
That One Asshole Cat (Bites)


He/They. Tired Catboy. I do bite. My pfp is me looking at some of the shit people post and thanking the stars for the block button. All my stuff is rebloggable. I'm not a fucking cop. I don't hesitate to block and blacklist tags, and I hope you do the same. I don't post or follow nsfw blogs and usually block them, but I don't condone harassment over stupid shit like that. I'm just here to scroll through fanart and occasionally journal my two note posts.

I need more mutuals/follows/friends that are deeply unhinged about their silly little fictional man but NOT in a sexy way. I do not care about his three sizes I do not CARE that he is your "babygirl" (I hate this trend so badly) shut UP about how sad and silly and femme you think he is.

I want to see one am posts about how he likes his mac n cheese.

I don't wanna see him dressed up in pretty pastels and putting on his best look for the world, I wanna see him lounging on the couch at three pm wearing a hoodie he got from the bargin bin.

He's not desirable or sexy or funny!! He doesn't have to be!! I just want more people obsessed with a little guy just bein a little dude. Casual masc. What's his favorite hoodie color? Does he use three in one shampoo? Give him an ugly yawn.

I want people who REALLY just rotate this dude in their head. He is peeking over your shoulder as you look into the fridge and criticizing your choices. He is playing my favorite video game and beating me. He is flopping face down in the bed with one sock on after a long day. He's a cat following you throughout the house- not to cuddle or because he loves you- just to sit there and judge your life decisions (him included). He knows how to make three origami things and randomly hands them to people when he's bored.


grabs your hand. you've had enough plot and exposition and character development lately im taking you to the beach episode


i hate art and being an artist and i'm stupid so this comic by buttpoems really speaks to me


helen “trans people are perpetuating gender steriotypes” joyce is now upset that the scientific american is writing about how women were hunters too back in the day, not just mothers and caretakers. feminist win!


Reading the article I see why TERFs are mad about it; it explicitly makes the distinction between gender as a social entity and sex as a biological category, and defines biological sex having multiple factors, both of which are anathema to TERF philosophy.

It also includes these fascinating paragraphs about the role of estrogen in different types of physical activity, directly debunking the widespread notion that estrogen is the weak human's hormone and only does weak human things:

Given the fitness world's persistent touting of the hormone testosterone for athletic success, you'd be forgiven for not knowing that estrogen, which females typically produce more of than males, plays an incredibly important role in athletic performance… The estrogen receptor—the protein that estrogen binds to in order to do its work—is deeply ancient. Joseph Thornton of the University of Chicago and his colleagues have estimated that it is around 1.2 billion to 600 million years old—roughly twice as old as the testosterone receptor. In addition to helping regulate the reproductive system, estrogen influences fine-motor control and memory, enhances the growth and development of neurons, and helps to prevent hardening of the arteries. Important for the purposes of this discussion, estrogen also improves fat metabolism. During exercise, estrogen seems to encourage the body to use stored fat for energy before stored carbohydrates. Fat contains more calories per gram than carbohydrates do, so it burns more slowly, which can delay fatigue during endurance activity. Not only does estrogen encourage fat burning, but it also promotes greater fat storage within muscles… which makes that fat's energy more readily available. Adiponectin, another hormone that is typically present in higher amounts in females than in males, further enhances fat metabolism while sparing carbohydrates for future use, and it protects muscle from breakdown. Anne Friedlander of Stanford University and her colleagues found that females use as much as 70 percent more fat for energy during exercise than males. Estrogen's ability to increase fat metabolism and regulate the body's response to the hormone insulin can help prevent muscle breakdown during intense exercise. Furthermore, estrogen appears to have a stabilizing effect on cell membranes that might otherwise rupture from acute stress brought on by heat and exercise. Ruptured cells release enzymes called creatine kinases, which can damage tissues… Linda Lamont of the University of Rhode Island and her colleagues, as well as Michael Riddell of York University in Canada and his colleagues, found that females experienced less muscle breakdown than males after the same bouts of exercise. Tellingly, in a separate study, Mazen J. Hamadeh of York University and his colleagues found that males supplemented with estrogen suffered less muscle breakdown during cycling than those who didn't receive estrogen supplements.

The article also talks about sexual dimorphism in different species, concluding that "Modern humans have low sexual dimorphism compared with the other great apes," and that overemphasis on averages obscures the wide dispersal of individual traits, which is what I keep saying.


I like the expression new-fangled. I don't know what it means for something to be fangled, but I sure as hell know it was recent


It’s from the Old English word feng, which can mean “to take”, or also “to grasp, hold, or embrace”. So something that’s newfangled is something that was taken up recently.

The reason it’s using this pretty archaic root is that it’s an older word than a lot of people think. Here it is in the Canterbury Tales.

Minutes after posting: "Why did I write archaic when I could have gone with old-fangled?"

Reblog to fangle this post


One time I had a dream that I got shot in the arm and the pain was so vivid and intense it lasted well after the dream. I swore I could feel the spiral of the bullet ripping at my flesh and muscle. My first thought in the dream was "Wow, now I can finally write what getting shot feels like!"

So anyways, yeah I wanna see if that dream was right.


This opening fight is so fun. Every character has the showiest possible entrance. Lio doing whatever the hell that move is with the sword. Galo deciding "fuck it gonna just shoot this guy in the face". The blatant flirting.


it literally drives me insane that so many companies refuse to send rejection emails like it’s disgraceful tbh. you put so much time and effort into putting together an application and they can’t even be bothered tell you via some measly automated message that you didn’t get the job. you’re expected to just infer


artists, this is ur reminder to start drawing references or redesign your original characters before artfight in july this year

every time it comes up i see a wave of people rushing to update their references and it would avoid a lot of stress to start early!!


I know adverbs are controversial, but "said softly" means something different than "whispered" and this is the hill I will die on.


an acquaintance told me i had the subtle guardedness of someone who “learned social skills the hard way” and i’d honestly have much preferred they took out a gun and shot me


the urge to make ocs of a god and their special little mortal (soldier? priest? jester?) so i can put them in situations (healthy relationship) (ritual sacrifice)

Not with that attitude

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