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Well hello there! my name is Hikarisakurariver, she/her. I love all things geek. you'll see alot of things on here (mostly reblogs) but I intend to post some content here too (once I and get my brain out of anxious and depressed mode and into anxious, depressed but functioning...maybe mode) The awesome art I have as my Header, is 'Thomas Sanders Anime' by yura-tsuki!

I need money. Do you need mermaids?

I am self employed, and my favorite way to make money is when people fund whatever I'm hyperfixating on. This month is mermaids.

If you have a specific fish you want to see mermified in my style, please let me know above!

If you don't know any cool fish, I made a guide to discover them here!

You can request non-fish aquatic creatures! Pinnipeds will be selkies, Cetaceans will be mammalers, and arthropods will be Fairies (tiny humanoid magical creatures) that happen to come in aquatic flavors. Anything else, I will still draw but they won't be canon to @worldofvonder

running out of fish to draw (though i have lots of non fish) so if anyone wants to see their favorite Actinopterygii, put it in the box!


oh hey it's Webcomic Day, right before i get off hiatus! come to Widdershins, we've got wizards, magicians, a 1000+ pages long archive, idiots, large beautiful french women, plot-significant violin duets, violent women, more idiots, AND a dog!

it's free to read! it's kinda goofy! it's got heart, a diverse cast, and did i mention it's free to read cus it really is!

by the time you're done reading the archive I'll be updating again with the final 100 pages of the story, cus we love a good solid ending, don't we? we do.


The update that told me Widdershins is finally returning popped up in my feed reader TODAY, so I'm making this Webcomic Wednesday about this long time favourite of mine!

Actually I think Kate's teaser sums it up pretty nicely already, but! There are a whole freaking TEN FULLY FINISHED BOOKS both available online for free and to order as physical copies, and honestly that is just such an impressive amount of work done, and done SO well.

Widdershins is truly delightful to me, partly because I love Kate's art style, but also because every single character throughout all the stories is pure gold, and all the character's interactions are perfect. Just perfect. Through the course of ten and a half books we've got:

  • a super diverse cast
  • strangers to lovers
  • enemies to more or less begrudging friends
  • plenty of frenemies
  • sexy rivalry in the background, the vote is out on whether we want to know the details or rather not
  • a really well thought out magic system and worldbuilding set in an alternate version of England in the 1800s
  • the BEST sibling relationships
  • some slapstick comedy
  • delicious… deliciousness 😁
  • and – as I've just noticed – a fair bit of fanfiction on AO3 as well!

One more thing that makes this comic precious: there are so many details woven throughout the pages, so much foreshadowing, and if you want to discover all of that for yourself you should abstain from the comment section, because these people find everything. If that's not important to you, absolutely read the comments because they are very usually both lovely and insightful.

What are you waiting for? Start with Book 1: Sleight of Hand, and definitely pace yourself because reading it all in one go will make you incredibly bleary-eyed. Have fun!!

oh wow, what a lovely write up :3 thank you for the kind words, they really do mean a lot!


Does anxiety run in my family because of the blood curse (DNA) or because anxious people raise other anxious people? Unclear. But either way you should sit your kids down if a mental illness runs in your family and tell them hey. Your brain might go crazy one day. Here’s how you tell if it’s happening or not. Go to the doctor about it.

Best advice is, if you suffer from mental health challenges be sure to show you kids that it is perfectly manageable. This happens sometimes and, it's ok to not be ok. Give them safe spaces where they can talk about it, ask questions and see how it effects you to an age appropriate level. Treat it like it's another part of life, they need to know about because it is. Let them see you live a fulfilling life. They will likely emulate how you handle it.




very interesting to take outrage over a more inclusive flag at its word lol and by “interesting” i mean question this shit

i love these pictures even more knowing the flyers paid specifically to use this flag for gritty


platforming palestinian joy is just as important as sharing the suffering they're enduring during this genocide. despite continued displacement and bombardment, you cannot steal their joy and spirit. happy birthday to this sweet baby 🖤🇵🇸 may they grow up to see a free palestine

edit: @saffronlesbian made a video description for this post!!

[vd: a screen recording of a tweet from the 20th of April 2024 with 2.5 million views, from Ruhi @/ruhi_hi. the caption reads, "This video of this little Palestinian angel celebrating his bday in a refugee camp" followed by three emoji of a smiling face with teary eyes. the video clip is 11 seconds long and shows a one-year-old baby seated on the sandy ground, smiling hugely and clapping his hands while people sing to him from offscreen and a large cake is placed in front of him. stuck into the top of the cake is a decoration that reads "happy birthday" in english. the video has the tiktok handle @/ibrahim.jamal99 visible in it. /end vd.]

While Palestinian joy is important to celebrate, the father of the baby pictured here, Ibrahim, is still trapped in Rafah.

Throughout this genocide, Ibrahim has not only worked tirelessly to provide for and evacuate his family, he runs a nonprofit called Al-Nasser Charitable to feed and give back to his community.

Please consider donating to support Jamal and Ibrahim so they can celebrate more birthdays together!

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