please stop interacting with this account

@queenjanai /


not to be like "announcing your departure" but i do need a break from this blog/fandom. i feel utterly disappointed and being here is not good for my health, so i'm gonna stay off from this blog a little while

i’d appreciate it if you refrained from liking/reblogging anything. i don’t want to get notifications from this blog

in the meantime, i'm on my main @abigailpents . discussions about the gay pirates are welcome



hi. i know that some of you stayed in the fandom during the hiatus because of my writing, so i wanted to share my next work with you all. it's a novel-length our flag means death fic, called gold rush, and it's over 100k words long. you guys have been nothing but supportive of my writing while i was here, and i wanted to offer this to anyone who might be interested

the first chapter has been posted, and you can read it here

on another note, i want to ask again to limit interaction with me. please don't like/reblog anything, not even this post. thank you, and i hope you’ll enjoy season 4 soon.


not to be like “announcing your departure” but i do need a break from this blog/fandom. i feel utterly disappointed and being here is not good for my health, so i’m gonna stay off from this blog a little while

i’d appreciate it if you refrained from liking/reblogging anything. i don’t want to get notifications from this blog

in the meantime, i’m on my main @abigailpents . discussions about the gay pirates are welcome


Anonymous asked:

I guess sdcc proves all the paranoid fans right: s3 was mostly about teasing and playing up certain characters the show had no intention of following up on, because at the end of the day they see this as a Callum show. Rip Amaya, Janai, Rayla, Runaan etc…

i don't really agree with this, but yes rip to amaya, janai, and runaan's potential

Anonymous asked:

Was thinking about the sun forge and if it really is still messed up after 2 years they might have callum be the one to fix it which would feel very white saviory. Like why else would they wait this long to have it fixed in the story??? I could be worried for nothing but I just have a bad feeling about this. Also even if it is fixed, we don't get to see that!?!?! Idk either way this feels....bad

i haven't even considered callum to be the one to fix it. i have to say i don't think it's gonna happen, it seems like callum is gonna get involved with aaravos in some way, and i assume he needs to know sunfire magic to fix the sunforge. but anything could happen at this point

i simply don't believe janai would have arranged a proposal with the sunforge still corrupted and lux aurea unreachable. if it's fixed and we didn't see it, this season is hopeless


you literally don't get to be indifferent about aaron when the women who quit because of him were so traumatized by how he treated them that they were unemployed for months. it's so tone deaf and honestly disgusting


that post about male showrunners getting the urge to Punish when they realize they have a female audience but with tdp is the urge to disappoint

Anonymous asked:

I somehow still hope that Callum wakes up in the next season and everything was just a dream

god i wish

Anonymous asked:

I just saw the spoilers. I fully agree with everything you said

Iterally the only reason i come back on tumblr/the fandom is because of your blog/writing

It's so sad to not see what happens. Do you also feel like the fandom just gets ignored again and again?

thank you so much for your kind words, i'm happy that my writing has been bringing you some joy <3 i appreciate it a lot

i don't think we've been ignored per se, most of the fandom i think has been very pleased with the panel, the graphic novels, etc, i just think that this hiatus has become so long some kind of disconnection happened. i don't know how to explain it

i'm not gonna say something like "the writers are bad writers" bc these people have been in the industry for years now, they're very clearly talented people, but i just don't understand this direction they chose to take. tdp is unique for its character arcs, yet they chose to skip not just a major event for janaya, but 2 whole years of their life

idk what to say. i'm just so tired at this point

Anonymous asked:

ok this is like probably an idiotic question but what makes you so sure we're not gonna see janaya in s4? even with the time skip we can definitely still get content...

i didn't say that, we're definitely gonna see them in s4, they're on the first episode. i meant that we're not gonna see how their romance started and developed from friendship

Anonymous asked:

I really don't think I'm going to be watching tdp anymore because of this. Unless things dramatically shift and we get to see what happens in the past two years, I doubt I'll have any desire to watch :/ I was so fucking excited too

i think i'm gonna watch s4 unwillingly without any expectations at all. because despite this shit show, i still wanna see janaya

Anonymous asked:

I haven't really interacted with much tdp stuff, especially this long into the hiatus but I'm still super disappointed that they're just gonna skip 2 years ahead and miss all the important stuff we should have seen. Like no offense to the other ships but janaya had THE most interesting arc and dynamic to watch and they just said nah no one wants to see that. It feels....bad. This sucks and we have every right to be mad about it. Guess we'll all have to look to fan works to do the job of the show lmaooo

i really agree with you anon, it just feels like we've been lead to nothing. and thank you for saying our anger is justified. i lost like 10 followers since the panel happened (not that i care, it happens every time as this point) and sorry not sorry, i do deserve to be angry

i haven't been writing for two and a half years for nothing. i wrote out of hope, i was waiting for the outcome that we deserved, and i have every right to feel angry that everything i wanted to see was erased from the plot. so thank you, really

and i just hope there will be enough fans left to make something


i hope you all realize that we will never find out what happened at the lux aurea, why amaya thinks janai thinks she's cute, we will never see the first time amaya comes back to lux aurea, their first kiss, both of them realizing their feelings, janai's first asl lesson with kazi, and gren and corvus' reactions to them. know what was taken from us

Anonymous asked:

Ngl... I was a big fan of tdp years ago, but with how bad of a person Aaron is.. being swept under the rug, and the anti Jewish stuff in the Fandom (a specific comment from a ray///lump) made me feel nothing at this trailer. It just... gave nothing tbh. Your tdp posts are the only good and interesting ones! Sad that I feel this way about the show now, your thoughts? I wish it was all about Amaya, most interesting best character and Janai, that would be a 10/10 show

oh anon honey 😭 i'm so glad my posts still interest someone like 2 years later. i totally get you, i was there on twitter for the antisematic and lesbiphobic stuff, and of course aaron's allegations, and it was... not fun. there are some things i shouldn't have gotten involved in, but still, the experience was not nice

i just feel incredible disappointed yet not surprised by tdp's lack of engagement with us. and i literally mean when i say it, look at what the cast of ofmd did in a haitus of uncertainty that lasted less than 3 months. samba caused people to bake over 700 of orange cakes just from sharing a recipe. tdp could have easily done the same in the span of 2.5 years, but they chose not to

but on a more happier approach, i am so glad to hear that you like my posts. i've felt really bad during the last 2 years when i wasn't posting, aka putting out stuff for people to read/etc. janaya were a big part of my happiness as a writer and a creator, and i was afraid to let them go

but now i'm doing good! posting whatever, whenever, and i'm grateful to have you and possibly others that still, somehow, enjoy my posts. so thank you for that!

and i'll guess we'll just have to wait for the season to finally drop. until then, cheers


anon i am holding your hand in solidarity. i am so sorry this happened to us


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