
Hannibal's Kitchen



There are so many unintended consequences to well-intentioned actions. It feels like a game you can’t win.


                                    I’m going to tell you something.                        The most important thing that you will ever hear.


Victorian Bushfire Appeal WIRES-Emergency Fund for Wildlife Pics That Sum Up The Hell On Earth That Is Taking Place In Australia.

Help Thirsty Koalas Devastated by Recent Fires :

Mogo Zoo Fire Recovery

WIRES-Emergency Fund for Wildlife

Victorian Bushfire Appeal


Verger Lapel Pin Funded!

Thank you everyone who has backed my Kickstarter thus far. We are funded and moving towards our first stretch goal, which is a humorous themed lip balm for each donor at the $12 and up levels, once we reach $750. We are sooo close!

I have heard some concern from overseas Fannibals regarding shipping. I can't do much about the cost but... If you are attending RDC6, you can ask to have it shipped to one of your American Fannibal friends, who can then bring it to RDC6. Given our production schedule that should be do-able.

So again, thank you so much for your support!


Verger Lapel Pin, via @Kickstarter https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/680331590/verger-lapel-pin?ref=android_project_share

My first Kickstarter! A lapel pin of the branding iron Mason used on Hannibal.


This horse looks like Hannibal 

Seriously tho.

Okay, fine, you win. That is Hannibal Lecter As A Horse. Sad Cannibal Whinnies. Someone go find Horse!Will for me now, please.

Season One Will Horse. 


I’ve got season two Will Horse sorted out.


Season 3: (X)

Cliff scene. 

Post final:

It’s canon - confirmed by the actors and everything:

I’m screaming!!!! 😂😂😂

From the tags:


I. Love. This. Fandom.

Just to …. underline the previous (crack?) post.

Ahem. For those who do not know „Horsibal“ yet.


BRB dying 🐎🐎🐎

Horsibal! 🤣🤣🤣


the statue in the bottom right is Le génie du mal, carved by guillame geefs to replace a different lucifer (known as either Le génie du mal or L’ange du mal) carved by his younger brother. why did joseph geefs’ lucifer get removed from the cathedral? it was too sexy. the statue was too sexy by far.

st. paul’s cathedral in liége went from one lucifer, whom they called ‘too sublime’ and removed because he was distracting ‘pretty penitent girls,’ to another lucifer, who they’ve left there for 170 years even though he’s so hot that satanists visit the cathedral to meditate in the presence of this Most Sexy Of Lucifers

here’s how i imagine that went down.

liege cathedral: hmm. you know what we need? a nice satan for our church. let’s ask joey geefs

joseph geefs: sculpts this

liege cathedral: no!! too hot!! now we all want to fuck lucifer! we need a different satan. let’s ask… the sexy lucifer sculptor’s BROTHER. yes. willy geefs is older so he definitely doesn’t want to fuck lucifer

guillaume geefs, who DOES want to fuck lucifer, and the only sign of his being older than his brother is that the lucifer he wants to fuck is somewhat older: sculpts this

liege cathedral: shit. well we don’t have any more money for lucifers so i guess we’ll keep this sexy lucifer

mlm, straight girls, and satanists in the vicinity of liege: NICE

Too funny. And yeah, totally hot.

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