
Remus Lupin

@maturemarauder / maturemarauder.tumblr.com

Independent roleplay blog for Remus Lupin from the Harry Potter series.

Reblog if you're part of the hp rp community

Ok y'all so I’m making it an objective to follow every hp RPer, so reblogging this post would be lovely if you could


Hello world, 

This is a brand new rp blog for Hugo Granger-Weasley. 

He’s largely headcanon based. 

Come love him. Pls. 

Guys, go follow my new muse

he’s adorable


[overheard in the gryffindor common room nearly on a daily basis]

Remus: whoa. Look, I don’t know what the hell you think you’re gonna do.
Sirius: Well then, that makes two of us

James: How’s the most beautiful person in the world doing?

Lily: He’s doing great.

James and Lily: *both gazing fondly at Remus*


Awkward Valentine's Day/Date Starters

  • “So…I can’t afford Netflix, but we can Redbox and chill if you want?”
  • “Roses were sold out everywhere, so I got you a bucket of chicken instead.”
  • “The date was great! Well … until we got to his apartment where his dog kept trying to hump me.”
  • “Every year I tell you the same thing; I don’t like white chocolate!!”
  • “Not only did he take me to McDonalds for Valentine’s, he used coupons to pay for it.”
  • “All the stores were sold out of condoms…”
  • “I think there was something wrong with the food because I don’t feel so good.”
  • “We need to cut this date short because I’m going to shit myself.”
  • “PLEASE tell me your credit card did NOT just get declined.”
  • “What do you mean you’re in labor, the baby’s not due for another month and these tickets weren’t cheap!!”
  • “Did you get any of those rose petals stuck between your ass cheeks?”
  • “Are you okay?! I swear I didn’t mean to pop the cork into your face!”
  • “He not only showed up to our date wasted, but broke a $200 bottle of champagne over his head.”
  • “So not exactly the surprise you were hoping for, but we’re having a baby.”
  • “There weren’t any nuts in those chocolates were there?”
  • “I think I’d rather have been home alone with a pint of ice cream than to have come out on this date with you tonight.”
  • “I’m sorry my overwhelming libido put you in the hospital.”
  • “I’m sorry, I can’t help it; I’m lactose intolerant.”
  • “I can’t drink any champagne because … I might be pregnant.”
  • “He asked if he could ‘lick my pussy’ and I told him I didn’t have a cat.”
  • “Quick, call 911; the stove’s on fire.”
  • “Wait, if you don’t have a car, how are you taking me out then?”
  • “I don’t think drizzling chocolate on the bed was a very good idea … ”
  • “I’d kiss you but there were red onions in my dish … ”
  • “Either I’ve got food poisoning or the baby’s coming.”
  • “I wanted to propose to you tonight but I think our waitress … kinda stole the ring.”
  • “I know spending Valentine’s in the hospital isn’t very romantic, but I can’t tell you how happy I am that you stayed.”
  • “So, um, I don’t think we can have sex tonight. I just got my period.”
  • “If you’re going to fart in my car, at least give me a warning next time.”
  • “My/Your dress totally ripped up the back and now my/your ass is hanging out.”
  • “We weren’t even ten minutes into our date before he pulled his dick out and started jerking it under the table!!”
  • “I don’t mean to be rude, but did you brush your teeth with garlic or something?! The smell is overwhelming.”
  • “Not only was he/she late to our Skype date, but I could see his/her side guy/chick in his/her bed in the background!”
  • “Well, being handcuffed and arrested certainly made the date exciting.”
  • “No, we’re going to have to cancel our reservations, I can’t find a sitter.”
  • “Even though I peed myself in the middle of our date, we still had a good time.”
  • “Well, I had bought you a really nice Valentine’s gift, but one of the kids thought it’d be funny to flush it down the toilet.”
  • “I’m the master of the microwave.”
  • “Oh. Um, they must have mixed up our plates. That ring isn’t for you.”
  • “I was so nervous for the date, I forgot to put deodorant on. That might be why they haven’t called me in a few days.”
  • “If you’re expecting an engagement ring tonight, then I’ve got bad news for you.”
  • “He tied me to the bed, told me to call him daddy, and next thing I know, he’s face down between my legs, snoring.”

“I wanna ask you to dance right here. In the middle of the parking lot.”


Remus stopped walking and turned to look at Tonks, a faint smile taking form on his face. There was no one else around, and while he would have saved the dancing for when music was playing it cost him nothing to humor her. And so he bowed and reached out a hand to her, “dance with me then” 


Slam Poet AU things:

Remus always has a pen on him, on the rare occasion that he doesn’t he will be very distressed about it. 

If he doesn’t have a notebook on him receipts, napkins or whatever else he has available serve as a temporary space for ideas or memorable lines he comes up with. 

He frequently has ink or graphite stains on his hands. 

He prefers writing by hand, as it feels more real than on a computer. 

He performs at any open mic he can come across. 


RULES: answer 20 questions + tag 20 10 some of your followers you’d like to know better.

NAME: Cas NICKNAME: I mean Cas is a nickname because I don’t use my real name online, so SIGN: Aquarius HEIGHT: Idek, about 1.65 maybe?  NATIONALITY: Norwegian ORIENTATION: I don’t know and I’m not in a hurry to find out FAVOURITE FRUIT: strawberries, but only when they’re really good. Mango is great too FAVOURITE SEASON: Idk, sometimes fall, sometimes spring FAVOURITE FLOWER(S): I don’t have one FAVOURITE SCENT(S): chocolate, old books, new books, rain (but not like when you also get that snaily smell), sheep FAVOURITE BOOK(S): A spot of bother FAVOURITE COLOUR(S): Green and blue FAVOURITE ANIMAL: Dog  COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Hot chocolate AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: Nowhere near enough or way too many CATS OR DOGS: Dogs, but cats are great too NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH: As many as possible DREAM TRIP: Ireland, again.  BLOG CREATED: 2017 NUMBER OF FOLLOWERS: 118


Call this an experiment. Reblog if you have OCs that you adore

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