
A Delicacy Back On Earth

@forlornmelody / forlornmelody.tumblr.com

She/They. Panromantic Demisexual. Mass Effect, DC Comics, Dragon Age, Good Omens & general fandom stuff.  AO3 // FF.net // Buy Me Coffee

an inventory of anthony j. crowley’s flat

  • 14 stress plants™ whose dirt has absorbed so much anxiety it would send anyone who touched it to hospital
  • 1 lectern from exact geographical location of angelic rescue, retrieved when no one was looking as bomb sirens were malfunctioning for some reason
  • 1 table that has inspired zero (0) fantasies of being plowed vigorously upon it by any angels at all 
  • 1 throne, only incidentally covered in carved winged creatures, which was there when occupant moved in
  • 1 bed, 6000-year-old white feather decoupaged onto headboard at owner’s request
  • 1 pair of Vantablack sheets, obtained without the permission of artist with whom current owner is in bitter longtime dispute 
  • 1 television/1 not television, depending on the time of day
  • 1 sculpture depicting recreational masculine sport, for fitness inspiration
  • 0 lights
  • 1 sketch by artist with lustful designs, whose attention needed to be diverted for very important infernal reasons
  • 1 safe containing 1 thermos of holy water, which has remained in safe for 50 years and has never been taken out occasionally and cried over
  • 1 copy of Extremely Big Book of Astronomy, with “Holiday with Angel?” scribbled and then crossed out and then scribbled again five times in margins of section on Alpha Centauri
  • 1 pair of snakeskin Louboutins
  • 5 bags of cat food for Gorgo, the neighborhood cat whose cuddling and purrs are very annoying
  • 1 citrus juicer

you realize this is a list of

demonic possessions



Cannot stop thinking about how like... Jason has died more than once. Jason has probably died at least three times and I'm nearly certain that all of those are still applicable to modern canon.

He died as a kid in the warehouse

He is so strongly implied to have died and been rezzed in UtRH's ending that like I'm not sure how else to interpret it tbh

He died in Task Force Z and is given a huge dose of Lazarus Resin to resurrect him again

Considering that the crash shown in Gotham War entirely obliterates the plane he was in

and Jason just fucking shows up?? As though he was somehow, mysteriously, able to walk away from that plane destroying crash completely unharmed?

I think it's very reasonable to assume/headcanon that he died here too. Hell, it might be reasonable to assume he's immortal in a similar way to Savage???

If Jason doesn't have extensive experience with the afterlife, it's only because he's not allowed in the door lmao

Also just... so much ow with him being the only person who actually knows he's died more than the once? And like... does he actually realize how many times he's died? Would he ever be willing to tell anyone else? Why doesn't he ever bring those other times up? Were they too quick, and thus he only feels like the first "counts"? Or does it simply hurt too much to consider the implications?

Idk there's something very fascinating about the way his death is central to his character, but his deaths aren't.


Jason Todd has now died a possible SEVEN TIMES!

FOUR are undeniably canonical (assuming no retcons or fake-outs et.c. we know what DC is like lmao):

  1. Robin death
  2. Getting his heart stopped to stop a demonic possession
  3. Task Force Z
  4. Punched to death by the Failsafe robot! NEW

THREE more deaths are highly suspected!

  1. Bruce slitting his throat at the end of UtRH
  2. Jumping to his doom(?) at the end of Battle for the Cowl
  3. Crashing a plane into the doom meteor of immortality

Almost all of them are in some way or another a consequence of Bruce's actions too! And I'm only saying almost because I haven't read the Trinity thing where he gets his heart stopped yet!


Random goon: Hey boss, were you the one to pick that name as an alias? And why this one?

Red Hood : I used to have another name, before... A long time ago. But that person is dead now. I get to choose for myself now, they can't take that from me. I won't let them.

Goon: Huh.


Random Goon: Say boss, why do you never take off your shirt in front of us?

Red Hood: Well uh, I actually have that really fucked scar on my chest and I'm not comfortable with...

Random Goon: Don't worry boss, we get it, you don't have to explain yourself to us.


Red Hood, high on some toxin: God, I wish my family...

Random Goon (on boss-sitting duty): why not try reaching out to them?

Red Hood: They would never accept me as I am now... They wouldn't agree with my so-called "life choices". Besides, they don't miss me, they miss the person they think I used to be... I wasn't even a man when I last saw them.

Random Goon: Damn boss, that sucks.


And then the goons throw the Red Hood a party on trans visibility day and Jason is so confused he straight up cries.


nothing has been more important to my being queer than when i went to my first pride parade, got seperated from my group, had a panic attack about it and was sitting on the side of the road holding a tiny genderfluid flag and freaking out. then this six foot five drag queen in four inch heels appeared from literally nowhere and sat down next to me. i, this scared-shitless trans bi kid at pride for the first time, very nervously told her she looked pretty and i told her my name and that i got lost and didn't feel like i should be at pride and she held my hand and said "oh, honey, everybody deserves to be here, especially you. pride is for everybody who's ever gotten lost, who's been scared of who they are or where they are. you think we never been scared before? pride's for you, honey, because you're scared. you don't have to be proud right now, but you're gonna be one day, honey, i'm sure of it."

i found my group soon after that and i never saw that queen again but to this day i am convinced i met an angel.

so yeah. pride is for you. pride is for all of us.


the fact that "you're just like me" is both a compliment and a curse, the fact that ava does not want to be like deborah, the fact that deborah forces her to, the fact that it feels good, the fact that deborah is proud of her for it 😫💣💥🤮🧨⚠️✍️🆘️🔥🔪🚫

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