


rowan | eighteen | writing/polisci
currently tracking: #calirollstudies
college and adulting stuff: #calirollresource

he is turning the tiles brown. he needs to be contained


fools. this was a white goat, you can see the white markings on him. he’s been soaking up the brown and he’s only got one square left. let him finish his work



“Perhaps because it rains, perhaps because it’s evening and the orchestra of winds perform their strange, sad music.”

Emily Dickinson, from a letter to Austin Dickinson wr. c. November 1851


A hand-colored photo from 1935 to 1940 of a group of gay men, taken in jail, after they had been arrested for “public indecency,” in Mexico City. I’m amazed by the attitude of some of these men, posing defiantly and glamorously in such adverse conditions.


Honestly, in my work as a therapist, I’m seeing this A Lot, and tbh I still don’t have a satisfactory approach to it. A heavy dose of Existentialist “create your own Purpose” tempered with “when the plane’s going down, put your own oxygen mask on first”, but… yeah, there is no ethical way to work on individual emotional distress without acknowledging the systemic socioeconomic, geopolitical fuckery going on at the moment, and the sheer grief that comes with it.


I’m a guidance counselor/psychologist for teenagers and it’s getting really hard to motivate young people to work for a future they don’t believe in. 

 They look at ther future and see global warming, wwIII, unemployement, political unstability, poison in everything  they eat, the earth and animals dying all around them. 

I saw this video where someone was asking french teens in the 50s how they imagine the future would be. The war hadn’t been over for long and yet it was all positive with like peace and flying cars and such. Then they went and ask the same questions to nowadays teens and hell that was depressing. Some still had hope, but it was just that “well I hope I’ll have a nice house and maybe some kid” but there was such a hesitancy to it, like they didn’t dare to hope too much. 

People mock Greta Thunberg but what they don’t get is that when she said “you stole my dreams”, it was the truth. 

Young people don’t get to dream like they used to. They don’t dream anymore, they grief all that won’t be anymore and that’s just so fucking sad. 


I really enjoy just existing in hotels. The long identical hallways. The soulless abstract art. The weird noises the air-conditioner makes. Strange city lights in the window. Six stories off the ground. Strangers chatting in the hall. Nothing in the dresser. No past, but an infinite present. 

I know this place in California that I really think you’d like


noah fence but a rogue stormtrooper inciting a rebellion and then becoming a jedi is a way more compelling redemption story than a privileged white boy who murders his father in cold blood then pouts about it because he feels a little bad


a small guide on how i battle my essays! (click on an image to view it clearer) 

(keep in mind: i’m an english major so a majority of my essays are literature-focused!)

these are just some of the methods i want to share that work for me when i write my innumerable amount of essays! i’m definitely a huge planner so it’s no secret that i spend a lot of time on an essay. if you’re a deadline fighter, these tips might not necessarily be helpful (especially the handwriting one). but i hope this gives you an insight on how i write my essays! 🌈

do people really think that the royal family is apolitical. Like sure, they don't have legitimate uncontested political power. But that doesn't mean they don't have interests, and that agendas aren't pushed by people who are royalty in England. Like the queen literally asked to use the state poverty fund to heat Buckingham palace.

When the queen opened parliament in 2016 she outright gave a pro austerity speech sitting on a golden throne with the crown jewels on her head. The crown jewels worth. between 3 and 5 billion pounds.

Like, the Royal family is fucking loaded. 88 billion dollars between all of them apparently. Imagine supporting the continued existence of these people.

“We will not blame him for the crimes of his ancestors if he relinquishes the royal rights of his ancestors; but as long as he claims their rights, by virtue of descent, then, by virtue of descent, he must shoulder the responsibility for their crimes.“

James Connolly


game developer: this character is nonbinary

cis gamers: im fubking shakign what does this mean I dont understamd o_O


game developer: this character is non-binary

cis gamers: oh so that means they can be a boy or a girl depending on how I see them! it is Up To Me

Y'all cis lgb+ people are not off the hook for this btw lmfao


joaquin phoenix really just said thoughts and prayers are nice but maybe yall should act on your words and stop flying to palm springs on your private jets every week to a room full of rich celebs. we have to stan.


Hello everybody!

my poll (still running!) showed me that you all wanted more og content from me so I’ll be posting some stuff in the next few days. Here’s my study playlist. 

51 hours of movie scores, game soundtracks, classical music and more instrumental songs! Including the whole Harry Potter score as well as a lot of Ghibli soundtracks (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Listen here !

other great study playlists:

Favourite artists and soundtracks:

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