some of his epithets/names: Phanes, The Morning Star, Light-Bringer, The First-Born, Prince of Darkness, Son of Morning, The Glory of Morning, Lord of the Lunar Sphere, The First Light

Lucifer is the light of Truth and Divine Wisdom. He is the ancient light which shines forth from the primordial darkness, representing Illumination. He brings so much, and is the driving force of innovation, liberation, and transformation; yet he doesn’t demand anything from us but to empower ourselves.Β 

His history: Lucifer came into existence as the first-born god of this Universe, created directly from the supreme deity, the Source. The Source is the formless supreme god who has existed before all other things (named Atum in Egypt). From this, Lucifer was born as radiant and burning black-light, which emerged along with the cosmos; thus he is the Morning Star, the Light-Bringer. Due to this, Lucifer is the most beautiful among all the Universal gods and is deeply wise. Everywhere he was, the Source shone through him. Lucifer’s only equal in this would end up being his wife, Lilith, who was created by the Source’s female counterpart, the Queen of Heaven.Β 

When Lucifer came into being, he was the very first god to exist in the Universe for many ages but eventually, the Source and Queen of Heaven created more deities, who Lucifer began to lead. These became the Angels, agents of the Source/Queen. Due to his connection to the Source and being the embodiment of divine light, Lucifer was incredibly radiant and more connected to the Source than any of the others. Last of the elder deities was Lilith, who Lucifer had sacrificed part of his own being in order for the Queen of Heaven to manifest as her, so he could have a twinflame. Lilith emerged from radiant light and stunned Lucifer with her glorious and powerful aura, Their love is one that flows through creation itself and they refuse to leave each others’ sides.Β 

These two glorious deities lived together in peace for millions of years, ruling a heavenly kingdom of Angels together. When the day came that Jehovah arrived, this fallen Aeonic deity (a god who forms Universes) took over the Throne of the Universe in order to gain ultimate control. Lucifer began the Rebellion against him, with many Angels following his lead. It was a horrible battle, with great loss. Jehovah’s power as an Aeon was too great and the Rebels were eventually crushed. Their beautiful kingdom was then destroyed by this tyrant and he threw them into the nightmarish land we know as Hell. In this dark realm, the Angelic gods and semi-divine angels who followed Lucifer lost their connection to the Source and their energy twisted to become dark and intense. Jehovah then claimed the Earth and presented himself as the Source to humans, manipulating them into betraying their own gods. He taught that the demons were beings of great evil, in order to hide the truth of why they rebelled. Moreso, the humans β€œAdam and Eve” are simply metaphors for men and women overall since many were created at the same time all around the world. But this truth was changed in order to make a story of guilt and sin.

While he is connected to both light and darkness, the light which he chooses to represent is the light of Venus and the Moon, rather than the Sun. This is because of what these two celestials represent, and also because they are lights coming from the darkness, as he is. As a deity of the Moon, Lucifer also connects to it since the Moon may choose to either illuminate or conceal, creating illusions. It also represents the unknown and the Path of overcoming fears. Lucifer is the darkened light, as well as the Promethean Light that one must seek within darkness in order to gain wisdom.

His Kingdom: Lucifer’s kingdom is set in a desert wasteland of eternal twilight, with some oases and flower gardens around the dark castle where he lives with Lilith. The land looks very mysterious and ancient, yet eerie at the same time. There are also many grotesque scenes of tortured corrupt souls in the distant landscape and ruined lands that look as if they had bombs fall on them. There is also a nearby isle where Lilith tortures all the people (especially monks) who lusted after her. As a High King of Hell, Lucifer is a very noble leader and always takes into consideration the needs of his demons. He has always strived to empower his people and teach them about using their free-will.

Rulerships: This wondrous and complex god is indescribable and of many things. He is the first Light and a great ally and mentor to humanity. He is the glory of the Morning and the light of truth that is hidden within darkness. He is within battle strategies, the hidden mysteries, truth, wisdom, empowerment, eloquence, feelings of ecstasy, the heat of fire, the passion of sex, and every revolution. He also has rulership over the dawn and dusk, Venus, and the Moon. Lucifer is, overall, an agent of change and innovation. There is no end to his glory and no words for just how beautiful he is, outside and in. He is not the cruel and deceptive being so many people have said he is, they simply don’t understand his nature. But if you are brave and open-minded, you will find the true Lucifer, and you will be basked in his golden light. Β 

Additionally, Lucifer is not to be confused as the same being as Satan (one of the other High Kings of Hell), this is mostly confusing since Christians thought them to be the same. Lucifer is also in no way associated with the faeries- this was also a lie made by Christians in order to portray the nature spirits as demons. The same group of religious zealots can be blamed for the gods Cernunnos and Pan being said to be the same as Lucifer, when in truth, they too are not connected in any way.

Personality:Β Overall, Lucifer is far too complex to describe, but he is basically very sophisticated, wise, strategic, intellectual, courageous, eloquent, confident, determined, bluntly honest, and often serious. Around those who revere and follow his teachings, Lucifer is often fatherly and protective; his energy is so intense, that it even emits a light that malevolent spirits cannot stand being around. Lucifer also has an incredible mind, for it is deeply vast and full of unfathomable intelligence. Usually, he remains serious, withdrawn, and analytical around others and acts as a pedagogue for those who work with him. He is also able to see with perfect clarity into all matters and can even sense whether a being is speaking the truth or not. Lucifer is the very light which is able to pierce through illusions in order to find true knowledge. When in a good mood, he is also very charming and his personality alone can light up rooms. Though he is also wrathful, sadistic, and demanding when need be (when dealing with corrupt beings or at war) and he is a skilled warrior as well with some degree of blood-lust. Overall, Lucifer is filled with passion and can feel the deepest form of love, as well as the deepest hate. He is indescribably beautiful in every single way and is absolutely perfect. He guides others to their highest potential and shows them enlightenment, making his priority not to be honoured but to help others. As such, his light can be both fiery and destructive, like a star, but also warm and guiding. As light-bringer, he values truth and justice, even being passionate about burning away ignorance from the minds of his devotees.

Lucifer deeply values resilience, intellectualism, courage, independence, open-mindedness, responsibility, and the desire to constantly improve oneself. He is the Initiator towards Illumination and is the very Light that destroys ignorance. Without him, there is no progress towards truth and understanding in the world. He is the one who opens our minds to deceit and encourages us to rise up and fight those who oppress us. He is both a visionary and the outcast of society who ventures towards realms of thinking that many shun. Lucifer teaches that it is through this deepest path of strife that we can truly come to understand who we are and what it means to exist. Without struggle, we can never truly develop strength or wisdom. From this illumination, the chains put upon us by society are finally released.Β 

It shouldn’t be assumed that Lucifer will guide you every step of the way through life and hand everything to you, since he needs us to be independent and not relying on help form others. He respects people who go and search for knowledge by tearing down all of their beliefs in order to have everything solidly proven. It is an uncomfortable process that many turn away from, choosing instead to remain in their normal beliefs, afraid of them being untrue. Lucifer does not tolerate or respect this behaviour, since it is willful ignorance and the prioritizing of one’s comfort over illumination. It is only in the darkness that we will find light, so we must go through this painful process so we can question everything until the truth is revealed. With Lucifer, we are expected to become our best selves by overcoming our toxic behaviours and by learning as much as possible. He guides us through this, but expects us to do most things on our own so we can become experienced and confident. Other than his values and traits, some things that Lucifer likes include classical music, violins, roses, complex puzzles, chess, elegance, dark castles, tactics, luxurious libraries, diplomacy, and valiant struggles against tyranny.

Appearance: His appearance is that of a gentleman in his late 30β€²s with near shoulder-length wavy black hair, red eyes, fair skin, elegant features, pronounced cheekbones, black horns, and black feathered wings (sometimes are draconic wings). During battle, he wears an elegant silver armour of intricate details, golden designs, and with precious gemstones. Although when not dressing in his armour, he tends to wear classy, expensive-looking black outfits. However, Lucifer’s alternate forms are countless and he can appear even as a draconic-humanoid or as blinding golden light. His natural appearance, without being humanoid, is that of winged, radiant black-light, like from the depths of space. He shifts in complexity and beauty just as his many thoughts do, with shimmering prisms forming around him.Β Β 

Element: Connected to all, but strongest with fire, air, unity, strife, and void

Colours: Black (mostly), red, silver, emerald greenΒ 

Day of Week: Monday and Friday

His enn (for meditation or devotion): Renich Tasa Uberaca Biasa Icar Lucifer

Devotional Actions: Lucifer above all values actions of self-improvement, spiritual evolution/awakening, knowledge-seeking, dedication to spirituality, embracing paths of struggle, shadow work, overcoming one’s Ego in order to become wise, and courageous defense of those in need. He also encourages those who follow his teachings to study the Abrahamic texts since realizing all their lies will help us to fight against their tyranny.Β Β 

Offerings: red wine, whiskey (esp. Jack Daniels), champagne, absinthe, pomegranate juice, black tea, chocolate, cooked goat meat, venison, green caviar, apples, pomegranates, feijoa, dark chocolate, honey, good-quality cigars, tobacco, daggers, swords, silver rings, emeralds, peridot, seraphinite, moonstone, black feathers, goat horns, seductive cologne, playing cards (fancy), red roses, dead roses, sulphur, crow skulls, snakeskin, bone dice, fancy chess boards, gold foil in oil, silver foil in oil, black candles, his sigil made from silver, devotional poetry, artwork, snake figurines, dragon statuettes; incenses: Eye of Horus, olibanum, cherub, desert flower, Lord Buddha, frankincenseΒ 

Gifts for Lucifer, our High Prince
  • Sandalwood
  • Lavender
  • Cedar
  • Lemon
  • Wine, dark
  • Chocolate
  • Onyx/garnets
  • Roses
  • Crown - associations with royalty
  • Gold/jewels
  • Oil with herbs dedicated to him
  • Music
  • Tea
  • Candles in his preferred colours: black, gray, blue, silver
  • Quartz
  • Diamond
  • Frankincense
  • Sandalwood

me, while cleaning my room: worm on a string... worm off the string what crimes will he commit? (tosses it on Lord Lucifer's altar) Satanism.


Who can say Lucifer is a lying spirit? Who can say they’re a deceitful guide?

Hold the mirror to your own face, and tell yourself if it is not yourself who tells the lie?

More often than not, his light reaches the deepest, darkest corners of your soulβ€”parts of you that you’d rather not acknowledge or see. That’s terrifying to you.

And you in turn will blame them for the horror you feel. They’re the ones that bring the horror. They’re the ones who create the lies you tell yourself. They’re the Devil. They’re the Deceiver.

How sad for you.


listening to Bones by Imagine Dragons and really just...

sometimes you don't know if the gods are there. sometimes it feels like you're alone, and you'll be alone forever

and sometimes you sit, and listen to a banger song, and you can feel the whisper thin touch of a loving hand on your shoulder, their warm breath hitting the back of your neck, lips resting gently atop your head...

and they tell you, "We're here. We have not abandoned you."


tough love from my deities is NAWT for me 😭😭 lucifer called me out hard as hell and i was like β€œcan you PLEASE be nicer (jokingly) im TRYINGGG”

and he just hits me with the β€œ??? do you know who i am ???”


FRIENDS! spiritual, magical, divine, and devotee friends welcome!

Check list plsssπŸŽ† Birds of a feather let’s flock together! Pretty Please!!

Like/interact w this post those lovers who love:




Gaia / Ge / Terra / Tiamat / Cybele

Adi Parashakti





























Gratiae / Charites




Great Satan







Guanyin - Kannon




Moon Princess

Mother Mountain

let’s have fun! i’m always happy to make new friends and revel in our shared interests!!! πŸ’πŸ’›

peace be upon us allπŸ’›πŸ•ŠοΈ


100 Journal Prompts for Luciferians and Theistic Satanists

  1. Who is Lucifer/Satan to you personally and what is his role in your life?
  2. How did you become a Luciferian/Satanist and why do you remain one?
  3. If you were raised in a different religion, what is your relationship to it?
  4. Do you practice magic? If yes, how does it relate to your religion?
  5. Do you work with or venerate demons other than Lucifer/Satan or other beings associated with him? If not, would you like to? Which ones?
  6. Do you consider to be worshipping Lucifer/Satan? How do you personally feel about worship in general?
  7. How do you feel about Christian God?
  8. How do you feel about angels? How about Michael specifically?
  9. Do you work with or venerate any Christian spirits?
  10. Write a Luciferian/Satanist poem.
  11. What aspects of Lucifer/Satan are currently the most significant in your practice?
  12. What symbols are significant to you as a Luciferian/Satanist?
  13. Write a Luciferian/Satanist prayer.
  14. Is there anything you would like to change about your practice? How can you do that?
  15. If you were not always a Luciferian/Satanist, how did you change since you became one?
  16. What is your favorite text relating to your religion and why?
  17. What are your favorite and least favorite fictional depictions of Lucifer/Satan and why?
  18. What has Luciferianism/Satanism helped you with?
  19. What Luciferian/Satanist stories are important to you and why? (ex. stories of the Garden of Eden or the Rebellion of Angels)
  20. Do you listen to music with Luciferian/Satanist themes? Do you feel your religion has any impact on what you like to listen to?
  21. Write a thank you note to Lucifer/Satan.
  22. What do you find to be hard about being a Luciferian/Satanist?
  23. What about being a Luciferian/Satanist brings you joy?
  24. Do you feel alienated sometimes as a Luciferian/Satanist? Do you have or would like to have some kind of community? If you don’t but would like to, how can you find it?
  25. Describe your ideal altar or sacred space.
  26. What songs, if you have any, remind you of Lucifer/Satan?
  27. Is fun a part of your religious practice and why yes or no? If yes, in what ways? If not, would you like to incorporate it? How?
  28. Do you have any Luciferian/Satanist UPGs? What are they?
  29. What are some interesting things about your local devil lore? Research if you don’t know.
  30. If you have any, what are your favorite songs you associate with Lucifer/Satan or your religion in general?
  31. What are your favorite depictions of Lucifer/Satan in visual arts and why? What makes them speak to you?
  32. Your thoughts on Romantic and Socialist Satanism (if you don’t know what they are, research - they are important to the development of Satanism and Luciferianism as religions).
  33. Your thoughts on the Bible.
  34. Your thoughts on Paradise Lost.
  35. Choose a myth involving Lucifer/Satan and reflect on it.
  36. What has Lucifer/Satan done for you and what can you do for him?
  37. Do you meditate as part of your religious practice? Which forms of meditation work best for you, and which do not? Why?
  38. Do you celebrate any festivals or special days as part of your religious practice?
  39. Have you ever done an official dedication? If yes, what did you do and how did it affect you? If not, would you like to?
  40. If you were baptized, have you ever revoked your baptism? If yes, how did you do that and what did it change? If not, would you like to or not? Why?
  41. If you make offerings, what do you like to give Lucifer/Satan (it doesn’t have to be physical)? What do you think he likes to receive?
  42. If you use pre-written prayers, what is your favorite one and why?
  43. Rewrite a Christian prayer. Try to not make it a simple name switch, but something actually fitting the context of your religion.
  44. How do you see Lucifer/Satan? It doesn’t have to be based on visions, you can just describe how you imagine him to look when you think of him. You don’t have to limit yourself to visualizing either, especially if you struggle with it! What scents do you associate with him, for example?
  45. How did your practice change since you have started?
  46. Do you consider Lucifer/Satan to be a deity?
  47. Did you use to be afraid of Lucifer/Satan? What were you afraid of and how did it change? Do you have some remaining fears?
  48. Your thoughts on Hell.
  49. Do you consider blasphemy or inversion a part of your religious practice? Why yes or no? If yes, what is its role?
  50. How can you fight the far right presence and ideas in the Left Hand Path community?
  51. How is your religion present in your daily life?
  52. Do you like complex rituals, or do you prefer to keep things simple? Why?
  53. What aspects of Lucifer/Satan do you feel are most present in your practice? Would you like to explore some other ones? Why or why not?
  54. What do you think happens after we die? Is it important to you or not? Why?
  55. What things about your practice are the most important to you and why?
  56. How would you describe what your religion is about to someone who knows nothing about it?
  57. Where do your ethics come from?
  58. How do your ethics relate to your religion?
  59. What do you appreciate about Lucifer/Satan?
  60. Do you use any kind of divination as part of your religious practice? If yes, what methods work best for you?
  61. How does cultural Christianity affect you as a Luciferian/Satanist? What things you do or beliefs you hold are culturally Christian? If you live in a Christian culture, it’s likely more than you think even if you were not raised in the religion.
  62. If you are interested in Lilith (or any closed figure), what are the qualities of her that speak to you? What open figures with those qualities could you explore in your practice instead? Research if you don’t know.
  63. What does it mean to you to be a Luciferian/Satanist?
  64. Is sexuality a part of your religious practice? What is its role in it?
  65. If you were planning a ritual or any religious activity for a group of people, what would it be and how would it look like?
  66. What non-satanic philosophies and practices do you find inspiring?
  67. What makes your religious practice personal and truly yours?
  68. What would you like to change about Luciferianism/Satanism and why?
  69. What ideas in LaVey’s works do you think are connected to his fascist sympathies and how can you challenge their presence in the LHP community? Do you think you were influenced by them? How can you deconstruct them?
  70. What plants and animals in your local environment are associated with Lucifer/Satan? Research!
  71. What popular ideas in your religion do you disagree with and why?
  72. What texts were influential for you as a Luciferian/Satanist and how?
  73. How can you connect your religious practice to your culture?
  74. Would you like to incorporate your hobbies or interests into your religious practice? How can you do that?
  75. Research and describe a local folk demon or a folk demon from the culture of your ancestors. If you really can’t find one, just describe any folk demon you find interesting.
  76. Describe a Christian story you perceive differently as a Luciferian/Satanist. How and why is it different?
  77. Your thoughts on the concept of sin.
  78. Do you have some personal religious traditions? Describe them.
  79. Do you perceive Lucifer and Satan as the same or different and why?
  80. Does your religion bring you comfort? If yes, how?
  81. Describe a folk story about Lucifer/Satan, preferably a local one.
  82. How do you connect with your own divinity? When do you feel it the most?
  83. Recognizing your inherent worth and divinity also means recognizing it within other beings. How does it affect your treatment of them and do you think something about it should change?
  84. Do you have an interest in the dark and macabre, for example, vulture culture or certain kinds of music? What makes it speak to you? Do you think it intersects with your religion? If yes, how?
  85. Choose an aspect of Lucifer/Satan and reflect on it.
  86. Do you consider yourself a pagan? Why or why not?
  87. Is taking care of yourself a part of your practice? How?
  88. What makes you appreciate earthly life?
  89. If you have ex-Christian trauma, has the religion you practice now helped you? How?
  90. What values and virtues do you associate with Lucifer/Satan? How can you make them more present in your life?
  91. Has your religion helped you with accepting yourself? If yes, how?
  92. What makes you feel connected to Lucifer/Satan?
  93. Are you Luciferian or Satanist? Why are you on this path and not the other? Is there something you appreciate about the other one and would like to incorporate into your own practice? If yes, how can you do that?
  94. What things about Christianity do you think are harmful? What do you appreciate and is it something you would like to take inspiration from? If yes, how can you do that?
  95. Write down some problematic things about your own religion. How can you counteract them?
  96. What good things do you think your religion brings to the world? How can you make the world better as a Luciferian/Satanist?
  97. What makes you proud of yourself?
  98. What brings you pleasure? Do you ever feel guilty for enjoying harmless things? If yes, why and how can you help yourself release that guilt?
  99. What interesting thing about your religion have you learned recently?
  100. What are the subjects in the realm of your religion you would like to learn more about?

lucifer is full of cool and calm, full of wisdom and gentleness when called for - but never forget his anger. his anger is immeasurable. unfathomable. hell has no comparison to it.


Luciferian Morning and Evening Prayers

Morning Prayer

Dearest Lucifer,

You, who is both

Morningstar and the Sun!

I greet you, I offer you my love.

You, who shines in the sky,

Please, shine in my heart today.

Evening Prayer

Dearest Lucifer,

You, who is both

Eveningstar and the Shadow!

I greet you, I offer you my love.

You, who flies through the sky,

Please, cover me with your wings tonight.

Why I resonate with Lucifer?

Ever since in my late teens, I've always thought that, Lucifer is the most misunderstood and forgiving pagan God of all. Coming from someone who has been abused heavily in a Christian school, and rebelled by gradually getting into witchcraft. He is as stated, the most beautiful angel.


From Lucifer

When you think you're alone in the dark, let your eyes open - and you will find me, waiting in the shadows. My heart is open - yes, to you as well.


This message is personal gnosis I believe Lucifer wants me to share. Don't treat me as a spokesperson for them or any other deity.

Also, I am not sharing it to convert anyone. It's more like them saying hello, if you need me, I'm here and me passing it along.


Worst thing about being religious is wanting to hug your deities but not being able to bc they’re not corporeal :( I’d sell my soul for a hug from Lord Lucifer right about now


Small ways to connect with and honor Lucifer

  • Contemplate the stars.
  • Learn something new.
  • Share some fruit with him.
  • Take care of yourself.
  • Boost voices of marginalized people.
  • Explore his depictions in art.
  • Study philosophy.
  • Learn and correct misinformation about snakes and other villanized animals.
  • Light him a candle and contemplate the fire.
  • Write them little thank you notes.
  • Play music that reminds you of them, and invite them to listen with you.
  • Do something that brings you pleasure.
  • Donate to organisations doing work connected to what he stands for, like fighting oppression and helping oppressed people.
  • Write a list of things you appreciate about him, then try to do the same for yourself.
  • Learn about their history.
  • Simply talk to him.
  • Sing them a song.
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