
The House of Barton

@jrbarton / jrbarton.tumblr.com

A.k.a. Hawkeye's Nest

Top 5 Renner movies and Top 5 MCU Hawkeye scenes :)


Top 5 Renner movies:

5. Mission Impossible 4

4. The Hurt Locker

3. Bourne Legacy


1. Hansel and Gretel (yes, Jeremy in that goddamn leather coat will be my death one day :D )

No, there’s no Marvel movie in the top 5. I absolutely love that Jeremy is Clint but they just don’t let him be Clint most of the time in the movies .

And my top 5 MCU Hawkeye scenes:

5. “I need a distraction... and an eyeball.” (because - goddamn - was that cool when he opened his bow and looked at Loki)

4. ”Yeah. No, I'm good. I'm good Arrow Guy. Let's go, let's go!” (oh my, have you seen that look on his face? All professional, all cool and he goddamn knows that he’s good :D)  

3. “Nobody would know. Nobody...” (hehe, I laughed so hard, it was simply perfect and Clint-y, just the way it should’ve been in all the  movies)

2.  “Don’t give me hope.” (poor baby, lost everything and all the bad people were allowed to live and still do bad things to other people and then Natasha was there and that look in his eyes, so full of pain and now I start to cry again...)         

1. “ No. No, please, no.” - “It’s okay.” - “Nat!” (so briliiant, so heartbreaking!!)


Hawkeye is my favorite , he changed my life after I madly in love with him

He teaches me to become a better person even you are just a ordinary human with no superpower.

 He is so important for me, and I hope that people can be more appreciate him. 


Clint Barton lost his entire family in the Snap. Because if there was even just one of them left alive, he would be with them. Laura, Cooper, Lila… baby Nathaniel. They all disintegrated right before his eyes. He lost his entire family to a fight that he wasn’t even in, his worst nightmare. 

Clint Barton has done everything he can to distance himself from his old life. Hawkeye is dead. His bow lies broken back on the abandoned farm. He cut off all contact with the other Avengers. 

Ronin is brutal, cruel and heartless. Ronin has his own definition of justice. He is judge, jury and executioner. He is everything he would have been without his family to ground him. 

In this scene, as Natasha quietly calls out, “Clint?” it’s the first time he has heard that name in years. 


Ouch... #Ronin #Endgame #Endgamewillbethedeathofme


Be still my racing heart, for your Ronin is here 💖


I really enjoyed WCA #3.

Phil: If it’s a concussion, you have to keep him conscious. Ask him questions.
Natasha: Barton, what’s seven times seven?
Phil: Stuff he knows!
Sitwell: Everyone has called me ‘Agent Shitwell’ all day. I think Agent Barton paid them to.
Clint, later: Yep, I paid them five dollars each. Totally worth it.



i dont get why people are arguing over whose fave is gonna die in avengers 4.. bitch its the last og avengers movie and the end of an era we’re all gonna cry when its over anyways


Yep, it's gonna hurt like he'll 😢

Natasha: You know this guy?
Phil: So do you. He tried to kill you.
Clint: Doesn’t narrow it down much.
Phil: As in, more than once.
Natasha: You’re going to have to be more specific.
Phil: Three years ago.
Natasha: More specific.
Phil: In the summer.
Clint: More specific.

i’m gonna call this done cos i don’t really want to colour it any further than this? idk what do you guys think?

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