
green witch

@ametrine-lilymoon / ametrine-lilymoon.tumblr.com

Hello! My magickal name is LilyMoon and I'm 25 years old. I'm a Wiccan, working closely with Cernunnos. I'm also a tarot/oracle/pendum reader!  🔮 I love going on long walks in forests, books and spending time with my lovely pets and boyfriend. I'm also learning how to knit and crochet 🧶 Pendulum readings are open )O( Feel free to message me about anything :)

Yokai Yochi Tarot is finally done printing and ready to ship!

This deck has been a true adventure from start to finish. Thank you everyone who has stuck around and supported.

I don’t know when extras from the campaign will be available, but when they are I’ll make sure to give an announcement, or you can sign up for the mailing list here: https://ohnoooooo.weebly.com/yokai-yochi-tarot.html

edit: revealed the pins!


10 easy & subtle ways to celebrate Mabon

For my little closeted witches and pagans out there

1. SUN WATER!!! Charge it! Hoard it!! Mabon is the celebration of the sun, take advantage of that and use it to its fullest! (how to make sun water right here: X)

2. Try to cook something! People usually start baking autumn foods around Mabon like pie, poultry, bread or fluffy desserts. Anything you know will get you cozy and full

3. Take some time to reflect on the gifts nature grants us, give words to your gratefulness!

3. Keep the first acorn you see as a good luck charm! I’ve been doing it for years, it’s just a fun little habit to pick up

4. Doodle some pentacles everywhere: they’re a pretty popular symbol of Mabon! They’re easy to draw and they don’t have to be big or easy to spot.

5. Try a little apple spell like this one X

6. Make a bonfire! Invite some friends or family over and share some good ol wine. Spend time outside before the air gets too chilly!

7. Buy a new type of tea, something that’s adapted to the changing season! I recommend lemongrass, ginger, chamomile or chai tea.

8. If you can’t decorate, collect a few fallen leaves! Get a little bit of nature inside your house.

9. The veil is thinning! Light a candle for a loved one who passed/a spirit and spare a thought for them.

10: Self-heal: take a good bath, dress thick and warm, maybe pour yourself a mug of chocolate or a cup of cider, whatever your comfort drink is. Anything to let you completely disconnect with your daily stress. No matter what goes on in your life, the Earth is still spinning. The seasons still follow one another as they always have. Nature is a constant on which we can rely on, just like the sun and the moon. Mabon is all about finding balance so before pondering the balance of the universe, try to find the balance in yourself.


⛤Mabon Celebration, Correspondences and Affirmations⛤

⛤How to celebrate:

  • Collect autumn leaves for your altar and home
  • Put apple cider and apple on your altar
  • Bake fresh bread
  • Go on nature walk, focusing on renewal
  • Light white and black candles
  • Celebrate with harvest foods
  • Decorate for the harvest
  • Do a gratitude practice

⛤Mabon divination:

  • Read Tarot Cards, especially if they are Autumn or Mabon themed
  • Read Oracle Cards, Autumn or Mabon themed
  • Osteomancy: throw the bones or throw charms. 
  • Oneiromancy: pay attention to, record and interpret your dreams. 

You’ll notice from Mabon on until Winter, your dreams will become more frequent and more vivid as we head into a season when the night grows longer.

  • Bobbing for apples: add symbols to the bottoms of the apples and each symbol means something to the player who pulls it out of the water

⛤Symbolism of Mabon:

  • wine, pumpkins, pine cones, acorns, grains, corn, apples, pomegranates, vines like ivy, dried seeds.

⛤Mabon Herbs: 

  • Acorn, ferns, cereals, honeysuckle, calendula, alfalfa, myrrh, passion flower, rose, sage, Solomon's seal, tobacco, thistle and vegetables.
  • Mabon Foods:Bread, nuts, apples, pomegranates and vegetables like potatoes, carrots and onions.

⛤Mabon incense: 

  • autumn blend with benzoin, myrrh and sage.

⛤Colors of Mabon:

  •  Red, orange, rust, brown, brown and gold.

⛤Mabon stones: 

  • Sapphire, lapis lazuli and yellow agates.

⛤Mabon Activities: 

  • Making wine, gathering dried herbs, plants, seeds and pods, walking in the woods, scattering offerings in harvested fields, offering libations to trees, adorning burial places with leaves, acorns and pine cones to honor those who have passed .

⛤Spells of Mabon:

  •  protection, prosperity, security and self-confidence. Even those of harmony and balance.

⛤Divinity of Mabon:

  • Goddesses of Modron, Morgan, Epona, Persephone, Pamona and the Muses.
  • Gods of Mabon, Thoth, Thor, Hermes and The Green Man.

⛤Mabon affirmations and prayers: 

“I am in balance with the universe

I am grateful for an abundance of blessings

This season will be filled with great experiences

As the leaves change, I change for the better

The light I shine on others returns to me tenfold. 

So mote it be. “

“Autumn is upon us,

Mabon blessings be brought to us,

Through the harvest season,

Health and prosperity from now through Samhain.”

“We have so much before us

and for this we are thankful.

We have so many blessings,

and for this we are thankful.

There are others not so fortunate,

and by this we are humbled.

We shall make an offering in their name

to the gods who watch over us,

that those in need are someday

as blessed as we are this day.”

Witchfully yours,

⛤ Isidora & Bleiz. ⛤

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