
From now our merge is eternal...



Your-Ghoul’s 1,000 follower Giveaway!

I want to celebrate my dream of 1,000 followers with you. Here’s a few things I’d like to giveaway to a Ghost fan. Please read everything to see how you can join.

Here’s is what the giveaway includes:

  • 1 new glacier mint layered candle by Pier One Imports
  • 3 new charms from Lovesick
  • 1 new Ghost grucifix chain necklace.
  • 1 shirt of your size and choice from the Ghost store

The giveaway is open to my followers only!

I will ship anywhere in the world.

Contest date: February 23, 2017 - Good Friday (April 14, 2017)


  • Must be following me. I will check!
  • Reblog once for entry! You can like the post to save it, but likes won’t count.
  • I will contact the winner on Easter, April 16.
  • 48 hours will be allowed for the winner to respond. With permission, I will announce the winner’s url in a separate post from this one. If there is no response after the 48 hours, I will pick a new winner.

Good luck, nemA.


im calling it now that new water is a top-tier twink under that mask

Helicopter Arms looks like he’s probably cute as hell too

new aether looks like hes probably got a beard

new air is actually old air but some wild shit happened and he aged backwards and he’s like 12 now


There are a couple of answers in the new Ghost interview in Metal Hammer this month that I thought were intriguing….

What kind of style should we expect from our new Papa, in contrast to other Ghost leaders we’ve seen?

The next album will be set in a much darker and God-fearing point of time. Where Meliora was in a futuristic setting - the Brave New World has very little fear of God - this new record will be set in a point of time where there’s an immense fear of deities. So there will definitely be a Papa around that has very little humour. That alone won’t make a show - there’ll be a surprise for everyone!

I read that the next album will be more medieval-themed. Will your masks and outfits reflect that also?

Yes! Where I think we took the theatricality a few steps forward on this album cycle, hopefully we’re gonna take it five more steps on the next one.

What can we expect to hear in the next Ghost record?

It will build on Meliora, production-value wise. There are a few things i’m really keen on exploring further; one difference is that it might be more of a sonically conceptual record. As opposed to 10 different songs it might be like one song that starts in the beginning and goes through to the end, seamlessly. Even though it’s gonna be an A and B side - because I always think in vinyl, so there will be two acts - and even though there will be eight or so tracks, when you listen through them it’s supposed to sit together. Even though lyrically it won’t be a story, there will be several stories that loosely sit together in front of a backdrop of a certain theme and a certain environment. I can’t really go into depth about it because it’s conceptual right now - we’re still writing it. But you’ll hear it…eventually.

When will Papa IV be revealed?

I can’t really say! There’s a slight twist to this, so Papa IV might take some time, let’s leave it at that.

What if Papa III stays for one more album


Even with the super low quality you can see how luscious that hair was….and their sound struggle too

Dat hair ....


the time has come for Papa IV to reveal himself. his arrival has been long awaited by the rest of the Clergy, as well as the masses. but first, a little meeting must be gathered. just to be sure that this new papal clad leader is…..up to snuff. Sister Imperater, Papa II, and Papa III are ready to assign the test. ***

Sister Imperater: my- I mean, our, dearest Papa IV. the time has come for you to usurp the thrown. our current Papa has been deemed……rather unfit. 

Papa II: she means to say- an idiot 

Sister Imperater: at the time he seemed rather promising. but as delightful as the public may view him- that is just the problem. our calling has not been taken seriously enough! and-

Papa IV: where may I ask is the first Papa?

Papa II: oh, dear boy he is long gone.. 

Papa IV: …..gone? 

Sister Imperater: *sniffles* yes…he passed away not too long ago

Papa IV: oh, I’m so sorry to hear that…

Papa II: Sister….where is Papa III?

Sister Imperater: …..he’s not here yet? 

Papa II: *checks phone*

Papa II: *sighs* 

Sister Imperater: *slams fists down on table* GOD DAMMIT.

 Papa IV: *flinches* 

Papa II: I think you’re scaring this young man, Sister.. 

Papa IV: oh no, I’m alright! I can understand why she’s upset i- 

Papa II: hush it, would you please?  

Papa IV: *sinks*

*door handle jiggles*

Papa II: *gets up*

Papa III: *muffled* is this door locked?

Papa II: *rolls eyes* *opens door* obviously…

Sister Imperater: you’re late!!

Papa III: sorry sorry! I, eh, had to see a man about a goat. a goat with really big horns….Satan. I had to see a man about Satan. I was working alright??

Sister Imperater: yes, well you won’t have to be doing that line of work for very much longer…

Papa III: eh eh eh! don’t be so mean! I’m well aware of that. that’s what this meeting is about, yes?

Papa II: will you just sit down already!

Papa III: and why is it so dark in here? *flips on light switch* 

Sister Imperater: *HISSES* 

Papa II: off! 

Papa III: okay okay sorry! 

Papa II: can’t you see that we’re trying to provide a little bit of atmosphere? 

Sister Imperater: *rubs eyes*

Papa III: I apologize Sister……oh my! 

Papa IV: *waves* 

Papa III: you are just a treat aren’t you? and look at that jawline, so handsome! but not as handsome as me of course

Papa II: *dripping with sarcasm* no…no..certainly not

Sister Imperater: enough of this! down to business. now. Papa IV. you are well aware of what we do in the Clergy, yes? 

Papa IV: of course madame.. 

Sister Imperater: we pride ourselves in weaving the fog. hiding in the shadows. trapping all of human kind in a sort of…walless maze

Papa II: *murmurs* I wrote that one…

Papa III: *whispers* I know you did.. 

Papa II: it was good wasn’t it? 

Papa III: *whispers back* was? it still is! it’s one of the favorites I like performing

Papa II: *puts hand to his own chest* really?? 

Sister Imperater: EXCUSE ME. 

Papa II & III: sorry! 

Papa IV: *laughs* you have no need to worry Sister…I am fully educated on the dealings of this group. 

Sister Imperater: *grins* so you…are well up to the challenge? 

Papa IV: yes. 

Sister Imperater: would you say that you are….on the level?

 Papa IV: ehh….sure?

 Sister Imperater: are you ready to swear? right here? right now? 

Papa III: *nearly smacks Papa II in the face* BEFOREEE THE DEVILLLLL!!! I wrote that one!!! 

Sister Imperater: *head desk*

 Papa IV: I can say with 100% certainty that I am ready. I know fully and completely regarding our dark lord. the Old One… eh…

Papa IV: *looks at smudged writing on his hand* 

Papa IV: …..Smeagol 

Sister Imperater: *looks up abruptly* WHO?! 


Alpha: *outside the door* DIS BITCH DUNN’ JUST SAID SMEAGOL

Papa II: is that Alpha?! 

Alpha: hi Papa II!! 


Papa II: *growls* Alpha…just as cheeky as I remembered him being. you did remember to re-lock the door after you came in didn’t you?

 Papa III: I think so 

Alpha: *bursts in* 

Papa III: oooooor maybe not 

Alpha: HEY. Sister Imperater! is the new Papa gonna take the Ghouls to Isengard?? 

Sister Imperater: GET. OUT!! 


Sister Imperater: *puts head down on table* ……we are never going to be taken seriously ever again…. 

Papa II: goodness, what ever would make you think that?

Papa III: *rolls up sleeves* welllll. I think this would be a good time to break out the Papastrello! 

Papa II: I’ll fetch the glasses 

Papa III: Papa IV, would you care to join us? it’s pretty sweet, but if you’d like something more strong-

 Papa IV: oh no thank you. I don’t drink! 

Papa II & III:

😂😂😂 my eyes are burning with tears. Oh my fucking god! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Bad idea reading this in a room full of people. I was basically convulsing just trying to not laugh. 😂

Oh my.... this is hilarious xD

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