
You don't have to test everything to destruction

@tchaikovsky-at-midnight / tchaikovsky-at-midnight.tumblr.com

just to see if you made it right. [following from @gangseydreams] queer, adult, they/them
There is no widespread outcry about the “gay loneliness epidemic,” or the “Black loneliness epidemic” or the “women’s loneliness epidemic,” even though there is just as much evidence to suggest that loneliness is a problem for those groups. The “male loneliness” panic only exists because of the unspoken and misleading assumptions that undergird most popular reporting about gender: (1) If you see the word “man,” you should assume it refers to a straight white man, and (2) straight, white men are entitled to get everything they want out of life, and if they don’t, that constitutes a crisis.

This whole thing is very good and I’d like to highlight another excerpt:

“Men are in crisis, these people say, because of feminists, who have made it so that men are now the more oppressed and disadvantaged gender. In order to fight the oppression of men, we need a gender-role reset that puts men back in their rightful place (in charge). If women object, that’s proof that they are bad, selfish people.
Men are victimized by women having civil rights, and women need to give up their civil rights so that men don’t suffer: That’s where this is headed. Women will also need to give up their standards and sexual autonomy, because men’s presumed right of sexual access to women dominates this discussion. Few progressives or leftists will argue out loud, as Ross Douthat once did, that men are turning to the far right because of sexual frustration, and that we ought to ‘redistribute sex’ by forcing sex workers to service them. They will, however, argue that by being forthright or harsh in rejecting men, women are ‘fueling incel shit,’ which is another way of blaming women for men’s worst actions.”

this post


I will never understand why this Christmas song goes so hard.




so during the bosnian war (which was this nasty-ass conflict in bosnia and herzgovina) there was this badass cello-playing motherfucker named vedran smailovic. He was from Sarajevo, was upset about all the shit and nastiness that came about through this war (this was full-on brother-killing-brother shit!) that he went around to bombed-out, blown up buildings and funderals––where he was at risk of FUCKING SNIPER FIRE––and playing the cello. This guy was so set on providing one tiny spot of beauty in a seriously nasty war he was risking being fucking SHOT OR BLOWN UP.


He’s why there’s the calm cello part at the beginning before everything gets all violent-sounding. It’s THEMATIC.



There’s the wikipedia article about him and yes…true story…

It’s also important to understand that Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24 was not originally a Trans Siberian Orchestra song. It was originally recorded by Savatage, a metal band, for their concept album “Dead Winter Dead,” and when some Savatage members formed TSO, they adopted that song as a TSO song because yeah it’s fucking amazing.

Friendly reminder that this exists.

Friendly reminder that Vedran’s performances also included a pile of rubble that used to be a fountain IN THE CENTER OF A TOWN SQUARE WITH NO COVER.

When asked years later why he’d down something so apparently suicidal, he shrugged and replied that it was his way of proving that “the spirit of humanity was still alive in that place, despite all evidence to the contrary.”

May we all be as brave and stalwart in protesting violence and injustice as Vedran “The Most Bad-Ass Cellist Ever” Smailović.

Also, despite what some articles may say, Vedran was not an old man when this happened. He’s only in his early 60s today, which would have made him no older than 37 when he was playing in the ruins of Sarajevo. Never let anyone tell you it’s only old men who can make a difference.


if you’re white and wanna write a poc character and feel awkward about it i implore you to ignore any twitblr stuff treating it as a massive ethical burden and instead come in more with the same mindset you’d have if you wanted to write about idk firefighters but didn’t know anything about firefighters so you do... research. Like fuck off with the weird kinda creepy calls for spiritual introspection you’re not writing about god damn space aliens you’re writing about humans and if you think you need more perspective of different life experiences just read?

If I were writing about firefighters I'd also, in addition to just reading about them, take advantage of Our Blessed Internet to ask actual firefighters about how shit works. I'd do the same for a minority I'm not a part of.

I remember when there was this LiveJournal community where you could just ask about anything you needed for your novel - medicine, professions, vehicles, how things function in country X - and people who knew something about that would answer.

We need to bring this back.

And apparently just this summer they DID bring it back - it's called Little Details and it's on Dreamwidth!!!!


get to know me meme ♡ favorite books → the very secret society of irregular witches by sangu mandanna

“I can’t transform the world, Jamie. The world’s too big and too messy and too stubborn.” “Who said anything about transforming the world?” He shrugged. “What about just making it a little better? And then a little better? And then a little more, until, one day, maybe long after we’re gone, it has transformed?”

Not knowing that you have a villain inside you, a hero, and a bystander is a lesson that everyone should learn.

What is the quote from Jingo, by Sir Terry Pratchett, to the effect of "when someone does something terrible, we want it to be one of Them, because if it isn't Them, then it is Us?"

“It was because he wanted there to be conspirators. It was much better to imagine men in some smoky room somewhere, made mad and cynical by privilege and power, plotting over the brandy. You had to cling to this sort of image, because if you didn’t then you might have to face the fact that bad things happened because ordinary people, the kind who brushed the dog and told their children bedtime stories, were capable of then going out and doing horrible things to other ordinary people. It was so much easier to blame it on Them. It was bleakly depressing to think that They were Us. If it was Them, then nothing was anyone’s fault. If it was Us, what did that make Me? After all, I’m one of Us. I must be. I’ve certainly never thought of myself as one of Them. No one ever thinks of themselves as one of Them. We’re always one of Us. It’s Them that do the bad things.”

Jingo. 1997. Pratchett, Terry. NY, London, and Ankh-Morpork: Harper-Collins. p. 205




Local Soho lurker, known associate of Mr. Fell, inspiring so much lust around him people flock to the brothel to see if they can spend some quality time with him. And it happens so frequently Mrs. Sandwich had to put a sign up.

Alternatively, as @cassieoh (thank you for brightening the image!!) suggested: ‘DON’T [PAY] THE GUY WITH THE BLACK GLASSES HE DOESN’T WORK HERE!’

Poor Mrs. Sandwich. ‘Yes I know he looks like he works as a seamstress, but he does NOT, so if you could kindly pay me, thank you very much.’

I can’t decide which is funnier, Crowley accepting money from Mrs. Sandwich’s patrons (does he cackle as he does this? Is he confused? Does he walk the money over to her afterwards or do something else with it?) or Mrs. Sandwich having to march over to him and sternly asking him to stop letting patrons pay him instead (does she cock her hip and stick out her hand? Does she laugh along with him? Do they bond over it?? Are Crowley and Mrs. Sandwich buds???)

‘You’re a good lad.’


pssst here's a clear shot of it from the behind the scenes stuff

alas, blue glasses and not black - but now i wonder who THAT's a reference to??


Iirc I spent an afternoon looking at mostly 1970s-90s soho photos, to get the kind of wordings and look I wanted for Mrs Sandwich’s door and stairs, and I found one somewhere warning customers about a scammer who would take money from them, and sent it over to the art department.


Oddly Specific Tarot Card: 47 of Sandwiches

Meaning: Glut. Anxiety leading to waste. You were afraid guests would go hungry so you made sandwiches. Just so many goddamn sandwiches. Now what?

Reversed: Charity so extravagant it becomes a nuisance. WHAT do they expect you to do with all these sandwiches?!

…look, sometimes I get these ideas. Like tarot cards so bizarrely specific that you wonder why they’re in the deck.

No, there are not 46 other sandwich cards. I am not a masochist. Still, I can imagine other oddly specific cards. The Moose. The Ace of Pasta. Chlorine. That One Guy (No, The Other One.)

I made this edit of the 47 Sandwiches tarot card. Meaning: Temporary Satisfaction and a sense of loss. It's a pretty good looking sandwich. Shame you only have one. Reversed: Temporary Discomfort but a feeling of relief. Really bad sammy, good thing you only have to eat it once!

I don’t know if it’s what we do on Tumblr, as the tag asked, but it made me laugh, anyhow!


Do you write music with the view of being politically active and delivering a message or does it just happen and the rest follows? 

Friendly reminder that Hozier’s first music video, in 2013, involved him literally taking his life savings and using it to make a protest video about anti-gay actions in Chechnya. This was not a popular position at the time, to the point that damn near every interviewer asked “so, are you gay?” because they literally could not figure out why he cared so much.

Incidentally, after the first few times of saying “no, I’m straight but it’s important,” he started saying “you can think that if you want.” ALSO not a popular position at the time. Adam Lambert’s entire career had been derailed only four years before because he dared to be openly gay and sexual about it.

He literally came out swinging like Muhammad Ali and has not stopped. And he finds it odd that people find it odd! Like he was asked if he was aware of his “lesbian cult following” and seemed genuinely puzzled why he has a lesbian cult following (and, later, just a massive queer following in general) and it’s like. Honey. You loved us first. You loved us more and harder than most people were willing to. When it was unpopular to even whisper about how maybe queer people shouldn’t be seen as inhuman actually, you grabbed a megaphone and screamed. You risked not just losing a career, but never having one at all, to stand by us. You loved us. We’re just loving you back.

Source: youtube.com

Unrestrained summer fun 😁


this must be such a delicate experience for a creature that can dive two stories deep and has been seen cliff diving into the ocean


Such a quiet and gentle experience for a megafauna cryptid that can headbutt a speeding truck and walk away It’s like seeing Godzilla in a kiddie pool

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