
If I Loved You Less

@vi-writes-stuff / vi-writes-stuff.tumblr.com

A Choices blog because people in my life are tired of me simping over pixels.

Hey everyone! Today, I had the amazing opportunity to chat with a former Choices writer. I found him on Linkedln, added him as a connection, and he was kind enough to agree to a video interview with me! And I thought that some of the things he said would be of interest to many people in the fandom.

The big thing I wanted to share is basically what everyone has been saying forever, but it was cool to hear it confirmed by someone who worked there.

He said that most of the writers (when he was there anyway) were huge nerds who loved adventure, fantasy, sci fi, and those kinds of things. That's what they all wanted to work on, but unfortunately the amount of revenue they brought in was minuscule compared to the romance genres. He specifically mentioned the Tumblr fandom, and how it really isn't representative of what brings in the most money 😅In fact, he said that if something is really popular on Tumblr, you can almost guarantee that the opposite is what's bringing in money lol. So when people ask "why is PB doing X books when Y books are way more popular?" well, the silent majority really is a thing.

He also said that the Pixelberry writing workflow was really amazing and gave the writers a ton of freedom to go wild, and he really enjoyed working there. So props to PB for having a good environment for their writers, apparently!

Anyway, that's what I wanted to share. Hope you find it as interesting as I did!


It perpetually boggles my mind that people forget that Pixelberry is a BUSINESS. It's not fanfic, it's not a social services agency, and it will only stay afloat if it makes money. Mind you, I'm not a fan of the direction it has gone in recent years, but I'm intelligent enough to understand that they're going to go where the money is, not because they're evil, but because they have to. It comes down to what keeps the lights on.

I know not everyone can afford to spend, but when you can, you need to spend on the stories you love, or they won't have a chance. And to all those using mods, then complaining that their favorite stories are discontinued or no longer being made, well...

I'm glad you had the opportunity to speak with them! That's very cool!


I really like Kindred, but the ending was kinda disappointing. You spend all this time growing your coven bond and learning magic for this big epic battle with the Wraith King that is ultimately very meh.

Also, if you romance Kaine and get their heart back, you only get to spend like one and a quarter chapters with them. (The name does change according to the appearance you chose. I chose one of the male characters and his name was Camilo Mora.)


I really like Kindred, but the ending was kinda disappointing. You spend all this time growing your coven bond and learning magic for this big epic battle with the Wraith King that is ultimately very meh.

Also, if you romance Kaine and get their heart back, you only get to spend like one and a quarter chapters with them. (The name does change according to the appearance you chose. I chose one of the male characters and his name was Camilo Mora.)


I really like Kindred, but the ending was kinda disappointing. You spend all this time growing your coven bond and learning magic for this big epic battle with the Wraith King that is ultimately very meh.

Also, if you romance Kaine and get their heart back, you only get to spend like one and a quarter chapters with them. (The name does change according to the appearance you chose. I chose one of the male characters and his name was Camilo Mora.)


I really like Kindred, but the ending was kinda disappointing. You spend all this time growing your coven bond and learning magic for this big epic battle with the Wraith King that is ultimately very meh.

Also, if you romance Kaine and get their heart back, you only get to spend like one and a quarter chapters with them. (The name does change according to the appearance you chose. I chose one of the male characters and his name was Camilo Mora.)


The most unbelievable thing about Crimes of Passion? That Margeurite is a world-renowned fashion designer when her designs include that pink dress from Book 1 and this black dress for the re-coronation. Like no offense to Margeurite, I love her character, but her designs???

Like if this is haute couture in Drakovia, I'm not a fan.


First Comes Love is dragging out so freaking long. Please I just want my 15 diamonds for finishing the goddamn book.

Also, look at this outfit they offered. It looks like an early 2000s prom dress in a bad way.

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