
I'm still doing this?

@altalemur / altalemur.tumblr.com

i am an exhausted, autistic, white queer buddhist. they/them or xe/xem pronouns. this blog is a selfish attempt to not kill myself. mostly through fandoms.

Julian delivering medical news in a crowded bar is very symbolic of his relationship to medical ethics.

Julian Bad Bitch Bashir knows full well that all Quark cares about is the malpractice money and Fuck all else. Plus Medical Ethics started the fight with Julian, so he’s allowed to be a little pissy with it.


The only reason there is drama in this episode is because Quark told Rom "the fuck does Bashir know?" Bashir would not have misdiagnosed Quark (because Bashir can't be bribed by Quark's political enemies. Come on, this whole episode was a set up by Brunt) and Bashir willingly escalates the drama because of Quark's snub.


if i remember my anthropology, the two “genders” (in male patriarchy) are divided by a taboo line. crossing that taboo line of a  woman acting masculine is empowering, and only really allowed temporarily. and it just reinforces that being a man is better than being a woman. so what society perceives as a woman grabbing for male power is understandable, but ultimately needs to be corrected if it goes on for long.

meanwhile, a man crossing the taboo line for the feminine is a direct contradiction that being a man is better than being a woman. a man (or in this case a little boy) wanting something that’s associated with the feminine is much less understandable from a patriarchal point of view. and any “correction” of behavior is a lot swifter.

this isn’t about being transgender. it’s about performing roles in society. but it is applicable to the experience of being transgender.


Red Dead Redemption 2 / Burn Notice

Rogue legacy 2 plus the Witcher.

Radioactive Pokémon survival set in an alternate universe Hawaii


The Elder Scrolls V: Breaking Bad

Super Mario 64: The Golden Girls

Far Cry: SG-1

Far Cry Raw Smackdown

On The Case with Isabelle.

Detective Isabelle, or Case Closed, depending on your region.


Stardew Valley and the Good Place. ok that is a great crossover and i’ll live there from now on.


I know we all know that toph loves to cuss, but I just realized

She had an extremely sheltered upbringing, then when she snuck out to fight, she went to the Earth Kingdom version of WWE, which, if it’s like real world WWE, is family entertainment, and she never spent time backstage, she came she fought she left

I don’t think Toph knows any swear words


She learns to swear from team avatar and becomes all powerful.

I don’t think Sokka or Katara would know swears either; they grew up in a village consisting of them, Gram Gram, and a bunch of little kids and their moms

I don’t know if the airbenders taught aang swears or not but I know he’s not really the type to swear anyway

Zuko, on the other hand, spent about 3 years of his life as a young angry teenager surrounded by sailors

Zuko and Suki teach the Gaang to cuss— the Avatar spinoff.

Zuko when he joins Team Avatar


Toph’s REAL life-changing field trip


AU where Zuko realises very early into his banishment that he’s been sent on a hopeless goose chase and, actually, he doesn’t want to return to the oppressive Fire Nation and his abusive father. And he sticks with this decision even after Aang wakes up from the iceberg

Except then Aang meets Zuko - probably when Zuko jumps in to save someone, because his sense of justice is too strong to just sit back while someone is hurt, even if he is trying to remain apolitical - and his brain goes “!!!!” Because that’s a good firebender. They do exist. And now Aang knows someone who can teach him firebending without trying to kill him

Except Zuko wants nothing to do with the Avatar. He especially doesn’t want to get entangled with his father’s war. So the rest of the season is about Zuko running from the Avatar, and Aang and co trying to capture the reluctant ex-Prince of the Fire Nation so he can be Aang’s firebending teacher

They convert their naval ship into a floating tea shop oh my god

The Gaang ends up stopping by the tea shop one time not realizing it’s Zuko and Iroh’s ship and spot Zuko but Zuko is like “this is the busiest time of day on our busiest days at one of the busiest ports. I do NOT have time for this.” So he plays dumb. Like really dumb.

The Gaang: It’s Zuko!

Zuko, trying to ignore them: Who’s Zuko?

The Gaang: … You are? You look exactly like him.

Zuko, starts sweating: Nope. I’m Lee. Humble tea server.

The Gaang: Then how you get that scar?

Zuko, sweating more: A wild tea accident. Very bizarre.

Toph, who knows he’s lying but is an agent of chaos: Lee? I remember you! You came to visit my town a few times. Do you still carry that lovely Jasmine tea?

Katara: Toph isn’t your town landlocked?

Toph: Yes, your point?

Katara: This tea shop is a giant naval vessel??

Zuko, panicking: THIS VESSEL CAN FLY

Toph: Yes, exactly.

Sokka: …Katara, let it go. Let’s just get our tea and get out of here before Aang finds out that–

Aang, sprinting over to them: ZUKO?

Toph, without missing a beat: No, this is Lee, humble tea server who got his scar in a wild tea accident.

Aang: What? No it’s not, it’s–

Toph: I can tell when people are lying Aang. Are you calling me a liar?

So I haven’t watched enough to know if it’s in character enough, but would Zuko attempt to not make a liar out of Toph? At least regarding the flying vessel bit? Would Toph lord over Zuko about how she helped him out? Not to the point of extortion, just big smug vibes?

Zuko, pulling Toph aside: Miss, I appreciate the help, but I’m in a bit of a bind. This is not, in fact, a flying vessel.

Toph: Yes it is. *metalbends it into the air*

Zuko: *softly but with feeling* what the fuck.

Aang, chasing Zuko all over the world: Please teach me, oh firebending master! You’re the only one I can possibly learn from!

Iroh, ten feet away, who taught Zuko literally everything he knows about firebending: It’s so nice to see the boy making friends *sips tea*

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