
My Fandom Catcher


by Nana von Blödsinn

✨PDF release ✨

Hi everyone! It's been two years since this project finished and we'd like to share the PDF with you all as a christmas present for the villainess isekai community! Happy holidays and have fun reading!

Download here!


I had just back home after a trip and ANAN is now in my hand! I never had an interested in a magazine before so it’s kinda surprising how big the poster is (the magazine itself is A4 size) with 6 pages content and it’s so so great😭😭

p.s. MY ANAN ART ON PIN! Pls go check it💜

pss. on card are K and S!!


Truthfully, I don't think Gosho understands the meaning of making Kaishin cousins. What kind of family doesn't even know each others names. Like the fact that neither of the brothers felt the need to introduce them. Did they even introduced their wives, because till now all of interactions between family are related to Yukiko's apprenticeship under Toichi.

You can't tell Shinichi wouldn't have added 2+2 together. Also, this completely changes the dynamics of Shinichi being involved with BO. Because either thier family just became involved with another Big Bad Organisation or Yusakuu knew the Organisation after Shinichi but didn't give him all the information.

Ofcourse, that's not counting all the trauma they inflicted on Kaito with decisions. All Gosho has proved is that they (Yasakuu & Toichi, and some extent Chisaki & Yukiko) are NOT fit guardians At All.


fun idea to entertain that Shinichi has Kid by the chokehold(leash) and gets him to do (illegal) stuff for him


It's strange to think that Kaito is the only one in this story who shouldn't have anything to do with any of this. He's not like the other Gosho Boys, who always wanted to be a detective or also, he doesn't have a relative who works for the police. A normal boy with a normal life, who thought his father had died in an accident and tried to move on from it, but ends up discovering that he lived a lie for 8 years, that his father was an internationally wanted thief and was murdered when he refused to look for a precious stone.

So Kaito enters this world of police and criminal organizations just to find out who killed his father, prevent someone bad from finding Pandora and take revenge by helping the police capture the criminals. But even if he treats it like it's nothing, he's slowly breaking down, it's exhausting and progress is almost minimal. I'm looking forward to film 27 precisely because Kaito won't be as positive as always, he's reaching his limit...

Kaito knows that Pandora might actually just be a legend but he keeps searching for why his father 'died' because of this. He devises complex plans, constantly risks his life and handles everything alone. Shinichi got support, he has Heiji, Agasa, Haibara, his own parents and everyone who knows his secret identity but Kaito has no one but Jii, not even his mother helps him (even though she knows more things than him) quite the opposite, she rarely shows genuine support, barely talks to him and is always distant and beyond that (it seems) in the last episode of Magic Kaito 1412, it was she who disguised herself using Toichi's image to shake Kaito, no matter what kind of intention did she have... That was cruel.

He's already gotten too involved to give up and pretend that nothing happened, that he doesn't know any of this, it's complicated and Jii can't stop him from putting himself at risk. Kaito doesn't like stealing, he says that sometimes but he's someone who is very stubborn and unaware of the danger, when he gets it into his head that he has to solve all this, he won't stop until he succeeds.

And even though a lot of people hate him, he never lowers his head or stops helping, he helps the police, prevents people from dying and always tries to put a smile on someone's face regardless of who they are. It's ironic to think that this pervert is such a pure-hearted person, that he feels guilty for not being able to save someone who had tried to kill him moments before...


Okay.... Let's analyze what happened in dcmk these last few weeks. Obvious SPOLIERS will be commented so you know.

> Appearance of Aoko's mother in Magic Kaito.

Where was she all this time? Why did she never appear or even show a sign of life? She didn't even call her daughter on her birthday... She appears so oblivious to everything, she didn't even know who Kaitou Kid was since her husband has always been obsessed with trying to catch this thief for YEARS. It seems like Gosho just randomly placed her in the story without trying to connect with the canon, it's almost as if she was a character outside of her original manga.

> Film 27 and its breaks in logic and common sense.

After all these years, Gosho decided to go against everything he had already said and made the Kaishin to be cousins, not only ruining a unique relationship (whether you shipped or not) but also bringing plot holes and contradictions in the story. If they are cousins ​​what's the excuse for them never trying to even interact before? Why was it that when Yukiko first met Kaito, she never acted like she was related to her? The same with Toichi, she always talked about him as just her teacher and NOTHING more than that, it doesn't make sense to put that in the story now. Why did Kaito never even have support from his family? Not even showing up at Toichi's symbolic funeral? How come Yusaku never went to talk to his late brother's family, even if he knew the truth KAITO DIDN'T KNOW...

No one even considered his feelings...

> All the bullshit involving Kaishin.

The biggest problem for me about them being cousins ​​is not just because of the ship but because of all the history and construction they had. It's as if everything that's different about them is summed up in the simple fact that they're related. But Kaishin has always had something unique, something that Gosho himself defined as "a mysterious bond". Them not having the slightest type of relationship made everything so unique, a connection that only the two of them could have together, one would easily understand the other even though they were complete strangers. Now I feel like they want to throw that away.


Gosho had already said that Toichi was possibly alive but the confirmation brought me a wave of anger and contempt that I had never felt for any other dcmk character (even bo). Let's think about Kaito in this whole story:

• lost his father when he was just a child and is still traumatized by it today.

• for 8 FUCKING YEARS he discovers that his father's death was never an accident but a murder.

• His father was actually an internationally wanted thief who was after a precious stone capable of bringing immortality.

• he steps into his father's shoes as KID and decides to try to find out for himself what happened to his father, who killed him and why.

• now there is a criminal organization that thinks he is the KID who didn't really die and they are trying to kill him once and for all.

• he decides to put himself at risk looking for Pandora, being something belonging to the organization and the police themselves.

• a lot of people hate him, regardless of whether he hurts people or not.

• more and more he becomes more and more removed from everything and becomes burdened with the KID charade.

• his own mother doesn't care about him, on the contrary, it seems like she likes to make things even more difficult for her son (she disguised herself as her dead ex-husband just to screw with her son's head, that's sickening to say the least).

• everything Kaito does is because of his father's murder, he never wanted to be KID, he never liked stealing, he doesn't do any of that for pleasure (except when it involves a certain mini detective but that's not the focus now ).

• and in the end his father was ALIVE all this time, doing who knows what while his son was risking his life because of him... BRO...

This whole thing is insane. And not in a good way.

This. Just this


My contribution for this year @kaishinbigbang 🐳💕

Big thanks to @jodaneko, my partner in crime, who created the fantastic story for this piece ❤︎ (fic's link here~ (ˊo̴̶̷̤ ̫ o̴̶̷̤ˋ) ) it's my first time participating in online event like this and everyone is so friendly. It was such a lovely experience 🐳

//P.s Everyone's works are so good!!🥺 I love all of them 🥺❤️❤💕💕❤️ don't forget to check other's too!!!!

--there're some close up and sketches (a bit spoiler?) down this--


Wait so Toichi is ALIVE? WTF? somehow this is worse than the cousin thing. Like.

Everything Kaito did. His entire reason for being, his entire Personality is based on his fathers death.

He literally is only Kid because his dad died, he commits crimes and gets nearly killed and is in risk of going to prison for life because his dad died.

And now thats all... for nothing?

And Toichi is not only alive but perfectly fine letting his kid do that?



Some people might be unhappy about the cousins thing, some might be excited about it (me included).

But I think we can all agree on ONE thing.

Toichi is indeed alive and he sucks because of it.


toichi and yusaku definitely twinning as worst fathers of the year ngl but toichi might be winning cos how do you just disappear from your son's life, make him believe you're DEAD, and push the duty of kid on a whole teenager like DAMN maybe kudos are just as worse tho for basically abandoning their child alone as a teenager OOF BUT IDC I'LL MAKE THOSE COUSINS KISS AND BOND OVER PARENT TRAUMA YOU CANT STOP ME

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