
Danganronpa Trash


You know, Danganronpa :v

fun fact! google image search allows you to search for images that you are legally allowed to use for example as textures for your art or as assets for your blogs and websites

I keep forgetting that not everyone knows about this.


So i found out the other week that you could message spike chunsoft via facebook and they’d reply (found this from someone on tumblr forgot who it was tho soz), so I took the chance and let’s just say…

Things got spikey


Dia de Muertos

Hello guys today is Dia de los Muertos, so I want to share with you a very special MEXICAN movie that Metacube (mexican animation studio) is working on since 10 years ago, and offically registered since 2007. 

This movie is called literally “Dia de Muertos” and for you to know Disney Pixar had trouble with this in 2012-2013 when they started licensing Coco, because they wanted to use the same name as the mexican movie, that is why Pixar took longer to work on Coco. 

Now, I want you guys to support this mexican movie, because it is a Day of the Death movie made by MEXICAN PEOPLE IN MEXICO! 

I will LOVE you if you like their facebook page, check their teaser and images! I hope you can support them because here in Mexico, we dont have that advanced technology like in other countries and that is why artists here are subestimated. I hope you guys can support this company because I know they have been working really hard to give us this movie. 

Here is the link to their facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/diademuertosthemovie/?fref=ts

Please do support this movie, you have no idea how hard it is for a Mexican movie to be recognized, even in our own country. Many filmmakers and animators have an extremely hard time trying to create quality content just to have the doors shut on their face. Please support them I beg you. Make it easier for them and for all of us who want to become a part of the filmmaking industry without leaving our country. Bonus point: Help them educate people about our traditions, I am tired of seeing so many wrong and humiliating stereotypes about my beloved country. Thank you

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