devote your hearts

@levis-petras /

sher. she/her. 24. i write sometimes. rivetra sideblog. main @passionesque

hi, i’m sher and i literally created this blog just for rivetra after re-watching the anime recently. occasionally, i write fic if the muse allows it. all interactions/follows are from my main @passionesque :)

currently working on:

somewhere between sorrow and bliss an AU where Petra lives from the FT arc

the wings of twilight an AU where Petra is an Eldian from Marley and is the War Hammer Titan

Anonymous asked:

Hi! When you said you finished Wings of Twilight do you mean completely or do you plan to continue the Wings series? Also, your writing is so amazing, I feel so engaged while reading SBSB and WOT. Levi and Petra’s interactions feel so genuine and true to character. And because of that their little moments together are so swoon worthy for me. So thank you 🥰

hi nonnie!! thank you so much for your kind words about my writing ahhhh 🥺 it means the world to me especially with how hard i’ve been finding time and motivation to write! i’m really glad you’re enjoying my fics! 💕💕

WOT is actually my favourite piece i’ve ever written and i’ll confess that it is finished for now. That being said, i intend to make the War Hammer Petra AU into a series called Wings. I’ve planned for it to have 3 parts, and the next instalment will be called The Wings of Dusk. And it will totally delve into the scouts learning more about Paradis and Marley and so on 👀 and some rivetra angst cos why not aafagajaka.

at this moment, i’m just trying to plod along for SBSB where i’ve already finished the outline of the next chapter (which is just an interlude for nice squad levi bonding and rivetra picnics) before everything crashes ans burns in the shiganshina arc hehehe


The fact that Petra openly cares for Levi’s wellbeing, despite his reputation and many titles, is one of the main reasons I ship them.

He’s Levi Ackerman, the infamous underground thug who turned into humanity’s strongest soldier, and she still worries about his safety.


Seeking Arrangement: Chapter 9, Baby

Rating: E

Summary: Canonverse. After her mother’s sudden death, Petra makes the tough decision to drop out of university even though she only has one semester left. With her family’s finances in shambles, Petra resigns herself to a life of working at her father’s vegetable stand even though she’s always had her heart set on graduating. But when an offer comes up to be a sugar baby for high-ranking military officers, she can’t refuse, and she prepares for the worst. She doesn’t expect Captain Levi of the Scouts to choose her and he isn’t prepared to fall in love.

[Or, the one where Levi is a sugar daddy and they both catch feelings. A Rivetra Valentine’s Day romcom]

Now playing: About You Now by Sugababes


“Care to explain what happened to the practice dummies?”
Levi stood at the other end of Erwin’s office, not bothering to close the door. “No,” he said, his voice cold and eyes grim.
“Or why your squad checked out the rest of their equipment in advance?”
Levi shrugged. “We tried a new formation, it used up more equipment. I’ll give them strength drills on Friday.”
Levi,” Erwin said dangerously. “Your squad is complaining about you.”
Damn Eld. He should’ve chosen Oluo as his number two, he would’ve kept his goddamn mouth shut.
“Really?” he feigned. “Brats don’t know their place.”
“They said your behavior is creating a hostile work environment.”

now accepting tips + commissions!

if you've ever wanted a Rivetra drabble from me, I am now opening commissions via ko-fi! more info can be found at the link, but please do not feel obligated to tip or commission me. it's just a way to say thank you 😘 if you have any questions, you can DM me on twitter or here! thank you all for your support!

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